From fundamental physics point of view, iron-based superconductors have properties that are more amenable to band structural calculations. This book reviews the progress made in this fascinating field
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) has been a fundamental player in the studies of superconducting materials for many decades. This local probe technique allows for the study of the static electronic pr
This book combines highly accurate optical spectroscopy data on the recently discovered iron-based high-temperature superconductors with an incisive theoretical analysis.
This volume presents an in-depth review of experimental and theoretical studies on the newly discovered Fe-based superconductors. Following the Introduction, which places iron-based superconductors in
This book covers different aspects of the physics of iron-based superconductors ranging from the theoretical, the numerical and computational to the experimental ones. It starts from the basic theory
In this book the author presents two important findings revealed by high-precision magnetic penetration depth measurements in iron-based superconductors which exhibit high-transition temperature super
This book presents an overview of material-specific factors that influence Tc and give rise to diverse Tc values for copper oxides and iron-based high- Tc superconductors on the basis of more than 25