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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:畢可思  出版社:麥田  出版日:2023/11/02 裝訂:平裝
乘風破浪來到中國的英國商人如何參與十九世紀帝國衝突的零和遊戲作者使用未曾與世人見面的太古集團檔案,為這間公司撰寫它度過動蕩不安中國近代史兩百年的迷人故事。民族崛起,帝國衰落,而太古集團這艘船航行穿越風暴。這是英國史和中國史一流史家的上乘之作。──史蒂芬.普拉特(Stephen R. Platt),美國阿姆赫斯特麻塞諸塞大學歷史系教授,著有《帝國暮色》(Imperial Twilight)畢可思把英國在中國的歷史寫得無可匹敵。在《綁定中國》,他講述一段橫跨兩百年動蕩歷史的非凡故事,關於一個來自利物浦的家族企業如何把自己變成亞洲的一部分。這是家庭的故事,帝國的故事,也是關係網的故事。──香港大學歷史系教授高馬可(John M. Carroll),著有《帝國夾縫中的香港》(Edge of Empires Chinese Elites and British Colonials in Hong Kong)這是亞洲其中一間重要英國公司的故事。但這個故事的意義遠不止於此——它包羅萬象的內容包含關於帝國如何形成,在鼎盛時期運作,然後被迫重塑自身。畢可思使用各式素材,其中許多是學者們從未見過的史料,他講述太古在亞洲創造新的貿易路線和商業關係,還有亞洲接著也被帝國商業塑造,然後面對戰爭和一九四九年中國共產主義革命的影響。這是一部強而有力又重要的歷史,將在英國與亞洲關係走上全新且不可預測的變化之際留下印記,其敘事風格和活力就連最鋌而走險的大班都會滿意。──芮納.米德(Rana Mitter),著有《中國的抗日戰爭,1937-1945》(China’s War with Japan, 1937-1945: The Struggle for Survival) 一個西方家族商行——也是擁有諸多商行的家族——如何在亞洲生存並蓬勃發展兩個多世紀?一間開路先鋒般的私人企業如何巡航穿越現代中國的戰爭、革命和改革開放?畢可斯把這個太古集團的故事講得精彩絕倫。這本書有很多身分:這是一本讀起來像小說的權威商業史。這是一部帝國衝突與競爭的大戲。這是關於商業創造我們今天生活的現代世界及其機構的故事。從商業的角度來看,這是一段中國和香港的迷人歷史。這本書適合研究現代中國及其外交關係的讀者,以及今天在中國做生意的人。這段歷史有很多教訓值得今人汲取。──柯偉林(William C. Kirby),哈佛大
定價:780 元, 優惠價:9 702
TAIWAN:A History of Agonies(Revised and Enlarged Edition)
作者:ONG Iok-tek(王育德)-著; ONG Meiri(王明理)-編著  出版社:前衛  出版日:2021/12/13 裝訂:精裝
“Taiwan is not China.The Taiwanese are not the Chinese.Taiwan should be ruled by Taiwanese themselves.”This long-awaited English version will be the foundation stone on which for the peoples of the world will deepen their understanding of the Taiwan affairs and the Taiwan-China relations.The US Presidential election having turned out as it did, the world is watching Taiwan closer and harder than ever before - now what happens to Taiwan?Taiwan is no part of China. Taiwanese are not Chinese. This book tells just that.The author, Ong Iok-tek, also a linguist, wrote this book while in exile in Japan to let the world know the truth of the history of Taiwan. Ardently read and reread over half a century since its publication, this book has come to claim its due status as the most authentic historical account of Taiwan that has affected many a Taiwanese. It goes and proves then that this book so vividly portrays the realty of Taiwan based strictly on nothing but scientific, objective truths.Ch
定價:500 元, 優惠價:9 450
China's Quest for Military Supremacy
作者:Joel Wuthnow; Phillip Saunders  出版社:John Wiley and Sons Ltd  出版日:2025/01/10 裝訂:平裝
China's military has entered a new era. It has acquired modern weapons to rival the world’s finest, undergone a massive restructuring under Xi Jinping, and been on the frontlines of territorial disputes with Japan, India, Vietnam, and the Philippines. It is readying forces to be able to seize Taiwan sometime in the next decade.It aims to be a "world-class" military on par with the United States. China's Quest for Military Supremacy provides a broad and accessible exploration of Chinese military power, including relations between the Chinese Communist Party and its army, the strategic worldview of Chinese leaders, military strategy and resourcing, conventional and nuclear modernization, military diplomacy and coercion, preparations for war, and the People's Liberation Army’s emerging global role. It also identifies the challenges facing China’s military and shows how its focus on supremacy in the region means that it is not yet prepared to fight with the same lethality beyond Asia.Diffe
定價:1099 元, 優惠價:9 989
作者:馬厄利爾.詹遜(Marius B. Jansen)  出版社:香港商務印書館  出版日:2016/06/24 裝訂:平裝
透過人物講故事,告訴你日本人世界觀的轉變 三個歷史人物:杉田玄白、久米邦武、松本重治 三個重要時期:德川中期、幕末明治初期、戰後昭和期 帶你看日本兩百年來如何重新認識世界、如何給自己定位 馬厄利爾.詹遜(Marius B. Jansen)向來被視為日本史的權威學者,他在這本書結合他於七十年代年在普吉得海灣大學(University of Puget Sound)的一系列“布朗與哈利講
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
作者:Donald M. Seekins  出版社:Univ of Hawaii Pr  出版日:2007/04/30 裝訂:平裝
Modern Myanmar/Burma is very much a creation of World War II, when the British colony was occupied by the Japanese, and its immediate aftermath. These years saw the rise of Aung San and his assassinat
作者:Katsushi Sakai  出版社:Brill Academic Pub  出版日:2006/12/30 裝訂:精裝
Its 156 species are found in Japan, Madagascar, Nigeria, Taiwan, Cameroon, France, Costa Rica, Mexico, and most points between, and through long years of study it has been found that the family Upogeb
This edited collection analyzes relations between Russia and the states of Northeast Asia from the mid-nineteenth century to the end of World War II. The contributors examine various historical, cultu
作者:Sayaka Chatani  出版社:Cornell Univ Pr  出版日:2018/12/15 裝訂:精裝
By the end of World War II, hundreds of thousands of young men in the Japanese colonies, in particular Taiwan and Korea, had expressed their loyalty to the empire by volunteering to join the army. Why
定價:3717 元, 優惠價:1 3717
This edited collection analyzes relations between Russia and the states of Northeast Asia from the mid-nineteenth century to the end of World War II. The contributors examine various historical, cultu
定價:3059 元, 優惠價:1 3059
作者:Michal Kolmas  出版社:Routledge  出版日:2018/10/05 裝訂:精裝
Over the course of the twentieth century, Japan has experienced a radical shift in its self-perception. After World War II, Japan embraced a peaceful and anti-militarist identity, which was based on i
Japan and the Shackles of the Past
作者:R. Taggart Murphy  出版社:Oxford Univ Press USA  出版日:2014/12/01 裝訂:精裝
Though Japan's trend-setting pop culture often attracts the attention of the international community, the state of its economy and political sphere has not been on the mind of the world for decades. A
定價:1292 元, 優惠價:9 1163
Japan and the Shackles of the Past
作者:R. Taggart Murphy  出版社:Oxford Univ Pr  出版日:2016/11/01 裝訂:平裝
Japan is one of the world's wealthiest and most technologically advanced nations, and its rapid ascent to global power status after 1853 remains one of the most remarkable stories in modern world hist
定價:1260 元, 優惠價:9 1134
作者:Karen Miller (EDT)  出版社:Greenhaven Pr  出版日:2009/02/20 裝訂:平裝
Presents articles both opposing and supporting issues related to the political, social, and economic role of Japan in relation to the rest of the world, including its population growth, women's rights
定價:2028 元, 優惠價:1 2028
作者:Allen Hockley; Koryusai Isoda  出版社:Univ of Washington Pr  出版日:2003/03/01 裝訂:精裝
The ukiyo-e artist Isoda Koryusai produced thousands of designs between 1769 and 1781, a crucial period in the evolution of the print tradition, and was honored with the imperial title of hokkyo, yet
The Japan/America Film Wars: World War II Propaganda and Its Cultural Contexts
作者:Abé Mark Nornes(EDI)  出版社:Routledge  出版日:2023/06/15 裝訂:平裝
定價:2025 元, 優惠價:9 1823
作者:Nornes; Abe Mark; Yukio; Fukushima  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2021/10/15 裝訂:精裝
Differential Geometry of Submanifolds and Its Related Topics ─ Proceedings of the International Workshop in Honor of S. Maeda's 60th Birthday, Saga University, Saga, Japan, 4-6 August 2012
作者:Sadahiro Maeda (EDT); Yoshihiro Ohnita (EDT); Qing-ming Cheng (EDT)  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2013/12/21 裝訂:精裝
This volume is a compilation of papers presented at the conference on differential geometry, in particular, minimal surfaces, real hypersurfaces of a non-flat complex space form, submanifolds of symme
定價:4352 元, 優惠價:9 3917
作者:Guibourg Delamotte (EDT)  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2017/11/22 裝訂:精裝
Since the end of the 1960s, Japan’s power in the world has largely been linked to its economic successes, while it has pursued a decidedly pacifist post-war foreign policy. Recently, however, there ha
Operation Storm—Japan's Top Secret Submarines and Its Plan to Change the Course of World War II
作者:John Geoghegan  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2013/03/19 裝訂:精裝
In 1941, the architects of Japan’s sneak attack on Pearl Harbor planned a bold follow-up: a potentially devastating air raid—this time against New York City and Washington, DC. The classified Japanese
定價:1064 元, 優惠價:79 841
Operation Storm ─ Japan's Top Secret Submarines and Its Plan to Change the Course of World War II
作者:John Geoghegan  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2014/03/18 裝訂:平裝
Discusses the top-secret Japanese submarine project in World War II, creating submarines designed to work as underwater aircraft carriers, and the planned attack on U.S. cities that could have changed
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
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