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作者:泰‧凱勒-著; 羅亞琪-譯  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2023/08/23 裝訂:平裝
2022年出版者週刊最佳青少年選書★入選第85梯次「好書大家讀」 文學讀物A組★ 友誼、霸凌及宇宙中的一切 以科幻情節包裹對人際關係的嚮往 原先平凡而普通的主角瑪洛麗,因為與受歡迎的蕾根交上朋友,才明白校園的生存守則:「融入是生存的必要條件!」她原以為每個人最終都會熟稔這套法則,沒想到剛轉來的珍妮完全不在意這件事。 珍妮不在乎學校的階級秩序,她像是活在一個巨大的泡泡中,隔絕一切人事物,一心一意只為找到外星人的下落,即便是宇宙的規則也無法束縛她。 某天珍妮突然失蹤,瑪洛麗試圖透過珍妮的宇宙指南,抽絲剝繭其中的線索,試圖找出同學的下落。但珍妮失蹤的真相到底是什麼?瑪洛麗企圖掩蓋的「那件事」又是什麼?她最終能否勇敢面對自己的恐懼,尋回珍妮,挽救一條即將墜落的生命? 隨著逐漸接近珍妮離開的理由 瑪洛麗也必須面對自己內心的真相 校園、小鎮,沒有人是局外人 泰.凱勒通過這個富有洞察力的故事照亮了天空,故事氛圍懸疑又緊湊,探討了友誼的變遷、霸凌的道德責任以及我們每個人都擁有的影響和改變他人的力量。在宇宙中沒有人是真正孤單的。作者對於人物的心裡刻劃寫實而深入,建構出一幅殘酷卻又真實的校園生活場景,將能深深引發讀者的共鳴與嘆息。 國際好評 ★獲Amazon編輯精選 9-12 歲當月好書 ★Goodreads 4.3顆星 ★凱勒以主角脆弱的第一人稱敘述,交替過去和現在,敏感細膩地描述了如同過山車一般,在社交規則、做自己和接受自身缺陷的情緒。——《出版者週刊》 ★藉由失蹤的珍妮,也就是將受害者設定為小說的敘事背景,凱勒把故事的焦點聚焦於主角梅洛莉和她的夥伴,將霸凌的責任 (與可能的救贖) 交還給它們所屬的地方。——《童書中心月報星級書評》 ★融合科幻、懸疑的冒險故事,將吸引廣大的讀者歡迎,極力推薦給所有圖書館的書架。——《學校圖書館週刊星級書評》 ★以迷人的視角切入霸凌議題及其後果。——《柯克斯星級書評》 ★我超愛這個故事!泰.凱勒絕佳的文筆令我深深著迷。她筆下的人物個個鮮明立體,性格上的不完美,能立即讓人激起共鳴。她讓我開始思考,究竟何者才是最神祕難解的謎團,是那些外星生命?還是柔美幽微又時而令人心碎的友情?——《奇蹟男孩》作者 R‧J‧帕拉秋
庫存 > 10
定價:370 元, 優惠價:79 292
Jennifer Chan Is Not Alone (Publishers Weekly Best Books 2022)
作者:Tae Keller  出版社:Random House US  出版日:2022/04/26 裝訂:平裝
在人人都亟欲融入、唯恐被視為異類的中學時期,只有Jennifer似乎無懼自己的不同。憑藉留下的線索,Mallory想找出她的的去向和消失的原因,然而越接近真相,越讓Mallory不得不正視自己的內心。紐伯瑞獎作家Tae Keller關於友誼、反省與歸屬的全新故事。From the New York Times bestselling author of the Newbery Award winning novel When You Trap A Tiger comes a story about the quest to find a girl who goes missing after admitting she believes in aliens. Sometimes middle school can make you feel like you're totally alone in the universe...but what if we aren't alone at all?Mallory doesn't know how she feels about the new girl, Jennifer Chan. Jennifer speaks her mind, believes in aliens, and embraces what makes her different, when all Mallory wants is to fit in. That's why Mallory has her friends Reagan and Tess. They might not be the nicest girls, but they know exactly how middle school works. But when Jennifer goes missing, Mallory is pretty sure it's all her fault. The Incident wasn't her idea, but Mallory didn't try to stop the bullying either. The adults say Jennifer has run away before
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Jennifer Chan Is Not Alone (Publishers Weekly Best Books 2022)
作者:Tae Keller  出版社:YEARLING  出版日:2023/05/02 裝訂:平裝
In her first novel since winning the Newbery Medal for When You Trap a Tiger, Tae Keller offers a gripping and emotional story about friendship, bullying, and the possiblity that there's more in the universe than just us.Sometimes middle school can make you feel like you're totally alone in the universe . . . but what if we aren't alone at all?Thanks to her best friend, Reagan, Mallory Moss knows the rules of middle school. The most important one? You have to fit in to survive. But then Jennifer Chan moves in across the street, and that rule doesn’t seem to apply. Jennifer doesn’t care about the laws of middle school, or the laws of the universe. She believes in aliens—and she thinks she can find them.Then Jennifer goes missing. Using clues from Jennifer’s journals, Mallory goes searching. But the closer she gets to answers, the more Mallory has to confront why Jennifer might have run . . . and face the truth within herself.Tae Keller lights up the sky with this insightful story about
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Jennifer Chan Is Not Alone (Publishers Weekly Best Books 2022)
作者:Tae Keller  出版社:Random House  出版日:2022/04/26 裝訂:精裝
In her first novel since winning the Newbery Medal for When You Trap a Tiger, Tae Keller offers a gripping and emotional story about a girl who is alienated by her friends . . . for believing in aliens. Sometimes middle school can make you feel like you're totally alone in the universe...but what if we aren't alone at all? Thanks to her best friend, Reagan, Mallory Moss knows the rules of middle school. The most important one? You have to fit in to survive. But then Jennifer Chan moves in across the street, and that rule doesn't seem to apply. Jennifer doesn't care about the laws of middle school, or the laws of the universe. She believes in aliens--and she thinks she can find them.Then Jennifer goes missing. Using clues from Jennifer's journals, Mallory goes searching. But the closer she gets, the more Mallory has to confront why Jennifer might have run . . . and face the truth within herself.Tae Keller lights up the sky with this insightful story about shifting friendships, right and
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540



