Have you ever wondered what Santa did before he was Santa? When Santa was young and needed a job, no one was looking for a man in a red suit to deliver gifts on Christmas. So Santa tried just about e
這是一本寫給所有工作狂和控制狂的書:你熱愛工作和生活,日常節奏總是安排得十分緊湊。你追求高效率、高產出、高成就感,往往十分投入,到了忘記吃飯或規律運動的程度。以前,你付出120分,得到80分。從今年起,學會付出80分,獲得120分的滿足感。用對身心更有益、更善待自己的方式,追求工作與人生的卓越!搖滾歌手艾拉妮絲・莫莉塞特、女權先鋒葛羅莉亞・史坦能誠摯推薦◎你習慣性加班,夜以繼日,甚至週末、休假都會找工作來做?◎你總是想要掌控他人和情況,追求完美,拒絕把事情交給別人,害怕結果不如你的預期?◎你非常挑惕,少有人達到你的標準,就連你也難逃自己的毒舌抨擊?◎你很容易產生負面想法,當事情沒有按照計畫或設想的走時,你總是歸咎他人?◎請你想一想,你用工作成癮和控制欲,在隱藏什麼問題?本書作者布萊恩.E.羅賓森博士為執業逾25年的心理治療師,也是北卡羅萊納大學夏洛特分校榮譽退休教授,《今日心理學》(Psychology Today)雜誌「正確心態」(The Right Mindset)部落格版主,著作等身,寫了超過四十本書,本身就是不分晝夜高產出工作狂的代表。羅賓森博士從小就不喜歡放假,聖誕假期要是老師忘了指派功課,他肯定是班上那個舉手提醒老師的人。到了中學的聖誕季期間,他一手編導、製作教會的聖誕公演,還主演了約瑟的角色。一手張羅「每一件事」,讓他獲得主控感,那是他混亂的原生家庭所不能給他的。在他家,父母吵架、打壞家具,是日常上演的家庭劇。成人之後,工作成癮的問題之於羅賓森博士,就像酒精成癮的問題之於他父親。每年暑假要外出度假之前,他的另一半傑米必須仔細檢查行李,沒收他可能偷帶、打算在度假期間完成的工作,但每次他還是會偷渡成功。他的工作成癮到了什麼地步?在他父親告別式當日,他在40公里之外的大學辦公室,做著一件不重要到連想都想不起來的專案。★★你感覺這種情況對你並不陌生,你能夠體會他的感受?你有什麼類似的問題,你在逃避或隱藏什麼?羅賓森博士將全書劃分成12個月,每個月列出二十餘條鬆綁自己的小提醒,結合冥想與正念的技巧,提出全新生活提案。每天練習5分鐘,療癒你從童年時代或許就有的心理創傷,學會聚焦於當下、自我接納,達到身心和工作與生活的平衡。你當然還是可以努力投入於工作、追求高成就,但是以對身心更健康、更善待自己的方式,從今年開始,打破惡性循環,展開更美好的人生體驗。▍ 一個心理治療
The Academic Job Search Handbook is the comprehensive guide to finding a faculty position in any discipline. Building on the groundbreaking success and unique offerings of earlier volumes, the fifth e
The rules for finding professional work once seemed clear and unwavering: capture career highlights in a resume, practice answers to standard interview questions, and do lots of face-to-face networking. Cracking the New Job Market shows how these rules have changed and delivers new job-hunting strategies that actually work. The key, rather than to emphasize past accomplishments, is to sell your self on the value you can create for an employer. This new approach to getting hired requires new skills. Author R. Willam Holland, a human resources insider, shows job seekers how to: * Gather information on what a prospective employer finds important * Emphasize those skills, accom plish ments, and qualities in tailored resumes and interview answers * Identify the intersection between personal talents and what the marketplace needs * Unlock the networking power of social media * Negotiate the best possible offer Enlightening and practical, this myth-busting book delivers seven powerful rules f