The relationship between brand communication and brand citizenship behaior: Mediating role of brand self-efficacy in multilevel modelsExamining ethical leadership's effectiveness by a dual-path approach
The link between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in Taiwan:A non-linear approachCognitive complexity, stylistic innovation and performance: A preliminary study of small taiwanese design firmsA bibliometric analysis on emerging technology research and development
Will leadership styles lead enterprises toward green marketing orientation? Exploring consumer's sharing-economy green innovation adoption behavior: the GoShare example in Taiwan
Using modified Delphi method to explore the key success factors of enterprise service volunteer groups: A case study of SME Honorary Instructors Association Exploring the impact of Martech on marketing strategy Exploring the impact of Martech on marketing strategy
Using internal carbon pricing to address climate risks challenge-The case of Taiwanese enterprisesThe long-run abnormal returns and the subsequent SEO characteristcs of profit-exempted IPO firms in TaiwanImpact of gift promotion appeals with two types of givers on givers purchase intention
Female entrepreneurial motivation and growth intention: Moderating effects of marriage, motherhood and husband involvement for Taiwanese female entrepreneurs in small and medium enterprisesThe enigma of volatility: Exploring asymmetric threshold effects in U.S. bond futures prices during yield curve inversionsThe differential long-term and short-term impacts of risk factors on stock returns of financial holdings and traditional banks Are retail or institutional investors’ shareholdings and market turnover ratio determinants of the negativity of the security market line in the Taiwan stock?Reevaluating the effectiveness of fear appeals on purchase intentions for green products: The moderating effects of social value orientationDoes corporate image affect donation effectiveness? Evidence from the Taiwan stock market
The effects of intellectual capital compoenets of various valuation methodsDeterminants of customer loyalty of green products -The case of Gogoro in TaiwanThe influence of brand positioning and event marketing on brand layalty-The mediation roles of brand identification and brand personaliyt: The case of spectaror sport
Challenging fun: Predicting customers' sustained interest in co-creation through enjoyment Working from home: An attempt to enhance employees' work attitudes through the benefits of teleworking
ESG activities on organizational and financial performance-the mediating effect of innovation culture and moderating role of job crafting ESG activities on organizational and financial performance-the mediating effect of innovation culture and moderating role of job craftingManagerial ability, shadow banking activity engagement, and bank shareholder values in China Managerial ability, shadow banking activity engagement, and bank shareholder values in ChinaBeyond profit: The role of entrepreneurs’ knowledge and entrepreneurial engagement for pursuing entrepreneurs’ happiness Beyond profit: The role of entrepreneurs’ knowledge and entrepreneurial engagement for pursuing entrepreneurs’ happinessThe contagion and spillover effects of stock returns between quasi-vertically integrated firms in Taiwan semiconductor industry The contagion and spillover effects of stock returns between quasi-vertically integrated firms in Taiwan semiconductor industryManagerial ability and banks’ financial stab
An examination of the role of gender in athlete endorsement effectiveness Does it help to provide such posting content for interaction? An empirical study of physical and virtual goods branding “Relationship can talk” - Relationship quality and its applications to STARBUCKS
The study of analysis on dynamic capability of Tzu-Wen Chang specialty barista in Taiwan-Examples of the winners of World Coffee Champion(WCE)Generating positive online word of muoth vis brand impge and trust: The moderation role of perceived privacyCSR beauty in the eye of the beholder: Influences of retailer imahe congruency and consumer personal values
In this recent volume of a research journal, international contributors in tourism studies, heritage, conservation, earth sciences, public administration, and business management present the lates