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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:丹尼爾‧席格  出版社:心靈工坊文化  出版日:2017/08/14 裝訂:平裝
※ 科學與靈性的磅礡大探問!※ 收錄數十幅攝影作品,引發主觀心像,體會精神存有的奧祕之源!開心、傷心;專心、分心;放心、擔心;心滿意足、心心相印、心照不宣、心神不寧、居心不良......我們無時無刻不在談「心」,但「心」是什麼?「心」在哪裡? 沒了「心」,我會是誰?我為什麼會有「我」這種存在感覺?曾經,科學家時髦的宣稱「『心』,是大腦運作出來的!」但以研究「第七感」著稱的大腦神經科學家席格博士卻反
定價:600 元, 優惠價:9 540
作者:卡拉.鮑爾  出版社:八旗文化  出版日:2023/02/08 裝訂:平裝
世上再沒有第二本書,能同時引發寬恕與戰爭、慰藉與仇恨當我們回歸《古蘭經》文本,我們能看到什麼?當我們重返伊斯蘭教的原始核心,我們又會打開什麼誤解?就讓我們跟隨一位女記者跟導師的腳步,走入澄澈明亮的伊斯蘭之心──────────#趙錫麟(台北清真寺教長、沙烏地阿拉伯麥加大學博士) 專文導讀#2015年《華盛頓郵報》、《丹佛郵報》最佳圖書#2015年普立茲獎、美國國家圖書獎決選名單──────────在西方與伊斯蘭世界衝突愈演愈烈之際,各式各樣關於「伊斯蘭」的報導充斥著媒體版面。狂妄暴力的極端分子成為關注焦點,深化主流輿論對伊斯蘭的抨擊與偏見,同時,為伊斯蘭平反之聲也日益顯著……就在這片對立紛擾的爭辯中,美國記者卡拉.鮑爾跟隨她的伊斯蘭導師阿卡蘭,回歸《古蘭經》經文的原始脈絡,走入澄澈明亮的伊斯蘭之心。卡拉.鮑爾兒時曾隨父親旅行伊朗和阿富汗,在她心中留下對伊斯蘭的親近之情。面臨現今西方與伊斯蘭世界撕裂衝突的局面,她決定展開行動:當了解伊斯蘭成為必要,為什麼沒有人願意討論《古蘭經》呢?為此,鮑爾找上了印度裔伊斯蘭學者阿卡蘭,共同研讀這本神聖經典,試圖找尋不同文化的對話可能。在長達一年的學習旅程,兩人走過牛津的咖啡館和印度小村莊的穆斯林學校,在茶與咖啡之間,咀嚼引發熱議的《古蘭經》經文。鮑爾聆聽阿卡蘭述說先知穆罕默德的故事與言行,還原經文脈絡,企圖接近伊斯蘭的真義。一位西方世俗女性,和一位傳統的伊斯蘭學者,這理應格格不入、劍拔弩張的關係,卻培養出亦師亦友的真摯情誼。他們攜手從《古蘭經》洗鍊優美的文字中,挖掘出伊斯蘭崇尚和平而非屠殺的溫順性格,以及對女性的尊重而非迫害,拆解了聖戰、一夫多妻等常見的刻板印象。現今對伊斯蘭的誤解,無非是混淆了穆斯林社群中多樣的傳統文化,以及伊斯蘭信仰的樣貌。然而,兩人的討論會不只是純真美好的文化交流。隨著與阿卡蘭的互動愈發緊密,身為世俗主義者的鮑爾不斷面臨自身思想觀念的挑戰。這是一場異文化的肉搏戰,激盪出許多尷尬、摩擦與辯論。但也在如此刀刀見骨的碰撞下,才能激盪出深刻理解的火花,建立彼此連結,找尋到能共存的解答。
定價:520 元, 優惠價:9 468
Poor Bickerton:A Journey to the Dark Heart of Georgian England
作者:Stephen Haddelsey  出版社:The History Press Ltd  出版日:2024/10/24 裝訂:精裝
定價:1200 元, 優惠價:95 1140
The Heart of a Giant
作者:Hollie Hughes; Anna Wilson  出版社:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC  出版日:2023/04/13 裝訂:平裝
Get ready for an epic journey of friendship and discovery from the bestselling author of The Girl and the Dinosaur. There's a shape up in the hills, where a giant's said to sleep,beneath a grassy blanket, on a bed of moss and peat . .. Then, one day, the sleeping giant wakes - and a small boy called Tom is plunged into an unforgettable adventure. Along the way, he'll discover what it means to be a true friend - and that even an ordinary boy can have the heart of a giant.With a beautiful rhyming text by bestselling Hollie Hughes, author of The Girl and the Dinosaur, and gorgeous illustrations from debut talent Anna Wilson, this beautiful book is an unmissable treat!
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
The Inner Heart of Reiki ─ Rediscovering Your True Self
作者:Frans Stiene  出版社:Natl Book Network  出版日:2015/10/30 裝訂:平裝
An unique journey into the inner heart of the system of Reiki for practitioners and teachers to rediscover their True Self
定價:644 元, 優惠價:1 644
China Road ─ A Journey into the Future of a Rising Power
作者:Rob Gifford  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2008/06/10 裝訂:平裝
Route 312 is the Chinese Route 66. It flows three thousand miles from east to west, passing through the factory towns of the coastal areas, through the rural heart of China, then up into the Gobi Dese
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
The Flickering Fires
作者:Grahame Baker-Smith  出版社:Bonnier Books Ltd  出版日:2024/10/10 裝訂:精裝
Solvieg lives in a land of glaciers and frozen waterfalls, the home of frost giants and trolls. Yet it is a world with a fiery heart, created from the ashes of dead stars, heat buried deep within... The Flickering Fires takes us on a journey from the first sparks of creation to the harnessing of fire for cooking, protection and warmth.As we journey through millennia, we see its powerful force through the Copper Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age through to the present day. From tools to tablets, the steam engine to rockets - fire at the heart of it all. The final book in the award-winning The Elements series sees Issac, Cassi, Kn and Solveig reunite around a fire of flickering flames.Creatures of fire, earth, air and water, connected in ways that are as deep and old as the stars. Other titles in The Elements series:Wild is the WindThe Rhythm of the RainThe Ever-Changing Earth
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
The Glass Girl
作者:Kathleen Glasgow  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2024/10/01 裝訂:平裝
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Girl in Pieces comes a raw, heart wrenching new novel about a teen girl facing down alcohol and the journey she must take to heal.Everyone in Bella’s life needs something from her. Her mom needs her to help around the house, her little sister needs her to tuck her in at night, her dad needs her to not make waves, her ex needs her to not be so much. The only person who never needed anything from her was her grandmother. She just needed her to be Bella, and now her grandmother is dead. There’s only one thing that dulls the pressure. Vodka, beer, peppermint schnapps--alcohol smooths the sharp edges of Bella’s life and makes it all so much easier. And what’s the big deal? Everyone drinks. And Bella knows she can stop whenever she wants--she just needs to get through Thanksgiving.But that night changes everything. A Thanksgiving party and too many drinks lands her, unconscious, on her front steps where her mother finds her in the early
定價:437 元, 優惠價:79 345
Peanut Jones and the End of the Rainbow
作者:Rob Biddulph  出版社:PAN MACMILLAN CHILDRENS  出版日:2023/04/11 裝訂:平裝
A thrilling journey into a magical world packed with Rob’s brilliant humour.' – David WalliamsSome legends are born, some are drawn ...Notorious villain Mr White will stop at nothing to wipe out colour and creativity everywhere. But he’s gone too far! This time he’s lured Peanut’s mum into terrible danger and only Peanut and her friends can save her. An action-packed mission to the heart of the magical Illustrated City tests friendships and leads to a final showdown that makes Peanut question everything she thought she knew…Superstar author and illustrator Rob Biddulph dazzles in Peanut Jones and the End of the Rainbow. This third and final title in the hilarious adventure series for boys and girls aged 8 to 12 fizzes with magic, danger, friendship and art. It is fully illustrated throughout by Rob, the creative genius behind #DrawWithRob.Praise for the first title in the series Peanut Jones and the Illustrated City:'Peanut Jones is AWESOME. I loved this book from start to finish - the
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Little Turtle And The Sea
作者:Becky Davies; Jennie Poh  出版社:Little Tiger Press UK  出版日:2021/04/01 裝訂:平裝
Little Turtle loves the ocean with her whole heart. As the years pass, she repeats an incredible journey across the world to the beautiful coral reefs. But one day she finds that plastic has invaded h
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
The Last Cuentista (Newbery Medal Winner)
作者:Donna Barba Higuera  出版社:Levine Querido  出版日:2021/10/12 裝訂:精裝
獲紐伯瑞金獎,一段屬於故事的故事。 Petra不得不與摯愛的祖母分開,搭上了前往其他星球的太空船。再次醒來已是百年之後,神秘組織計畫性地抹除了所有人的過去,而Petra,是唯一仍擁有故事的人。記憶與故事的力量,能帶我們前往何處?Winner of the John Newbery MedalWinner of the Pura Belpré AwardTIME's Best Books of the YearWall Street Journal's Best of the YearMinneapolis Star Tribune's Best of the YearBoston Globe's Best of the YearBookPage's Best of the YearPublishers Weekly's Best of the YearSchool Library Journal's Best of the YearKirkus Reviews' Best of the YearBank Street's Best of the YearChicago Public Library's Best of the BestNew York Public Library Best of the YearA Junior Library Guild SelectionCybils Award FinalistFrom Pura Belpré Award winner and Newbery Medalist, Donna Barba Higuera—a brilliant journey through the stars, to the very heart of what makes us human."Gripping in its twists and turns, and moving in its themes – truly a beautiful cuento."—New York Times"Clever and compelling . wonderfully subversive."—The Wall Street Journal★ "This tale packs a wallop. Exquisite."—Kirkus Review
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
When You Find the Right Rock
作者:Mary Lyn Ray; Felicita Sala  出版社:Chronicle Books  出版日:2024/09/17 裝訂:精裝
A marvelous exploration of the special relationship children find with the natural world and the fascination and friendship they find in special rocks, from poet Mary Lyn Ray and artist Felicita Sala. Somewhere, a rock is waiting for you. One just the right color for your windowsill, or just the right shape for drawing a face. Maybe it is a rock from the heart of a mountain that will remind you of how big YOU are inside, too. Maybe it is a rock washed by the sea that knows all about the backs and forths and ups and downs of things. Maybe it is a small rock, just the right size to close your hand around and know that the rock is with you and it is just right. Through vibrant illustration and evocative text, When You Find the Right Rock carries readers along on a journey of discovery, from the mountains to the sea, that's all about learning the beauty of being in the moment, connecting with nature, and the thrill of finding a precious keepsake to call your own. COOL ROCKS: Whether it's a
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Finding Winnie ─ The True Story of the World's Most Famous Bear (Caldecott Medal Winner)
作者:Lindsay Mattick; Sophie Blackall (ILT)  出版社:Little Brown & Co  出版日:2015/10/20 裝訂:精裝
A #1 New York Times Bestseller and Winner of the Caldecott Medal about the remarkable true story of the bear who inspired Winnie-the-Pooh.In 1914, Harry Colebourn, a veterinarian on his way to tend horses in World War I, followed his heart and rescued a baby bear. He named her Winnie, after his hometown of Winnipeg, and he took the bear to war.Harry Colebourn's real-life great-granddaughter tells the true story of a remarkable friendship and an even more remarkable journey--from the fields of Canada to a convoy across the ocean to an army base in England...And finally to the London Zoo, where Winnie made another new friend: a real boy named Christopher Robin.Before Winnie-the-Pooh, there was a real bear named Winnie. And she was a girl!商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Through the Window ― Views of Marc Chagall's Life and Art
作者:Barb Rosenstock; Mary GrandPre (ILT)  出版社:Alfred a Knopf Inc  出版日:2018/09/25 裝訂:精裝
A gorgeous, expressive picture-book biography of Marc Chagall by the Caldecott Honor team behind The Noisy Paint Box.Through the window, the student sees . . .His future--butcher, baker, blacksmith, but turns away.A classmate sketching a face from a book. His mind blossoms.The power of pictures. He draws and erases, dreams in color while Papa worries.A folder of pages laid on an art teacher's desk. Mama asks, Does this boy have talent?Pursed lips, a shrug, then a nod, and a new artist is welcomed. His brave heart flying through the streets, on a journey unknowable.Known for both his paintings and stained-glass windows, Marc Chagall rose from humble beginnings to become one of the world's most renowned artists. Admired for his use of color and the powerful emotion in his work, Chagall led a career that spanned decades and continents, and he never stopped growing. This lyrical narrative shows readers, through many different windows, the pre-WWI childhood and wartime experiences that shap
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
The Thief Who Sang Storms (英國版)(平裝本)
作者:Sophie Anderson; Joanna Lisowiec  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2022/03/31 裝訂:平裝
"A timely quest infused with magic." The Times, Children's Book of the WeekThe hugely-anticipated, brand-new fairytale adventure from Sophie Anderson, the bestselling author of The House with Chicken Legs. The Island of Morovia is shaped like a broken heart. The humans live on one side of the island, and the alkonosts - the bird-people - live on the other.But it wasn't always this way... Linnet wishes she could sing magic. But magic is forbidden and she has been banished with her father to the Mournful Swamp.She misses her old life, and dreams of reuniting with her friends. When her father is captured for taking a precious jewel, Linnet must set out on a treacherous journey. Travelling through alligator pools and sinking sands with new friends, she learns how to be brave, and discovers something even more powerful than singing magic.Something that could save her father, and heal the broken heart of her island once more... With themes of grief, trust, love, and that we have more in comm
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Heartbreak is the National Anthem:How Taylor Swift Reinvented Pop Music
作者:Rob Sheffield  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2024/11/12 裝訂:平裝
A new one-of-a-kind look into the artistic journey and cultural legacy of the one-and-only Taylor Swift – the perfect 2024 Swiftie Christmas giftYou know the songs by heart. You’ve traded the friendship bracelets. You’ve worn the cowboy boots and the bejewelled bodysuits.Now, get the inside track on this generation’s biggest super star – Taylor Swift.An intimate look at the life and music of modern pop's most legendary figure, Taylor Swift, from leading music journalist Rob Sheffield.A cultural phenomenon. A worldwide obsession. An agent of emotional chaos. There's no parallel to Taylor Swift in history: a teenage girl who turns into the world's favorite pop star, songwriter, storyteller, guitar hero, live performer, changing how music is made and heard. An all-time great on the level of The Beatles, Prince, or David Bowie.Heartbreak Is the National Anthem: How Taylor Swift Reinvented Pop Music is the first book that goes deep on the musical and cultural impact of Taylor Swift. Nobody
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 650
An Ember in the Ashes Complete Series Paperback Box Set (4 Books)
作者:Sabaa Tahir  出版社:G P PUTNAM SONS  出版日:2024/10/01 裝訂:平裝
Journey to the ruthless and romantic world of Sabaa Tahir's New York Times bestselling fantasy series, An Ember in the Ashes quartet, available as a stunning paperback box set for the first time! The perfect gift for any epic fantasy fan, this collectible paperback box set with a gorgeous new series look includes all four books of the beloved and bestselling Ember series. Bound into each book is a stunning character portrait! An Ember in the AshesSet in a rich, high-fantasy world inspired by ancient Rome, Laia is a slave fighting for her family, and Elias is a young soldier fighting for his freedom. A Torch Against the NightAfter the events of the Fourth Trial, Martial soldiers hunt the two fugitives as they flee the city and undertake a perilous journey through the heart of the Empire. A Reaper at the GatesAll Empires fall. Beyond the Martial Empire and within it, the threat of war looms ever larger. A Sky Beyond the Storm Prepare for the jaw-dropping finale and discover: Who will sur
定價:2126 元, 優惠價:79 1679
Minecraft: Mob Squad: Don't Fear the Creeper (An Official Minecraft Novel 13)(平裝本)
作者:Delilah S. Dawson  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2023/08/01 裝訂:平裝
The Mob Squad must outwit a mysterious new enemy as they journey across the Overworld of Minecraft in this official novel! The Mob Squad are the greatest heroes the town of Cornucopia has produced since it was founded: Mal the bold, Lenna the strong, Tok the wise, and Chug the steadfast. And Jarro, who's renounced his bullying ways to reveal a truly kind heart. Together they've journeyed across the Overworld, delved into the Nether, and saved the day for Cornucopia again and again. So why can't they get any respect from the adults who run the town? The only one who understands is Nan, Mal's great-great-great-grandmother, who trained them to be as resourceful and adventurous as she was in her day. So when Nan gets sick and isn't getting any better, the kids refuse to just sit by and do nothing. There's something out there that can help her--an enchanted golden apple that can cure just about anything. And the Mob Squad will stop at nothing to get it. But as they venture outside the walls
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
Nicaragua 5
作者:Lonely Planet Publications (COR)  出版社:Lonely Planet  出版日:2019/07/01 裝訂:平裝
Lonely Planet Nicaragua is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Kayak through Central America's largest mangrove forest, experience life on a coffee farm, or chill out on idyllic white-sand beaches; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Nicaragua and begin your journey now! Inside Lonely Planet Nicaragua: Colour maps and images throughout Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, architecture, land & wildlife, arts, cuisine Covers Mana
定價:879 元, 優惠價:79 694
Mouse's Wood: A Year in Nature (平裝本)
作者:Alice Melvin  出版社:Thames & Hudson Ltd  出版日:2023/04/13 裝訂:平裝
A Daily Telegraph and Observer Children’s Book of the YearDescribed as ‘an utter gem’ by the Telegraph, this exquisitely illustrated picture book with die-cut flaps follows the woodland ramblings of Mouse through the change in seasons.Written in a gentle rhyme that reflects the slow pace of Mouse’s rambling journey, and illustrated in the inimitable style of Alice Melvin, Mouse’s Wood is a heart-warming celebration of slow living in nature.The story follows Mouse, who first ventures out in wintry January to visit his friend Squirrel. Mouse moves on to wake up Hedgehog for the arrival of spring and as he continues along the path in the wood, Mouse’s journey from friend to friend maps out the changes in seasons from January through to December, from picnicking among the bluebells with Mole in May and picking berries with Dormouse in June, to taking refuge in Fox’s cozy caravan as winter draws in.
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定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
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