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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:雪兒‧羅斯‧夏爾凡  出版社:如果  出版日:2022/01/24 裝訂:平裝
當你理解人們如何做出決定時,就可以對他們的行為產生關鍵性的影響 NLP語言行為量表(LAB Profile®)應用聖經,自學NLP必讀 NLP LAB Profile®權威大師著作在台唯一出版! 如果你能在三句話中了解對方,世界上還有什麼事難得倒你? 想要知道客戶的下一步是積極回應,還是不理不睬? 想要激發工作夥伴的熱情,你該怎麼說? 神經語言程式學(NLP)讓你從對話中洞悉別人,進而改變、引導他們 任何人的態度、特質,或行為,幾乎都可以被拿來拆解和分析,並從中找出影響這個人的方法,如果你懂得使用語言的奧祕,你就可以從內到外徹底改變一個人! 藉由語言行為量表的分析,你可以比對方更了解他自己 語言行為量表(LAB Profile®)是從NLP發展出來的一套分析方法,是以NLP的全套型態為根據,透過這套方法,可以察覺激發人們的動力如何產生,如何處理資訊,如何決策,讓你學會如何為特定人士和團體客製化你的語言,引發對方的動力,進而改變他們的想法和行為。 重點不是說話的內容,而是說話的方式 藉由語言行為量表,你可以提升自己的洞察力,預測別人的想法,以最適合的方式與他人進行交流,並透過不同的說話方式改變別人的行為,並且在他們做決定前發揮關鍵性的影響。 當你可以輕易辨識出激發別人的動力來源以及他們的思考和決策方式時,你將能夠: ‧跟任何人建立非常融洽的關係,進行有效溝通 ‧降低衝突和誤解的可能 ‧縮短你的銷售週期,並且讓顧客滿意 ‧設計出強而有力的行銷和廣告活動 ‧招募到適任的人才,並為他們提供表現的舞台 ‧大幅改善你的協商成果和談話效果 ‧打造出可以滿足各種需求的學習計畫,提升對自我的認識和競爭力 ‧學習一套全新的方法,讓你的輔導技巧和你的培訓事業更上一層樓 ‧帶領高績效的團隊,讓團隊成員充分發揮長處,不被他們的缺點拖累 如果你是個家長,你可以在家中使用它,讓你脫韁的小孩回復正軌; 如果你是個銷售總監,你也可以在工作中使用,它對難纏的客戶同樣有效。 最新增修版多了50%的新內容,以及增加全新的章節: ‧如何完成一份語言行為量表 ‧型態組合的了解和運用 ‧影響性策略和技巧 ‧利用語言行為量表化解衝突 ‧利用語言行為量表進行對話輔導 ‧語言行為量表裡的各種發明與工具 一套以書本形式呈現,最超值的NLP進階培訓課程 完全真實的案例,幫助讀者快速理解;隨時可用的語言行為量表,提供客觀測
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
出版社:Brill Academic Pub  出版日:2025/04/24 裝訂:精裝
Native Speakers, Interrupted:Differential Object Marking and Language Change in Heritage Languages
作者:Silvina (University of Illinois Montrul Urbana-Champaign)  出版社:Cambridge University Press  出版日:2025/03/13 裝訂:平裝
定價:1624 元, 優惠價:9 1461
Language Acquisition, Change and Emergen
出版社:香港城市大學出版社  出版日:2005/07/01 裝訂:平裝
Evolution of language has evolved at multiple levels - from changes in the cognitive processes by which language is acquired in the individual, to language change by diffusion of acquired linguistic f
定價:890 元, 優惠價:79 703
Quoting in Parliamentary Question Time:Exploring Recent Change
作者:Elisabeth Reber  出版社:Cambridge University Press  出版日:2025/04/17 裝訂:平裝
定價:1624 元, 優惠價:9 1461
作者:Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)  出版社:John Benjamins Publishing Co  出版日:2025/04/15 裝訂:精裝
Trauma and the Memory of Politics
作者:Jenny Edkins  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2003/07/31 裝訂:平裝
In this interesting study, Jenny Edkins explores how we remember traumatic events such as wars, famines, genocides and terrorism, and questions the assumed role of commemorations as simply reinforcing state and nationhood. Taking examples from the World Wars, Vietnam, the Holocaust, Kosovo and September 11th, Edkins offers a thorough discussion of practices of memory such as memorials, museums, remembrance ceremonies, the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress and the act of bearing witness. She examines the implications of these commemorations in terms of language, political power, sovereignty and nationalism. She argues that some forms of remembering do not ignore the horror of what happened but rather use memory to promote change and to challenge the political systems that produced the violence of wars and genocides in the first place. This wide-ranging study embraces literature, history, politics and international relations, and makes a significant contribution to the study of memory.
定價:1494 元, 優惠價:9 1345
Comparative Variation Analysis:Grammatical Alternations in World Englishes
定價:1949 元, 優惠價:9 1754
Maisy Loves Trees: A Maisy's Planet Book
作者:Lucy Cousins  出版社:Walker Books Ltd  出版日:2024/03/07 裝訂:硬頁書
Explore the world of trees with Maisy in this brand-new series celebrating our planet!Maisy is learning all about different kinds of trees. What is a tree and how does it grow? How do leaves vary? How do trees change through the year and why don’t some trees change at all? Little ones will discover the answers to these questions and many more in this colourful board book. Open out the final scene and wonder at amazing trees from around the world!Maisy’s Planet books are perfect for little nature-lovers aged from 18 months. Each sturdy, toddler-friendly board book celebrates a different feature of the natural world with bright colours, simple language and a fun open-out final spread.Love our planet with Maisy!
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Oxford School Dictionary
作者:Oxford Dictionaries  出版社:Oxford University Press  出版日:2023/03/02 裝訂:平裝
This important new edition of the bestselling Oxford School Dictionary has been fully updated to include contemporary, relevant and comprehensive vocabulary. New words about technology, climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic have been added, for example eSports, vlog, net-zero, eco-friendly, coronavirus and social distancing. Definitions of familiar words, such as bubble, viral, cookie and platform, have been updated to reflect how they are used now.Complete with example sentences, fascinating word origins, and grammar and punctuation panels, this dictionary supports today's students with their language and spelling skills, and helps with the transition from primary to secondary. For free downloadable activity worksheets, go to
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Oxford Primary Thesaurus
作者:Oxford Dictionaries  出版社:Oxford University Press  出版日:2024/03/07 裝訂:精裝
An important new edition of the bestselling Oxford Primary Thesaurus with new words, which emerge from significant events in the world, such as technology, climate change and the pandemic. Focused coverage of words, synonyms and antonyms to help improve writing skills and boost confidence with words. Essential breakdown of appropriate synonym usage, examples, word webs, writing tips, overused words and expanded end matter supports young learners in their vocabulary explorations to empower language development.It is the ideal thesaurus for improving writing skills and exploring creativity.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
#35: Heidi Heckelbeck Sunshine Magic (平裝本)
作者:Wanda Coven  出版社:Little Simon  出版日:2023/01/24 裝訂:平裝
Heidi's family vacation has sunshine and magic in the air in this thirty-fifth Heidi Heckelbeck adventure! Heidi and her family are taking a trip to the Castle Spell Cove, a special place where Heidi's mom and Aunt Trudy used to visit when they were kids. Once there, Heidi makes friends with an unusual girl named Sunny who has a magical secret of her own that will change Heidi's life forever. With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, the Heidi Heckelbeck chapter books are perfect for beginning readers.
定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
作者:林熙 Brett Lindsay  出版社:如何  出版日:2024/03/01 裝訂:平裝 【內容簡介】外籍名師親自編寫,最道地的正能量英語!涵蓋人生最重要的10大主題,每10天輪動一次,不僅勵志,更能喚醒潛能,復甦活力。每天輕鬆抄寫10分鐘,將為你帶來驚人的改變!★任何年齡和各種專業的讀者都適用!★作者親錄QR CODE音檔,可以邊寫邊讀、也可以隨時跟讀,自然而然學會母語人士發音1天10分鐘,連續抄寫100天,不僅英語自然而然突飛猛進,還為生命帶來神奇改變!每天帶給你一個新主題、新視角全書以10天為一階段,每階段由10個主題(感恩、克服逆境、學習、目標與夢想、愛、恆毅力、快樂、成長、自我關懷、人生觀)輪替。多重感官同步運用,練就出色的英文能力!留學考試教父林熙在二十多年的教學經驗中發現,抄寫是一個強大的學習工具。透過視覺、聽覺和觸覺等多重感官的啟動與參與,更能快速提升你的學習效率。本書不但能提高你的寫作技能,深化你對英文細微差別的理解,還有助於內化文章的教導與智慧,有意義地應用於人生中。母語人士口說和寫作的自然風格,道地又實用!作者刻意選用口語英文編寫全書,以反映母語人士在日常情境中使用的語言。抄著抄著,你會發現自己的英語,無形中更接近了母語人士的說話和書寫。100篇幽默溫暖又勵志的文章,指引你走過10個人生重要的主題。每天抄寫和跟讀一篇,並持續100天,邊練字學英文,邊改變心態、翻轉人生!第一階段 踏上改變 Embark on Journey of Change 第二階段 確立目標 Establish Objectives第三階段 展開行動 Launch Action Steps第四階段 逐步前進 Gradually Advance 第五階段 堅持執行 Persistently Execute第六階段 融入生活 Integrate into Life第七階段 迎接成果 Embrace Results第八階段 回顧反思Reflect on Outcomes第九階段 鞏固穩定Consolidate and Stabilize第十階段 持續超越 Continually Go Beyond
庫存 > 10
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Language Change
作者:R. L. Trask  出版社:Routledge UK  出版日:1994/08/01 裝訂:平裝
"Language Change" is a workbook. From the beginning the reader is presented with interesting data on change in English and in other languages, and is invited to consider these data carefully and to dr
定價:1559 元, 優惠價:9 1403
作者:Jadranka Gvozdanovic (EDT)  出版社:De Gruyter  出版日:1997/06/01 裝訂:精裝
TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS is a series of books that open new perspectives in our understanding of language. The series publishes state-of-the-art work on core areas of linguistics across theoretical frame
作者:Hans Henrich Hock; Brian D. Joseph  出版社:De Gruyter  出版日:2009/08/15 裝訂:平裝
Why does language change? Why can we speak to and understand our parents but have trouble reading Shakespeare? Why is Chaucer's English of the fourteenth century so different from Modern English of th
作者:Claudine Chamoreau (EDT); Isabelle Leglise (EDT)  出版社:De Gruyter  出版日:2012/04/30 裝訂:精裝
The volume deals with previously undescribed morphosyntactic changes appearing in contact settings. Contact-induced changes are dynamic and multiple, involving internal change as well as historical an
作者:Ofelia Garcia; Rakhmiel Peltz; Harold F. Schiffman; Gella Schweid Fishman  出版社:Multilingual Matters Ltd  出版日:2006/07/15 裝訂:平裝
This short volume provides a comprehensive and synoptic view of Joshua A. Fishman's contributions to international sociolinguistics from 1949 to the present. Readers will find in this volume the essen
定價:2397 元, 優惠價:1 2397
Archaeology and Language—Language Change and Cultural Transformation
作者:Roger Blench; Matthew Spriggs (EDT)  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2012/09/11 裝訂:平裝
Archaeology and Language IV examines a variety of pressing issues regarding linguistic and cultural change. It provides a challenging variety of case-studies which demonstrate how global patterns of l
定價:2274 元, 優惠價:9 2047
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