The Grand Budapest Hotel recounts the adventures of Gustave H (Ralph Fiennes), a legendary concierge at a famous European hotel between the wars, and Zero Moustafa (Tony Revolori), the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend. Acting as a kind of father-figure, M. Gustave leads the resourceful Zero on a journey that involves the theft and recovery of a priceless Renaissance painting; the battle for an enormous family fortune; a desperate chase on motorcycles, trains, sledges and skis; and the sweetest confection of a love affair - all against the back-drop of a suddenly and dramatically changing Continent.Inspired by the writings of Stefan Zweig, The Grand Budapest Hotel recreates a by-gone era through its arresting visuals and sparkling dialogue. The charm and vibrant colours of the film gradually darken with a sense of melancholy as the forces of history conspire against a vanishing world.
Harley-Davidson is the king of motorcycles, the one every rider dreams of owning. This lavish volume—with more than 20 foldouts—celebrates the American company and its legendary models, from its first
The Complete Book of Ducati Motorcycles, 2nd Edition updates the story, racing successes, and models offered by Italy’s greatest motorcycle manufacturer.From sporting single-cylinder bikes of the 1950s to high-performance sportbikes of today, this updated edition of The Complete Book of Ducati Motorcyclesshowcases Ducati’s entire output.Though legendary today, Ducati motorcycles began rather modestly, selling motorized bicycles to impoverished residents of post-World War II Italy. Today, Ducati is Europe’s premier manufacturer of high-performance street motorcycles whose recent sales have risen year after year. Its svelte, hyper-accelerating sportbikes are two-wheeled wonders fluent in the language of speed.The Complete Book of Ducati Motorcycles, 2nd Edition details the Bologna-based company’s amazing chronology, from the 1950s to present day. Presented chronologically and in encyclopedic form with gorgeous photography and insights from Ducati expert Ian Falloon, the book offers motor