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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:亞當・薩維奇  出版社:大塊文化  出版日:2021/11/27 裝訂:平裝
自2002年主持《流言終結者》開始,亞當‧薩維奇和搭檔傑米・海納曼(Jamie Hyneman)針對各種都會傳說、大眾信仰或網路謠言,一同以科學的方法進行驗證,廣受觀眾歡迎。薩維奇挾著永不退卻的熱情和好奇心,從過去40餘年的自造經驗中分享「什麼是解決問題的創客精神」──不要等到各方條件都完美無瑕才開始你的專案,想到就動手吧!自造大師亞當‧薩維奇親筆回憶錄熱情有理,偏執無罪從實作到創客──找到自己的兔子洞,鑽進去。◆內容簡介★《紐約時報》排行榜暢銷書★MAKER創客=自造者=創造者★生命,就是要自己動手創造──做出什麼,就怎麼活!★「創意必備指南。」──尼克‧奧佛曼,喜劇演員、作家亞當‧薩維奇──Discovery探索頻道節目《流言終結者》的當家明星,科學界與科技界最受喜愛的人物,在此分享他的創意黃金法則,從發現點子到追隨靈感,將奇想如願化為現實。這本書是我創客生涯的紀錄。除了探索自造和我自身的創作狂熱,也像是我發給你的同意書,允許你去把握引起你興趣、令你著迷的事物,縱身躍入其中,看看會帶你走向哪裡。 藉由我這四十多年來從事自造、鑄造、建造、破壞所累積的故事,以及一路學到的教訓,我希望這本書像是解決問題的工具箱,附帶經營一間工作室所攢下的筆記,說明我最常用的工具、技術或方法。例如:每件工具都能是「槌子」──別等到萬事皆備才動工,假如沒有眼前任務需要的適當工具,手邊有什麼就用什麼。提高鬆配公差──自造免不了一團混亂,時時刻刻都會搞砸,但是不要緊,因為創意本來就是一條迂迴曲折的路,沒有直線捷徑可走。多用冷卻液──冷卻液能延長刀刃和鑽頭的壽命,預防工具失靈,但除此之外,也能提醒自己放慢速度,減少作業上和關係中的摩擦。螺釘勝過黏膠──機械式接合允許你更動修改作品,而黏膠一黏住就是永遠,但有時候你只是需要用對黏膠,所以我會深入說明哪一種黏膠適用,且效果最好、傷害最小。 這個工具箱也收錄其他許多優秀創客和自造者的指點,包括傑米‧海曼、尼克‧奧佛曼、皮克斯動畫公司總監安德魯‧史丹頓、奧斯卡金獎導演吉勒摩‧戴托羅、藝術家湯姆‧薩克斯,以及名廚崔絲‧德‧賈丹。假如一切盡如人願,希望我們能讓你少犯幾個錯誤(說不定也順便挽回幾根手指),幫助你化好奇為創造。 希望這本書能激發你想建造、製作、發明、探索的心──最重要的是,享受當個創造者的興奮悸動。【助你衝破任何工作/生活瓶頸的自造心法
定價:400 元, 優惠價:9 360
作者:彼得.巴菲特  出版社:一起來出版  出版日:2024/05/29 裝訂:平裝
巴菲特一生投資股票,卻教孩子投資人生── 富爸爸一致推薦,一本無價的家庭智慧寶典 ──★ 股神之子唯一著作,真誠而完整地譜出巴菲特家族奉行的人生觀念★ 全球讀者傾情推薦,翻譯為15國語言、銷量逾50萬冊★ 經典新譯本,金書獎譯者龐元媛翻譯有個富爸爸是什麼滋味?彼得.巴菲特的人生經歷,以普世價值觀來看似乎令人詫異──身為股神之子,他並沒有成為享盡特權、揮霍無度的少爺,也沒跟隨父親走入華爾街,去滿足功利世界的期待。他知道,他幾乎不可能在這種世道上「贏過」他父親,所以他必須靠自己的故事來活出自己。本書是著名音樂人彼得.巴菲特的誠摯告白,寫下他受父母啟蒙、並從中建立的一套強大價值觀。這些價值觀猶如一塊塊金磚,在十二個人生面向上堆砌出巴菲特的家族智慧。例如,年輕人或許不該急於求成,以免錯失真實的「優勢」;又如「志業」其實不是命定,而是必須透過一連串人生冒險,才能摸索出來……給孩子最棒的禮物是支持,不是支票。股神之子的人生筆記,比爾.蓋茲共感的四個核心價值華倫.巴菲特成為股神之後,他在內布拉斯加州奧馬哈的家庭生活,並沒有太大變化。他們一家吃一樣的餐點,東西壞了一樣自己修;一樣熱愛工作、一樣懷抱著理想,一如既往──這就是彼得從小接觸的價值觀。● 強大的信念:儘管這世界有缺陷,依然相信它的本質很美好● 寬容的心胸:對於不同的見解與觀點,最難的是包容● 學習的熱忱:好奇心最珍貴,用開放的態度來面對生活● 職業的態度:自我發現,然後自我實現。這是巴菲特每天起床時,都滿心期待的祕密。從人生選擇、成功、志業,到面對錯誤、個人優勢及興趣……等十二大面向,更多寶貴的智慧金磚,盡在本書。工作與生活,什麼才是最重要的事?巴菲特父子殊途同歸的人生之路,教了我一課!彼得.巴菲特:「我小時候,我爸常在書房裡鑽研一些神祕的厚書,專注程度有如宗教狂熱。他的《聖經》講的是本益比、管理績效來源之類的東西……我看著他的背影,發現工作是耗時費力、聚精會神的,也同時要能讓我們快樂。」老巴菲特:「彼得,我覺得我們在做的事情,其實是一樣的。音樂是你的畫布。波克夏是我的畫布,我每天都畫上一筆。」
定價:420 元, 優惠價:79 331
Immune:How Your Body Defends and Protects You
作者:Catherine A. Carver  出版社:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC  出版日:2017/09/21 裝訂:平裝
The human body is like an exceedingly well-fortified castle, defended by billions of soldiers - some live for less than a day, others remember battles for decades, but all are essential in protecting us from disease. This hidden army is our immune system, and without it we could not survive the eternal war between our microscopic enemies and ourselves. Immune explores the incredible arsenal that lives within us - how it knows what to attack and what to defend, and how it kills everything from the common cold virus to plague bacteria.We see what happens when the immune system turns on us, and how life is impossible without its protection. We learn how diseases try to evade the immune system and exploit its vulnerabilities, and we discover how scientists are designing new drugs to harness the power of the system to fight disease. Do transplants ever reject their new bodies? What is pus? How can your body make more antibodies than there are stars in our galaxy? Why is cancer so hard for o
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
Little Elephant : A Day in the Life of a Elephant Calf
作者:Anna Brett; Carmen Saldana  出版社:QED Publishing  出版日:2022/11/01 裝訂:精裝
Discover what Little Elephant gets up to and explore his world, in this fun and informative title from the Really Wild Families series. Little Elephant has a big and loving family led by her Mummy and she can't wait to introduce you to her siblings, aunts, and cousins. Little Elephant walks miles every day with her herd, are you excited to join her journey? Beautiful and bright illustrations will make this informative book a hit with children of all ages! This charming celebration of elephants will show children just how amazing nature is and is a reminder that it is up to us to care for the planet and its weird and wonderful creatures.Learn all about nature’s largest land animal:- What happens in the herd- How they are ‘ecosystem engineers’- The role of female elephants- Why elephants are endangered This adorable story is followed by a fun factivity section packed with craft projects, case studies and a quiz section at the back of the book, so you can put everything you have
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Dirty Talk: A Simple Guide on How to Talk Dirty, Become More Confident, and Improve Your Sex Life Using Only Dirty Words: (Over 36
作者:Mila Lebedev  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/01/10 裝訂:平裝
♥ SHHH ...What if I told you, you could instantly improve your sex life and make your partner obsessed with you while driving them WILD using only dirty talk and other simple naughty sex tips?Have you ever imagined yourself as an amazing dirty talker, rocking the world of your partner and experiencing the most mind-blowing, earth-shattering sex? But you feel humiliated and afraid because you failed to find ways to achieve this? If your answer is 'yes', then this remarkable book is made for you.Most people see talking dirty as a daunting task, an impossible feat. Often, you may find yourself similar to Michelle, who wants to talk dirty but only know four hot, steamy, words, OH, F**K, YES, AND HMMM, only to be left feeling more alone because the pleasure is never reaching the expected peak. Or you find yourself like Priya, someone who tried talking dirty for the first time, and it only ended in perpetual tears, and she felt stupid because she was so nervous that it made her repeat lines,
定價:719 元, 優惠價:1 719
Where Snow Angels Go
作者:Maggie O'Farrell  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2021/11/16 裝訂:精裝
What happens to a snow angel after you leave it behind? A little girl discovers she has an unusual protector in a modern fairy tale with gorgeously detailed illustrations. One night Sylvie awakens to an incredible sight: a glowing figure tiptoeing across her floor, with enormous feathery wings wafting from his back. He's muttering to himself, trying to remember his orders, for this is his first flight. Could he really be the same angel she made last winter in the snow? Sylvie's angel says she isn't supposed to see him. He has been sent to save her life, and when the danger is past, she won't remember he was there. But she does remember. She thinks of him every day. And when nothing Sylvie does, no matter how risky, can make him reappear, she realizes he'll always be there unseen when she truly needs him. In a contemporary tale told with humor and warmth, paired with Daniela Jaglenka Terrazzini's enchanting artwork, Maggie O'Farrell weaves the story of a spirited girl who finds a way to
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
My Strange Shrinking Parents (2023 Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards Winner)
作者:Zeno Sworder  出版社:Thames & Hudson Ltd  出版日:2023/01/19 裝訂:精裝
A heartbreaking and heart-warming story of the sacrifices parents make for their children, by CBCA New Illustrator of the Year 2021.Notable Book: Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) - Picture Book of the Year 2023--------------------------------------------------------------------------------It goes without saying that all children believe their parents to be strange.Mine were unusual for a different reason...One boy's parents travel from far-off lands to improve their son's life. But what happens next is unexpected. What does it mean when your parents are different? What shape does love take? And what happens when your parents sacrifice a part of themselves for you?In this heartbreaking and heart-warming story, CBCA award-winner Zeno Sworder reflects on his own migrant parents' sacrifices to create a universal story about what it means to give to those you love. Drawing from the sacrifices his Chinese mother made to raise her young family in a small country town, Sworder's dra
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
Hey, Bruce!
作者:Ryan Higgins  出版社:Disney-Hyperion  出版日:2022/09/20 裝訂:精裝
In Hey, Bruce!, Bruce the bear experiences . . . well, whatever readers want him to.Rupert, Thistle, and Nibbs, the fun-loving mice in Bruce's begrudgingly expansive family, guide readers on a quest for a fun reading experience, with Bruce the ever-reluctant star. As readers turn the page, flip the book, and follow the mice's increasingly silly instructions, Bruce is sent flying and tumbling―all as he looks right up the reader's nose! How will you interact with Bruce?Bruce's life is what YOU, the reader, make it in this special interactive addition to the award-winning Mother Bruce series.
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
Blips on a Screen:How Ralph Baer Invented TV Video Gaming and Launched a Worldwide Obsession
作者:Kate Hannigan; Zachariah Ohora  出版社:Alfred a Knopf Inc  出版日:2022/04/19 裝訂:精裝
An engaging picture book biography based on the incredible true story of a Jewish refugee who pioneered home video games and launched a worldwide obsession. Do you ever wonder how video gaming was invented? What came before your PlayStation or Xbox? This is the story of Ralph Baer, a refugee from Nazi Germany, who used his skills―and a lot of ingenuity and persistence―to make life a little more fun. Television was new when Ralph returned from serving in World War II, but he didn’t settle for watching TV. He knew it could be even more fun if you could play with it. He tinkered and tested, got help and rejected, but with perseverance and skill, he made his vision come true! This is the inspiring story of a fearless inventor who made TV video games a reality.
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Awaken Your Genius:Escape Conformity, Ignite Creativity, and Become Extraordinary
作者:Ozan Varol  出版社:PublicAffairs  出版日:2023/04/11 裝訂:平裝
A WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLERUnlock your originality and unleash your unique talents with this simple guide from the acclaimed author of Think Like a Rocket Scientist. We say some people march to the beat of a different drummer. But implicit in this cliché is that the rest of us march to the same beat. We sleepwalk through life, find ourselves on well-worn paths that were never ours to walk, and become a silent extra in someone else’s story.Extraordinary people carve their own paths as leaders and creators. They think and act with genuine independence. They stand out from the crowd because they embody their own shape and color.We call these people geniuses—as if they’re another breed. But genius isn’t for a special few. It can be cultivated.This book will show you how. You’ll learn how to discard what no longer serves you and discover your first principles—the qualities that make up your genius. You’ll be equipped to escape your intellectual prisons and generate original insigh
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
作者:彼得.巴菲特  出版社:平安文化  出版日:2010/12/01 裝訂:平裝
巴菲特投資股票,但他教兒子投資人生! 股神的兒子不是非得當股神!只要跟著自己的天賦走,就能超越自己、超越巴菲特! ◎【美國前總統】柯林頓、【微軟創辦人】比爾.蓋茲夫婦、【U2樂團主唱】波諾、【CNN創辦人】泰德.透納、【女權運動先鋒】葛羅莉亞.史坦能強力背書!◎朱立倫、朱衛茵、吳淡如、李家同、洪蘭、胡志強、陳子鴻、曾志朗等數十位各界名人好評推薦!(依姓名筆劃排序,完整推薦名單請見內頁) 出生
Life is What You Make It
作者:Paul Sedlak  出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2021/10/22 裝訂:平裝
定價:440 元, 優惠價:1 440
Life Is What You Make It
作者:Peter Buffett  出版社:Crown Publishers  出版日:2010/04/27 裝訂:精裝
From composer, musician, and philanthropist Peter Buffett comes a warm, wise, and inspirational book that asks, Which will you choose: the path of least resistance or the path of potentially greatest
定價:912 元, 優惠價:79 720
Life Is What You Make It
作者:Peter Buffett  出版社:Random House  出版日:2010/04/27 裝訂:有聲書
“Peter Buffett has given us a wise and inspiring [audio]book…for every young person seeking to find his or her place in the world, and for every family hoping to give its daughters and sons the best p
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 901
The Hummingbird Process ― Life Is What You Make It
作者:Jenny Rayner  出版社:Balboa Pr  出版日:2017/02/14 裝訂:平裝
定價:960 元, 優惠價:1 960
Handbags at Dawn: Life is what you make it.
作者:Irene Husk  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/03/12 裝訂:平裝
定價:478 元, 優惠價:1 478
Every Tool's a Hammer ― Life Is What You Make It
作者:Adam Savage  出版社:Atria Books  出版日:2019/05/07 裝訂:精裝
MythBusters’ Adam Savage—Discovery Channel star and one of the most beloved figures in science and tech—shares his golden rules of creativity, from finding inspiration to following through and success
定價:1026 元, 優惠價:79 811
Every Tool's a Hammer ― Life Is What You Make It
作者:Adam Savage  出版社:Atria Books  出版日:2020/10/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
Martha's Miracles: Life is What You Make it
作者:Elizabeth Slenker  出版社:Outskirts Pr  出版日:2023/02/22 裝訂:平裝
定價:278 元, 優惠價:1 278
Life is What You Make It: A Canadian Canoe Adventure
作者:Michelle Elizabeth Pelton  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2023/10/27 裝訂:平裝
定價:693 元, 優惠價:1 693
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