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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:Caysie Harvey  出版社:VERTEL PUB  出版日:2024/08/20 裝訂:精裝
定價:999 元, 優惠價:1 999
作者:Caysie Harvey  出版社:VERTEL PUB  出版日:2024/08/20 裝訂:平裝
定價:600 元, 優惠價:1 600
作者:前田泰章-著; 伊之文-譯  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2022/04/13 裝訂:平裝
讓你心累的不是你的個性,更不是因為你不夠好 有不順心的事,代表你心中還抱持著希望 只要改變自己沒有發現的「思考‧行動模式」,煩惱便會輕鬆消除 ! 隨書附贈[自我諮商實踐筆記書](共35種練習筆記) 無法控制自己情緒 / 無法忘卻創傷後腦中陰影 無法請人幫忙、撒嬌 / 無法跳脫負面思考 ▎那些你總是會遇到的情緒困擾…… 「脫離不了家庭的桎梏,明明長大了卻無法獨立……」 「面對長輩或上司難道就必須無條件忍讓?」 「如果一直不離職,未來會變成一片黑白!」 「3C成癮,每天除了滑手機,還是滑手機,一事無成……」 「為什麼今天和她對到眼,卻不和我打招呼?我做錯了什麼嗎?」 ▎想起以前的經歷就好痛苦,是不是永遠都會這樣? 拿起這本書的你,一定曾經沒來由地覺得「活著好累」。 其實,你之所以陷入這樣的負面情緒,原因出在潛意識的思考和行為模式。 作者身為「問題解決型」諮商心理師,結合過去心理諮商與心理療法的實踐經驗,帶你了解煩惱的根源,並學會如何去確認、面對它,把自己和潛意識的「思考」與「行為模式」切割開來,找出解決的契機,短時間就能有效改善不斷重複的惡性循環模式。 對於打從心底追求「認真想改變」的人來說,本書肯定會對你有所幫助,即使只實踐書中的一種心理療法,你也能找到解決問題的線索。甚至,還能成為自己的諮商師,學會自我諮商並自我療癒! ・人生最大的難題,可能不是「午餐要吃什麼?」 很多問題沒有答案,所以沒有找到答案其實也不要緊。但是請把問題反覆思索,花時間長期去探索那些可能。或者是朝你理想中的答案去做改變,如此你絕對會成為一個更好的人。 ・負面情緒不該出現?你其實可以預先獲得正面感受 覺得活得好累都是自己的問題?請先停止責怪自己。試圖隱藏負面情緒,會讓你變得更孤獨,不如坦然接受負面情緒,並理解有這樣的可能性。我們能做的事,是往理想的樣子去作想像,使情緒從負面轉移到正面,自然而然就會採取新的行動,獲取成功經驗,形成良性循環。 ・禮拜一的Monday blue,明明從禮拜天就開始
庫存 > 10
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
作者:麥可・巴菲爾; 潔斯・布萊德利  出版社:小漫遊文化  出版日:2024/02/01 裝訂:平裝
超有梗的1 00幅漫畫故事X幽默對白讓孩子輕鬆掌握自然、生物、地球科學的先備知識!內附108中小學自然領域課綱對應表英國100,000 冊銷售、譯為全球23種語言的暢銷系列獲2021英國BBC 兒童圖書獎,入圍塞恩斯伯里兒童圖書獎Oliver(晨熹社闆寶)、編輯小姐Yuli(圖文作家)、柚子醫師陳木榮(小兒科醫師)、李貞慧(貞慧老師的繪本花園)、陳培瑜(閱讀推廣人)、野人窩科普閱讀 ── 歡樂推薦如果你的便便會說話,他會想和你分享什麼事?我們的心臟每天從不休息,他有什麼「心」事?樹懶吃一片葉子需要用一個月才能消化!有一種深海魚有著透明的頭,讓眼睛可以直接往上看……英國鬼才童書作家麥可.巴菲爾德和漫畫家潔斯.布萊德利攜手合作,讓我們身體的不同 器官、大自然裡的動植物,還有地球的各種地質與氣候現象粉墨登場。100種生物或非生物都成為故事主角,在一格格漫畫裡彷彿脫口秀般暢所欲言或大吐苦水。你可能從來沒想過:*人體的奇妙運作:小嬰兒的骨頭比成人要多出近一百根,後來那些骨頭去哪裡了?我們咳嗽可以把灰塵用160公里的速度推出去!細胞每20分鐘就可以複製自己一次,幾小時後就能變出數百萬個。*動物會有的怪把戲:紅鶴打瞌睡時只用單腳站立?吸血蝙蝠會嘔出胃裡的某些食物分享給好朋友?有一種動物會大出方形的便便!糞金龜滾出的糞球最大可達自己體重的50倍!*植物居然有超能力:千萬別碰到捕蠅草的一根毛!虎杖被剪斷也能長到全世界!地球上最老的地衣已經超過8000歲,而太陽紋地衣暴露在太空中能活上14天。*地球的劇烈變化:龍捲風力量強大卻只能維持10分鐘?每片雪花一開始都是六邊形,愈變愈大後,卻沒有兩個的樣子會完全相同!【爆笑萌科學】系列特色1.收錄300個科學人文主題:涵蓋自然、生物、天文、地理、歷史的豐富內容,滿足孩子對萬物的好奇心。2.沉浸式學習:每頁聚焦一個主題,故事情節加上圖解,讓孩子3分鐘就能認識最具代表性的人事物。3.圖像閱讀輕鬆有趣:充滿趣味梗和幽默對白的漫畫連環圖,讓孩子翻頁間充滿樂趣。4.名詞表與補充資訊:以「不一樣的生活」、「宏觀視角」、「他們的祕密日記」等單元說明關鍵人事物,也提供來龍去脈的背景與延伸資訊。5.童書獎權威肯定:獲Blue Peter知識類童書獎、LaughOutLoud好書獎6.內附十二年國教課綱對應表,接軌課程學習!同系列包括:1.
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
作者:麥可.巴菲爾德; 潔斯.布萊德利  出版社:小漫遊文化  出版日:2024/02/01 裝訂:平裝
超有梗的1 00幅漫畫故事X幽默對白讓孩子輕鬆掌握自然、地球科學的先備知識!附108中小學自然領域課綱對應表英國100,000 冊銷售、譯為全球23種語言的暢銷系列李昫岱(屋頂上的天文學家/中正大學兼任助理教授)專業審定劉志安(台北市天文協會理事長)、蕭翔耀(鹿林天文台觀測員)、李貞慧(貞慧老師的繪本花園)、陳培瑜(閱讀推廣人)、野人窩科普閱讀 聯合推薦宇宙到底有多大?天上的星星真的是星形嗎?太陽風暴真的會帶來世界末日?火箭從地球表面發射升空後,到了多遠的地方?要證明自己能夠當太空人,為什麼要跟一群人在暗無天日的洞穴裡度過一個星期?英國鬼才童書作家麥可.巴菲爾德和漫畫家潔斯.布萊德利攜手合作,在這本全彩知識漫畫中,把宇宙裡大大小小的星球與物質擬人化。這些主人翁透過可愛形象、幽默口吻,分享它們在宇宙經歷的得意、驚奇、甚至有點囧的生活……所有你想知道的太空問題,也一定想和朋友分享的圖解酷知識,都在書內:*從太陽系到銀河宇宙裡的成員:你意想不到的星球特徵與天文現象,例如星星會閃爍只是人的幻覺?人類如果太靠近黑洞,會陷入「義大利麵化」?太陽風暴真的會帶來世界末日?*宇宙的起源和相關知識:從極重極熱到極暗極冷,關於重力、溫度、氣體、密度等概念。*近未來的宇宙探索計畫:從登陸月球、火星移居到太空旅行,人類為了遨遊宇宙、定居其他星球,做過哪些奇怪實驗和厲害發明?*人類在太空中奇異的生活百態:太空裡沒有地球重力,不僅肌肉骨頭萎縮,還無法大哭一場?在火星上過一次生日,必須等687個地球日。宇宙離我們愈來愈近,你準備好飛向太空來一場偉大探險嗎?【爆笑萌科學】系列特色1.收錄300個科學人文主題:涵蓋自然、生物、天文、地理、歷史的豐富內容,滿足孩子對萬物的好奇心。2.沉浸式學習:每頁聚焦一個主題,故事情節加上圖解,讓孩子3分鐘就能認識最具代表性的人事物。3.圖像閱讀輕鬆有趣:充滿趣味梗和幽默對白的漫畫連環圖,讓孩子翻頁間充滿樂趣。4.名詞表與補充資訊:以「不一樣的生活」、「宏觀視角」、「他們的祕密日記」等單元說明關鍵人事物,也提供來龍去脈的背景與延伸資訊。5.童書獎權威肯定:獲Blue Peter知識類童書獎、LaughOutLoud好書獎6.內附十二年國教課綱對應表,接軌課程學習!同系列包括:1.不可思議的地球生活:便便、樹懶、彩虹......可愛角色帶你上天下海探索萬物奧
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
Blue Sisters
作者:Coco Mellors  出版社:Fourth Estate UK  出版日:2024/05/23 裝訂:平裝
'IT MOVED ME DEEPLY' LIV LTITLE'DEEPLY POIGNANT' HARPERS BAZAAR'GORGEOUS' RAVEN LEILANI'It will make you laugh, cry deeply, and want to call your siblings’ CosmopolitanThe Blue sisters have always been exceptional – and exceptionally different.Avery, a strait-laced lawyer living in London, is the typical eldest daughter, though she’s hiding a secret that could undo her perfect life forever.Bonnie was a boxer but, following a devastating defeat, she's been working as a bouncer in LA – until a reckless act one night threatens to drive her out of the city.And Lucky, the rebellious youngest, is a model in Paris whose hard-partying ways are finally catching up with her.Then there was Nicky, the beloved fourth sister, whose unexpected death left Avery, Bonnie and Lucky reeling.When, a year later, the three of them must reunite in New York to stop the sale of their childhood home, they find that it's only by returning to each other that they can navigate their grief, addiction and heartbreak
定價:934 元, 優惠價:79 738
Blue Period 3
作者:Tsubasa Yamaguchi  出版社:Kodansha Amer Inc  出版日:2021/02/09 裝訂:平裝
Winner of the 2020 Manga Taisho Grand Prize! A manga about the struggles and rewards of a life dedicated to art. Popular guy Yatora realizes he’s just going through the motions to make other people happy and finds himself in a new passion: painting. But untethering yourself from all your past expectations is dangerous as well as thrilling…ADAPTATION Relief is short-lived for Yatora after his first competition, where his piece ranks higher than expected but is far from his dream school’s standards. He’s prepared to give Ooba-sensei’s challenges everything he’s got…but what if all he’s got is still not enough? With 100 days until university exams, Yatora must toil to produce a piece only he can.
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Blue Period 2
作者:Tsubasa Yamaguchi  出版社:Kodansha USA Inc  出版日:2020/12/08 裝訂:平裝
Winner of the 2020 Manga Taisho Grand Prize! A manga about the struggles and rewards of a life dedicated to art. Popular guy Yatora realizes he's just going through the motions to make other people happy and finds himself in a new passion: painting. But untethering yourself from all your past expectations is dangerous as well as thrilling...COMPOSITION Art has changed the course of Yatora's once dull life, and now he's aiming for Japan's most competitive art school. With entrance exams a year away, he'll need to expand his limited eye for art, and quickly. He turns to new peers and the masters to envision pieces only he can produce, and soon dives into his first competition--the same one where his Art Club role model nearly scored last place. Among geniuses and lifelong art kids, does Yatora even stand a chance...?
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Blue Period 5
作者:Tsubasa Yamaguchi  出版社:Kodansha USA Inc  出版日:2021/11/30 裝訂:平裝
Winner of the 2020 Manga Taisho Grand Prize A manga about the struggles and rewards of a life dedicated to art. Popular guy Yatora realizes he's just going through the motions to make other people happy and finds himself in a new passion: painting. But untethering yourself from all your past expectations is dangerous as well as thrilling... Yatora studies hard and gets good grades, and he parties hard, staying out late drinking and watching soccer with his friends. He checks all the boxes he needs to be the perfect high school student. But it all starts to feel empty, and he begins to wonder what part of his life expresses who he is...or even if he has a unique voice at all. Then he wanders into the art room one day, and a lone painting captures his eye, awakening him to a kind of beauty he never knew. Compelled and consumed, he dives in headfirst--and he's about to learn how savage, unforgiving, and exhilirating creating art can be
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Blue Period 4
作者:Tsubasa Yamaguchi  出版社:Kodansha Amer Inc  出版日:2021/04/06 裝訂:平裝
Winner of the 2020 Manga Taisho Grand Prize A manga about the struggles and rewards of a life dedicated to art. Popular guy Yatora realizes he's just going through the motions to make other people happy and finds himself in a new passion: painting. But untethering yourself from all your past expectations is dangerous as well as thrilling... Yatora studies hard and gets good grades, and he parties hard, staying out late drinking and watching soccer with his friends. He checks all the boxes he needs to be the perfect high school student. But it all starts to feel empty, and he begins to wonder what part of his life expresses who he is...or even if he has a unique voice at all. Then he wanders into the art room one day, and a lone painting captures his eye, awakening him to a kind of beauty he never knew. Compelled and consumed, he dives in headfirst--and he's about to learn how savage, unforgiving, and exhilirating creating art can be
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Blue Period 15
作者:Tsubasa Yamaguchi  出版社:PBKKDNCM  出版日:2024/08/20 裝訂:平裝
Winner of the 2020 Manga Taisho Grand Prize! A manga about the struggles and rewards of a life dedicated to art. Popular guy Yatora realizes he's just going through the motions to make other people happy and finds himself in a new passion: painting. But untethering yourself from all your past expectations is dangerous as well as thrilling... Now a hit anime! Yatora studies hard and gets good grades, and he parties hard, staying out late drinking and watching soccer with his friends. He checks all the boxes he needs to be the perfect high school student. But it all starts to feel empty, and he begins to wonder what part of his life expresses who he is...or even if he has a unique voice at all. Then he wanders into the art room one day, and a lone painting captures his eye, awakening him to a kind of beauty he never knew. Compelled and consumed, he dives in headfirst--and he's about to learn how savage, unforgiving, and exhilirating creating art can be!
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Blue Eye: the life of a serial killer: An incredible, brave new voice in dark fiction is born.
作者:Peck McCarthy  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/07/19 裝訂:平裝
定價:672 元, 優惠價:1 672
A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You (Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award 2021)
作者:Mike Barfield; Jess Bradley  出版社:Michael O'Mara Books  出版日:2020/09/03 裝訂:平裝
Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award 2021Short listed for Sainsbury's Children's Book Awards 2021If you've ever wanted to know what a panda does all day long, how your heart manages to shift all that blood around your body or what makes a rainbow shine, you've come to the right book. A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You features the answers to all of these questions and many more, all told in a super-fun comic book format in three awesome sections: Human Body, Animal Kingdom and Earth and Science. A Day in the Life... is packed with facts, laughs and amazing illustrations you can dive into all day long. Meet your grumpy liver that has to do practically EVERYTHING; your trusty hands that are very, well, handy; the spiky porcupines ready to charge; lonely Mars rovers abandoned on the Red Planet; raging tornadoes ready to rip through the pages of the book and bubbly volcanoes ready to blow. All entries are told in the fun, friendly and informative style of Mike Barfield, and are broug
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
Blue Lock: Episode Nagi 1 + Exclusive Q Posket Figure
作者:Kota Sannomiya; Muneyuki Kaneshiro; Yusuke Nomura  出版社:Kensington Pub Corp  出版日:2024/10/15 裝訂:盒裝
Score big with this bundle including volume 1 of the manga spinoff Blue Lock: Episode Nagi, plus an exclusive Q Posket figure of the reluctant prodigy Seishiro Nagi himself. The perfect gift for the Blue Lock fanatic in your life--especially if that's yourself!Inside the box:A 5.9" collectible figure from Banpresto's Q Posket line, featuring Seishiro Nagi as he appears in the upcoming anime film, Blue Lock: Episode NagiVolume 1 of the Blue Lock: Episode Nagi mangaAbout the mangaSecond-year high school student Reo Mikage wants nothing more than to escape his illustrious family's shadow by becoming a soccer star and winning the World Cup. The only thing that's missing is a talented diamond in the rough who can help him achieve his dream. That's when he sets his sights on Seishiro Nagi, a notorious slacker whose quick reflexes are the only hint of athletic ability. Can Reo find the switch to awaken the beast inside Nagi?The included collectible is not a toy. Keep away from young children.
定價:1900 元, 優惠價:79 1501
24 Hours In the Stone Age (Graphic Novel)(Longlisted for Blue Peter Book Awards 2022)
作者:Lan Cook; Laurent Kling  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2021/03/04 裝訂:精裝
2022年藍彼得圖書獎入圍書!以趣味生動的漫畫形式,圖解石器時代史前人類的食衣住行與生存智慧 。翻開本書,加入你的穴居朋友,一同打獵、製作生活工具,展開石器時代精彩刺激的一天吧!Longlisted for Blue Peter Book Awards 2022Set in Northern Europe around 18,000 years ago, this fascinating information book explores a day in the life of a typical Stone-Age child. Auri lives with her extended family in a cave, which shelters them from bad weather, provides protection from dangerous animals and is close to the river, where they gather fresh water and food.Readers will learn key skills alongside Auri, as her dad shows her how to make and set a fish trap, while Grandpa demonstrates how to fashion a sharp spear from sticks and flint. She explains how to track animals by looking for footprints, nibbled plants and droppings, and make fire using a few simple handmade tools.This fictional account of a Stone-Age family enables young readers to imagine what life may have been like for a child of their age. The comic strip illustrations are colourful, humorous and informative, and are accomp
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Believer in Blue:Marvin Andrews, Football, My Life, My Faith
作者:Marvin Andrews; David Mason  出版社:Pitch Publishing Ltd  出版日:2024/08/05 裝訂:精裝
定價:1375 元, 優惠價:95 1306
A Day in the Life of an Astronaut, Mars and the Distant Stars:Space as You've Never Seen it Before
作者:Mike Barfield; Jess Bradley  出版社:Michael O'Mara Books Ltd  出版日:2023/02/16 裝訂:平裝
Take a colourful and comical tour through our galaxy and beyond with this fun new comic collection from Mike Barfield and Jess Bradley. Discover the poisonous clouds of Venus, the rings of Saturn and the raging storm on Jupiter. Venture inside nebulae, black holes, supernovas and far-flung galaxies.Find out about the historic figures who pioneered space travel, the animals who ventured to the stars so humans could follow and the ground-breaking technology that took them there. With over 90 fun-packed entries, children will laugh as they learn about the wonders of the universe. Each entry uses a colourful comic-strip style to delight and inform young readers in equal measure.Also available in the series:A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You (Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award 2021) 9781780556468A Day in the Life of a Caveman, a Queen and Everything in Between 9781780557137
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
A Day in the Life of a Poo / a Caveman / an Astronaut, Mars and the Distant Stars
作者:Mike Barfield; Jess Bradley  出版社:Michael O'Mara Books Ltd  出版日:2023/02/16 裝訂:平裝
A Day in the Life of a Caveman, a Queen and Everything In BetweenA Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You (Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award 2021)A Day in the Life of an Astronaut, Mars and the Distant Stars:Space as You've Never Seen it Before
定價:1812 元, 優惠價:79 1431
American Life: A Humanistic Perspective of a Chinese Historian
作者:Cho-Yun Hsu  出版社:香港中文大學出版社  出版日:2021/06/15 裝訂:精裝
“Red and blue appear in stark contrast with one another on the map of America. But the even more profound divide is the alienation in our hearts.”This work is a striking analysis of the struggles face
定價:1890 元, 優惠價:9 1701
That's Life! Looking for the Living Things All Around You
作者:Mike Barfield; Lauren Humphrey  出版社:Laurence King Pub  出版日:2021/04/15 裝訂:精裝
A beautiful guide to life on Earth for children aged 8+. Packed full of illustrations, exciting experiments - and even comic strips - That's Life! encourages young scientists to start looking for the living things around them. Life is everywhere on planet Earth.Jungles, deserts, seas, plains, fields and forests - all of them teem with life but, amazingly, you can also find lots of living things hidden in your home, and even hidden inside you! Join Sherlock Ohms and his companions on a brilliant biological adventure, seeking out all kinds of life, including the life forms hiding in your own home!That's Life! Is the follow-up to The Element in the Room (shortlisted for The Blue Peter Book Awards 2019 and The Royal Society Young People's Book Prize 2019. Longlisted for the UKLA Book Awards 2020).
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
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