…. to imagine a language means to imagine a form of life.––Ludwig Wittgenstein(Philosophical Investigation, 1953)Whatever specific goal motivated people who study Chinese at first eventually
與時俱進,跟著時代潮流欣賞及學習英文,讓英文的學習有趣、生動,不再單調乏味。 ◎內容豐富多樣,包羅現代英文必知的各類知識與流行語。 ◎讓你不只學習迅速、有效率,更會因而愛上英文學習。 ◎取材現代化,更能銜接語言與人類文明演進的趨勢潮流。 The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. - Ludwig Wittgenstein。 語言的能力與我們的世界觀息息相關,學會更多語言能夠拓展你的視野——奧地利哲學家維根斯坦。 ☆給喜歡這本書的你 Hi there, don't forget to nurture yourself regularly. You're blossoming, evolving into another level。 You possess an unwavering resilience. Allow yourself to dream big and act upon those dreams。 Remember, the most critical believer in your vision is none other than yourself。 別忘了呵護自己,綻放、進化成更好的自己。 用堅韌的精神,付諸行動、完成夢想, 記住,一直支持著夢想最重要的人就是自己! 學習英文的關鍵不僅僅在於擴充詞彙量, 還要掌握每個字詞片語的正確用法。 透過廣泛閱讀和吸收文章中的句子,瞭解應用方式, 方能夠顯著提升個人的英語水準與能力。 從時事、報導、短句、短文中, 深入淺出的學習英文及英文實例應用, 並透過說文解字瞭解每個字詞的奧妙, 再搭配與單字相關的詞彙詞義加以旁徵博引, 讓學習更全面、更有興趣,事半功倍的提升實力。
Ludwig Wittgenstein remains one of the most powerful influences on contemporary philosophy, yet he shunned publicity and was an extremely private man. His friend Norman Malcolm (himself an eminent phi
For Wittgenstein, philosophy was an on-going activity. Only in his dialog with the philosophical community and in his private moments does Wittgenstein's philosophical practice fully come to light.
Major Works is the finest single-volume anthology of influential philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein's important writings. Featuring the complete texts of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, The Blue and Brow
These works, as the sub-title makes clear, are unfinished sketches for Philosophical Investigations, possibly the most important and influential philosophical work of modern times. The 'Blue Book' is a set of notes dictated to Witgenstein's Cambridge students in 1933-1934: the 'Brown Book' was a draft for what eventually became the growth of the first part of Philosophical Investigations. This book reveals the germination and growth of the ideas which found their final expression in Witgenstein's later work. It is indispensable therefore to students of Witgenstein's thought and to all those who wish to study at first-hand the mental processes of a thinker who fundamentally changed the course of modern philosophy.