【專業推薦】屈享平HP/葡萄酒作家林裕森/專業葡萄酒作家林澧竣Eric/葡萄酒新手選莊才勳/台灣葡萄酒論壇總編輯陳上智/台灣侍酒師協會總編輯陳定鑫/三二行館侍酒師陳匡民/葡萄酒作家陳怡樺/台灣酒研學院創辦人劉永智/葡萄酒自由作家聶汎勳/《酒瓶裡的品飲美學》作者【重點特色】.榮獲飲食界奧斯卡James Beard Foundation Awards 2019年飲品書獎。.以視覺化資訊圖表將葡萄酒世界
In Zizek's long-awaited magnum opus, he theorizes the "parallax gap" in the ontological, the scientific, and the political—and rehabilitates dialectical materialism.
Yeh Shih-t'ao (1925-2008) was an outstanding Taiwanese novelist, literary critic and historian of Taiwan literature. In the history of the development of contemporary Taiwan literature he occupies an incomparably important position. As a literary historian, Yeh's magnum opus is An Outline History of Taiwan Literature (hereafter Outline). It is a comprehensive account that treats the subject of Taiwan literature from the perspective of Taiwan. Although it is only an outline, the book has very special significance in the history of Taiwan literature. 葉石濤(1925-2008)是台灣傑出的小説家、文學批評家、和台灣文學史家,在近代台灣文學發展史上具有無比重要的地位。作爲文學史家,他的巨著當推《台灣文學史綱》。這是以台灣的觀點所闡述的第一本通史。雖然只是綱要,這本書在台灣文學史上,具有特殊的意義,主要在於以台灣人的觀點詮釋台灣文學的歷史發展。
The history of revolution is as old as humanity; yet it is only since the invention of photography that we have been able to discern the realities of these conflicts from the distance of time. Startin
Contact sheets unveil the story of what went into a photograph. Was it the outcome of what a photographer had in mind from the outset? Did it emerge from a diligently worked sequence? Was the right sh
Since its founding in 1947 by Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger, and David “Chim” Seymour, Magnum Photos, the legendary cooperative, has powerfully chronicled the peoples, cultures, ev