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Lucy Cousins (6)
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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:艾瑞克.紐朱姆  出版社:墨刻  出版日:2021/01/19 裝訂:平裝
拯救PODCAST新手、節目沒人聽的7大關鍵!✓ 故事少了這三大元素,就輸在起跑點✓ 明確定義節目的最快方法✓ 你喜歡自己說,還是問別人?✓ 厲害的採訪都這樣問問題✓ 這樣說故事才會讓人想一直聽下去✓ 讓節目被更多人發現的行銷策略✓ 與其自己痛苦找靈感,不如找人陪你熱門!PODCAST排行榜常勝軍製作人無私分享經典!數百個PODCAST節目反覆驗證的實例淬鍊PODCAST、電台、音頻界引頸期盼,新
定價:450 元, 優惠價:79 355
作者:里克•維爾斯  出版社:易博士  出版日:2024/04/20 裝訂:平裝
《星際大戰》導演喬治.盧卡斯說:「音效就占了整個觀影體驗的一半!」 專業推薦 (依姓氏筆畫排序)杜篤之 國際知名音效大師、聲色盒子創辦人林明學 陽明交通大學音樂研究所講師級專業教學教師、啃破紙音樂製作社配樂作曲家郭禮杞 金馬獎,台北電影節最佳音效得主、台灣藝術大學電影系副教授、台北藝術大學電影系副教授楊文祥 雷亞遊戲資深音效設計師;前大宇資訊、遊戲橘子、IGG音效師 在電影、影劇、網路影片或電玩中,音效是最後一塊拼圖,將觀眾帶入畫面體驗「聲」歷其境的聽覺饗宴,甚至創造出如《星際大戰》劃世代的經典音效。而最好的音效是為作品量身打造,為了找到合適的音效,音效錄音師需要運用想像力,實驗不同聲音的效果,還必須具備專業聲音知識和聲音工程技術。作者從事錄音與音效工作逾二十年,經營音效工作室底特律修車廠(Detroit Chop Shop)與個人音效品牌風暴音效(Blastwave FX)有聲有色,音效作品擴及NBC、CBS、ABC、ESPN、HBO等電視網節目、環球、迪士尼等影視作品。本書教你用正確方法錄製聲音、DAW編輯,創造自己的音效。作者將無私分享好萊塢專業的音效製作技巧,包括:聲音基礎、錄音器材、及受到全球專業人士廣泛使用的行業指南「錄音十誡」、音效編輯與設計,書中收錄102種在家錄音的音效點子,包含好萊塢經典音效、擬音、轉場音效等。章節末附上作者兒子Sean Viers以入門學習者視角,分享實作心得。 芹菜、玉米澱粉、椰子殼……在音效的用途,將徹底改變你看待身邊物品的方式,激發音效靈感創意!好萊塢實務大師親授的102種錄音點子:實驗室的泡泡聲/空中爆炸聲/鐘聲、警報聲/外星生物的聲音/群體掌聲/科幻音效、比賽蜂鳴聲/經典機械聲/水花聲、蟲鳴/水滴聲、洞穴聲/海盜船、鬼屋的聲音/嘟嘟聲/人體墜落聲/沸騰水聲/啵啵聲/泡泡聲/按鈕和開關聲/太空船的聲音/動畫的打擊或拍擊聲/消音的嗶嗶聲/滴答聲/布料撕裂聲/電腦及周邊設備的聲音/撞擊聲/門鈴聲/開門和關門聲/打開和關閉抽屜的聲音/膠帶的聲音/吃東西的聲音/定時炸彈滴答聲、鈴聲/機器人的聲音/健身器材的聲音/風扇聲/旗子飄揚聲/火焰聲/爆炸聲/有趣音效/腳步聲/恐怖音效/車庫自動門聲/下雨、噴泉聲/花園工具的聲音/鬼魂音效/玻璃的吱吱聲/草地的聲音/斷頭台音效/槍聲/拔頭髮音效/心跳聲/馬蹄聲/輪胎聲/人聲音效/冰裂的聲音/
定價:650 元, 優惠價:79 513
Noise: a Flaw in Human Judgment
作者:Daniel Kahneman; Olivier Sibony; Cass R. Sunstein  出版社:William Collins UK  出版日:2022/05/31 裝訂:平裝
The Sunday Times bestseller'A monumental, gripping book ... Outstanding' Sunday TimesWherever there is human judgement, there is noise.'Noise may be the most important book I've read in more than a decade. A genuinely new idea so exceedingly important you will immediately put it into practice.A masterpiece'Angela Duckworth, author of Grit'An absolutely brilliant investigation of a massive societal problem that has been hiding in plain sight'Steven Levitt, co-author of FreakonomicsFrom the world-leaders in strategic thinking and the multi-million copy bestselling authors of Thinking Fast and Slow and Nudge, the next big book to change the way you think. Imagine that two doctors in the same city give different diagnoses to identical patients - or that two judges in the same court give different sentences to people who have committed matching crimes. Now imagine that the same doctor and the same judge make different decisions depending on whether it is morning or afternoon, or Monday rath
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Noisy Nora (1平裝+1CD) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第49週
作者:Rosemary Wells  出版社:Penguin USA  出版日:2018/06/04 裝訂:有聲書
It's tough being the middle mouse. No one's paying any attention to Nora, so she decides to do something her family can't ignore: make noise. Nora slams windows, bangs doors, and upsets furniture
定價:768 元, 優惠價:9 691
Exclamation Points Say Wow!
作者:Michael Dahl; Chris Garbutt (ILT)  出版社:Picture Window Books  出版日:2019/02/01 裝訂:平裝
Exclamation points make noise! They shout and command. Follow along and learn all about the importance of exclamaiton points.
定價:302 元, 優惠價:79 239
The Bear and the Piano (精裝本)(美國版)
作者:David Litchfield  出版社:Clarion Books  出版日:2016/04/05 裝訂:精裝
One day, a bear cub finds something strange and wonderful in the forest. When he touches the keys, they make a horrible noise. Yet he is drawn back again and again. Eventually, he learns to play beaut
定價:760 元, 優惠價:1 760
Look, it's Cow / Lion / Dog / Owl (Felt Flaps)(共4 本)
作者:Camilla Reid; Clare Youngs  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/09/01 裝訂:硬頁書
Look, it's Moo Moo Cow (Felt Flaps) Look, it's Roar Roar Lion (Felt Flaps) Look, It's Twit Twoo Owl (Felt Flaps) Look, it's Woof Woof Dog (Felt Flaps) Introducing an exciting multi-sensory board book series written by Camilla Reid, with illustrations from acclaimed collage artist Clare Youngs!All pre-schoolers will adore Clare Youngs' friendly animals with their high-contrast collage artwork, decorative foil highlights and signature animal noises - but there's a tiny creature to find behind a tuggable felt flap on each spread, too! In this book, you'll meet Munch Munch Rabbit, Glub Glub Fish, Quack Quack Duck and Woof Woof Dog herself. With a final 'recap' animal noises page, and the question, "But what noise do YOU make?", little readers will enjoy lifting the last flap and saying 'hello' to themselves in the surprise mirror!Visually gorgeous and with a genuinely engaging hide-and-seek narrative, this is a stunning new series from the author behind some of Nosy Crow's bestselling pre-
庫存 > 10
定價:1756 元, 優惠價:75 1317
My BIG Playbook: Nature (附音檔QRcode)
作者:Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/07/04 裝訂:硬頁書
A BIG nature book for sharing with a little person, introducing first words, colours, numbers, shapes, opposites and more - with felt flaps and a mirror!With bright, stylish artwork from Ingela P Arrhenius, illustrator of the internationally bestselling Felt Flaps and Peekaboo series, this BIG nature-themed playbook is perfect for sharing with older babies and toddlers. How many acorns can you count? What colour is the ladybird? What noise do the birds make? And finally, where are you?A brilliant large-format board book introducing early-learning first concepts and encouraging interactive play, with 10 soft felt flaps, tactile die-cuts on every page and a surprise mirror ending. Other titles available in the series: My BIG Playbook, My BIG Playbook: Farm
定價:549 元, 優惠價:75 412
My BIG Playbook: Farm (附音檔QRcode)
作者:Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/04/11 裝訂:硬頁書
A BIG book for sharing with a little person, introducing first words, colours, numbers, farm animals and more - with felt flaps and a mirror!With bright, stylish artwork from Ingela P Arrhenius, illustrator of the internationally bestselling Felt Flaps and Peekaboo series, this BIG farm-themed playbook is perfect for sharing with older babies and toddlers. How many sheep can you count? What colour are the tomatoes? What noise do the farm animals make? And finally, where are you?A brilliant large-format board book introducing early-learning first concepts and encouraging interactive play, with 10 soft felt flaps, tactile die-cuts on every page and a surprise mirror ending. Other titles available in the series: My BIG Playbook
定價:549 元, 優惠價:75 412
Noisy Nora (平裝本) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第49週
作者:Rosemary Wells  出版社:PUFFIN BOOKS  出版日:2000/07/01 裝訂:平裝
It's tough being the middle mouse. No one's paying any attention to Nora, so she decides to do something her family can't ignore: make noise. Nora slams windows, bangs doors, and upsets furniture, to
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Noisy Nora (1CD) 廖彩杏老師推薦有聲書第49週
作者:Rosemary Wells; Mary Beth Hurt  出版社:Scholastic  裝訂:有聲書
t's tough being the middle mouse. No one's paying any attention to Nora, so she decides to do something her family can't ignore: make noise. Nora slams windows, bangs doors, and upsets furniture, to n
庫存 > 10
定價:492 元, 優惠價:79 388
Look, it's Woof Woof Dog (Felt Flaps)
作者:Camilla Reid; Clare Youngs  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/09/01 裝訂:硬頁書
Introducing an exciting multi-sensory board book series written by Camilla Reid, with illustrations from acclaimed collage artist Clare Youngs!All pre-schoolers will adore Clare Youngs’ friendly animals with their high-contrast collage artwork, decorative foil highlights and signature animal noises – but there’s a tiny creature to find behind a tuggable felt flap on each spread, too! In this book, you’ll meet Munch Munch Rabbit, Glub Glub Fish, Quack Quack Duck and Woof Woof Dog herself. With a final ‘recap’ animal noises page, and the question, “But what noise do YOU make?”, little readers will enjoy lifting the last flap and saying ‘hello’ to themselves in the surprise mirror!Visually gorgeous and with a genuinely engaging hide-and-seek narrative, this is a stunning new series from the author behind some of Nosy Crow’s bestselling pre-school books: Felt Flaps Where’s Mr/Mrs?, Pip and Posy, Bizzy Bear and Peekaboo.Also available: Look, It’s Moo Moo Cow!, Look, It’s Roar Roar Lion!, Lo
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:66 289
Look, it's Roar Roar Lion (Felt Flaps)
作者:Camilla Reid; Clare Youngs  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/05/05 裝訂:硬頁書
Introducing an exciting new multi-sensory board book series written by Camilla Reid, with illustrations from acclaimed collage artist Clare Youngs!All pre-schoolers will adore Clare Youngs' friendly animals with their high-contrast collage artwork, decorative foil highlights and signature animal noises - but there's a tiny creature to find behind a tuggable felt flap on each spread, too! In this book, you'll meet Clip Clop Zebra, Ooo Ooo Monkey, Munch Munch Hippo and Roar Roar Lion himself. With a final 'recap' animal noises page, and the question, "But what noise do YOU make?", little readers will enjoy lifting the last flap and saying 'hello' to themselves in the surprise mirror!Visually gorgeous and with a genuinely engaging hide-and-seek narrative, this is the launch of a stunning new series from the author behind some of Nosy Crow's bestselling pre-school books: Felt Flaps Where's Mr/Mrs?, Pip and Posy, Bizzy Bear and Peekaboo. Also available: Look, It's Moo Moo Cow!
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:66 289
Look, it's Moo Moo Cow (Felt Flaps)
作者:Camilla Reid; Clare Youngs  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/05/05 裝訂:硬頁書
Introducing an exciting new multi-sensory board book series written by Camilla Reid, with illustrations from acclaimed collage artist Clare Youngs!All pre-schoolers will adore Clare Youngs' friendly animals with their high-contrast collage artwork, decorative foil highlights and signature animal noises - but there's a tiny creature to find behind a tuggable felt flap on each spread, too! In this book, you'll meet Baa Baa Sheep, Cluck Cluck Hen, Oink Oink Pig and Moo Moo Cow herself.With a final 'recap' animal noises page, and the question, "But what noise do YOU make?", little readers will enjoy lifting the last flap and saying 'hello' to themselves in the surprise mirror!Visually gorgeous and with a genuinely engaging hide-and-seek narrative, this is the launch of a stunning new series from the author behind some of Nosy Crow's bestselling pre-school books: Felt Flaps Where's Mr/Mrs?, Pip and Posy, Bizzy Bear and Peekaboo. Also available: Look, It's Roar Roar Lion!
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:66 289
Don't Tickle the Bear! (硬頁觸摸音效書)
作者:Sam Taplin; Ana Martin Larranaga  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2021/07/08 裝訂:硬頁書
Little children will love pressing the touchy-feely patches to make the sounds in this hilarious book. When you tickle the soft patch on each charmingly illustrated bear it triggers a noise... and the
庫存 > 10
定價:714 元, 優惠價:56 399
Look, It's Twit Twoo Owl (Felt Flaps)
作者:Camilla Reid; Clare Youngs  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/09/01 裝訂:硬頁書
Introducing an exciting multi-sensory board book series written by Camilla Reid, with illustrations from acclaimed collage artist Clare Youngs!All pre-schoolers will adore Clare Youngs’ friendly animals with their high-contrast collage artwork, decorative foil highlights and signature animal noises – but there’s a tiny creature to find behind a tuggable felt flap on each spread, too! In this book, you’ll meet Squeak Squeak Mouse, Munch Munch Squirrel, Ribbit Ribbit Frog and Twit Twoo Owl himself. With a final ‘recap’ animal noises page, and the question, “But what noise do YOU make?”, little readers will enjoy lifting the last flap and saying ‘hello’ to themselves in the surprise mirror!Visually gorgeous and with a genuinely engaging hide-and-seek narrative, this is a stunning new series from the author behind some of Nosy Crow’s bestselling pre-school books: Felt Flaps Where’s Mr/Mrs?, Pip and Posy, Bizzy Bear and Peekaboo.Also available: Look, It’s Moo Moo Cow!, Look, It’s Roar Roar
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:66 289
作者:Guilherme Karsten  出版社:Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd  出版日:2023/02/23 裝訂:平裝
**WINNER OF THE BOOKTRUST STORYTIME PRIZE 2024**Are You a Monster? is a fun interactive read-aloud picture book that will have children of all ages roaring and stomping along, as Monster encourages them to be the scariest monster possible. Warning! This book contains a monster. A really angry, really scary, really bad monster… or so the monster says.And Monster has a very important question: are you a monster too? Children will love playing along with the book as monster tests them on their monster skills. Do you have a long pointy tail? Big yellow eyes? No? Can you make a big, loud noise? You can! Kids get to join in with this hilarious story and play their monstrous part, and by the end Monster may just regret asking that all important question. Also in this monstrous series: Are You a Sleepy Monster? Children can play along at bedtime as the lovable monster now invites them to wear ragged pyjamas, crawl under the bed and act like a monster!
定價:439 元, 優惠價:73 320
Women Make Noise—Girl Bands from the Motown to the Modern
作者:Julia Downes (EDT)  出版社:Consortium Book Sales & Dist  出版日:2012/12/11 裝訂:平裝
In Women Make Noise musicians, promoters, journalists, and fans explore the best girl bands of the last fifty years. Includes interviews with members of the original '60s girl groups and classic punk
定價:1328 元, 優惠價:79 1049
作者:Clarence Bernard Henry  出版社:Univ Pr of Mississippi  出版日:2008/08/21 裝訂:精裝
Clarence Bernard Henry's book is a culmination of several years of field research on sacred and secular influences of ase, the West African Yoruba concept that spread to Brazil and throughout the Afri
定價:3000 元, 優惠價:1 3000
作者:卡麗韋斯頓 文; 理查伯恩 圖  出版社:格林文化  出版日:2014/04/28 裝訂:精裝
《不可以搶我的糖果!》、《這本書吃了我的狗!》英國凱特格林威大獎入選畫家理查伯恩帶領孩子們進行熱鬧的農場大探險! 在尋找答案的過程中,與好奇的兔寶兔一起認識各種動物的聲音!《兔寶兔怎麼叫?》增加孩子對聲音的認知學習,以最能吸引兒童注意力的重複循環形式,搭配童趣可愛的動物角色,同時豐富孩子的視覺與聽覺印象! 當太陽升起,公雞就開始「喔—喔—喔!」的啼叫。接著,農場上很快的充滿動物們的各種叫聲。在這熱
定價:280 元, 優惠價:9 252
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