你知道嗎?Nvidia這間1993年創立的小公司,起初只是在聖荷西一家Denny’s餐廳討論出來的點子,如今卻成了人工智慧時代的寵兒!這本《The Nvidia Way》帶你深入了解這家公司的崛起之路,從遊戲顯卡的利基市場,到如今掌握生成式AI革命的核心地位,Nvidia如何一步步成為全球最有價值的企業之一?書中揭露許多令人驚嘆的秘辛,包括Nvidia如何克服創業初期的失誤、扁平化組織如何激發創新,還有黃仁勳(大家都叫他Jensen)如何用他的遠見與策略,不斷顛覆市場,甚至讓Intel也望塵莫及。如果你想了解AI浪潮的核心推手,以及Nvidia如何創造奇蹟,這本書絕對不容錯過!"The definitive look at the most remarkable business story of this era."—Morgan Housel, New York Times best-selling author of The Psychology of Money and Same As Ever"The Nvidia Way is a riveting history of Nvidia’s unexpected ascent to the top of the tech sector—and a compelling case for why cofounder Jensen Huang is one of history’s great CEOs."—Chris Miller, New York Times best-selling author of Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical TechnologyA deeply reported business history of the chip-designer Nvidia—from its founding in 1993 to its recent emergence as one of the most valuable corporations in the world—explaining how the company’s culture, overseen by cofounder and CEO Jensen Huan
A good business case is so much more than simply the means to justify a decision. A well-written and well-researched business case will secure funding; make sure any project stays on the right side of
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"Just the understanding and insights you will pick up about how people encounter and cope with combinations of technical, social, political, and economic opportunities and challenges make the
Providing the necessary background information and hands-on tools to build compelling business cases, this book will increase the reader's capability to champion new business development ideas, take t
How do you decide the best course of action for your company to take advantage of new opportunities? You must develop a business case to explore multiple alternatives before making a recommendation to
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This Infoline educates learning and development professionals in the language of business finance, so that they can effectively communicate the value of the learning function to stakeholders.
Value propositions are potential answers to each business performance issue. They are the going in assumptions about future research results. If uniquely proven true, the potential answers become conc
The best-selling text of its kind, BUSINESS ETHICS: CASE STUDIES AND SELECTED READINGS, 9E carefully reviews the decision-making process of business leaders today to illustrate why good leaders often
In the 1970s, Xerox pioneered the involvement of social science researchers in technology design and in developing better ways of working. The Xerox legacy is a hybrid methodology that combines an ethnographic interest in direct observation in settings of interest with an ethnomethodological concern to make the study of interactional work an empirical, investigatory matter. This edited volume is an overview of Xerox's social science tradition. It uses detailed case studies showing how the client engagement was conducted over time and how the findings were consequential for business impact. Case studies in retail, production, office and home settings cover four topics: practices around documents, the customer front, learning and knowledge-sharing, and competency transfer. The impetus for this book was a 2003 Xerox initiative to transfer knowledge about conducting ethnographically grounded work practice studies to its consultants so that they may generate the kinds of knowledge generated
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The concept of political risk is the unifying theme in this collection of ten historical case studies exploring business decision-making related to European dictatorships in the inter-war period and p
Past cases are the European Court of Justice's most prominent tool in making and justifying the rulings and decisions which affect the everyday lives of more than half a billion people. Marc Jacob's detailed analysis of the use of precedents and case-based reasoning in the Court uses methods such as doctrinal scholarship, empirical research, institutional analysis, comparative law and legal theory in order to unravel and critique the how and why of the Court's precedent technique. In doing so, he moves the wider debate beyond received 'common law' versus 'civil law' figments and 'Eurosceptic' versus 'Euromantic' battle lines, and also provides a useful blueprint for assessing and comparing the case law practices of other dispute resolution bodies.
This text provides a concise explanation of the statutory and case law that affects business with the objective of enabling students to use the law as a source for business decision-making. Numerous