A charming picture book that features diverse artwork and perfectly encapsulates the idea that we are all wonderfully unique yet still connected to each other. You, Me and Our Whole Wide World is a delightful story that perfectly balances all the individual qualities that make us unique and the things we have in common that connect us to others from all around the world. Bridget Marzo has created heart-warming artwork to complement her uplifting text.
Hailed by Toni Morrison as “required reading,” a bold and personal literary exploration of America’s racial history by “the single best writer on the subject of race in the United States” (The New Yor
We all have the best mama!It doesn’t matter who you ask, each of us will agree.That the one with the best mama of all is obviously, me!From hugs and kisses to playing and comforting—mamas are all the best! A little fox, a kitten, a duckling, a little girl and more share their favorite things about their mamas.商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
I give you the world and everything in it.Come, let me show you – it won’t take a minute… From soaring eagles and timid deer, to the winter’s chill and summer’s laughter, I Give You the World is a be
Make every museum trip a new adventure! Take Me To Museums is the first book in an exciting new series of guided journals for young explorers. With its stylish design, zingy illustrations and hand
Hi! I’m Daisy Dreamer and my totally true imaginary friend Posey invited me to his amazing world of make believe! Oh, and you’re totally invited, too!Remember me? Daisy Dreamer? Of course you do, silly! And you remember my totally true imaginary friend, Posey, too. Obviously! But did you know that Posey comes from a totally true imaginary world! You won’t believe the things that live there, like sparkle fairies, pretty pixies, ghosts, and cloud critters, just to name a few. And guess what! They all have a story to tell. And guess who’s going to tell it. Yep, that’s right. Me, Daisy Dreamer, the girl with her head in the clouds.With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, the Daisy Dreamer chapter books are perfect for emerging readers.
A timid ten-year-old boy meets Johnny, a gruff islander who will change his life, in this heartwarming middle-grade novel about finding yourself and your place in the world Pedro has always dreamed of going to the sea. So when his mom takes him on a special trip to a small island in the Caribbean, he's so happy that he grows an extra inch! But the troubles at home--bullying from classmates and an absent father--find a way to follow Pedro, even on vacation... Overwhelmed, the boy takes to the beach and runs away, hoping to leave his worries far behind. That's when he meets Johnny, an islander descended from pirates. At first, Pedro is frightened by Johnny's imposing appearance and brusque manners. But Johnny, along with his chatty parrot Victoria, takes young Pedro under his wing and shares his island and his stories with him, thereby changing Pedro's life. Because sometimes, like Pedro, you have to lose yourself to find yourself.
與家人一同住在倫敦東區的社會住宅,15歲的莫莉暗自懷抱著業餘拳擊夢。當大哥兼教練的丹尼在她的首場擂台賽神秘失蹤,自此音訊全無。接著警方找了上門,懷疑他與一樁襲擊案有關。莫莉只能一邊繼續訓練,將內心的焦灼與對自己底層出身的憤怒投注在一次次的出拳與防禦上,一邊瞞著爸媽,秘密追蹤關於丹尼下落的蛛絲馬跡…全書散文體及詩文交錯,不時穿插圖像詩及對話紀錄。故事在文體流暢切換間逐步推進、攀升,讓敘事節奏強烈且充滿驚喜。滿載腎上腺素及青春的苦澀與鼓動,富詩意的成長小說。Told in dynamic verse and prose, The Bones of Me is a thrilling debut novel about friends and family amid the world of amateur boxing.Living on an East London council estate has its worries - and life for teenager Molly hasn't always been easy. But she has a dream, a dream to be a boxer just like her older brother Denny. When he agrees he'll help her train she couldn't be more excited.But then everything changes. Denny goes missing and the police are after him. Her mum and dad are working all hours to keep the bailiffs from their door and don'thave time to worry about Denny.So as Molly secretly continues her training with her friend Kwaku, they decide to search for Denny and find out the truth about his disappearance.Included in the CBC’s October 2022 Hot Off t