《紐約時報》熱門專欄精采集結亞馬遜影音(Amazon Prime Video)改編為原創劇集,第一季好評不斷安•海瑟薇與多位實力派演員共同主演2004年至今,《紐約時報》持續刊登各類型創作人寫下自身愛的經歷,映照出人們在感情裡的一笑一淚,渴望相依42個揪心、掙扎的真實故事,每一篇都是勇氣的不同形式陶晶瑩(主持人/作家)、鄧惠文(榮格分析師/精神科醫師)、陳雪(作家)、趙雅芬(作家)、張瑋軒(吾思傳
The inspiration for the upcoming streaming series starring Tina Fey, Anne Hathaway, and Dev Patel, a revised and updated collection of dozens of the most memorable stories ever featured in the New Yor
The inspiration for the upcoming streaming series starring Tina Fey, Anne Hathaway, and Dev Patel, a revised and updated collection of dozens of the most memorable stories ever featured in the New Yor
An illustrated collection of 175 mini lovestories from the New York Times’s Tiny LoveStories column, by the editors ofModernLove.As an extension of the beloved New York Times column ModernLove, T
An artfully designed compendium of 200 antiquarian photographs, all published here for the first time―including daguerrotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, cartes de visite, and sepia and black-and-white images―culled from the private collection of longtime antiques collector, dealer, and appraiser Anthony Cavo, accompanied by an entertaining mix of historical anecdotes, truestories, excerpts from literature, letters, quotes, and fun facts.“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”―Anatole FranceDogs have been beloved companions since the dawn of humankind. With the advent of photography in the nineteenth century, this love was immortalized for the first time on film. While the clothing and the hairstyles of yesteryear may be very different―and intriguing to the modern eye―in these photos, the evident love between pet and owner is unmistakable, and remains as poignant today as when these images were taken. An avid collector of nineteenth- and early twentieth-ce