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學齡前 (2)

Bradley Trevor Greive (1)
Carlie Sorosiak (1)
Jessika Von Innerebner (1)
Lexi Ryan (1)
Melissa Shultz (1)
Nicola Yoon (1)
Renata Galindo (1)
medina (1)
蕾娜塔•葛林多(Renata Galindo)-文圖;謝靜雯-譯 (1)

Random House Childrens Books (2)
Andrews McMeel Pub (1)
Createspace Independent Pub (1)
DIAL (1)
Levine Querido (1)
Sourcebooks Inc (1)
Walker Books Us (1)
三民書局 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:蕾娜塔•葛林多(Renata Galindo)-文圖; 謝靜雯-譯  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2019/01/18 裝訂:精裝
★入選臺北市109年度兒童深耕閱讀「兒童優良閱讀媒材」★ 我們的家也許有著不同的組合,但愛卻沒什麼不同;我們也許有著不同的面貌,但我依然愛你。一個溫暖而療癒的小品故事娓娓道來關於家人的真正意義──只要我們擁有彼此,那裡就是家。 ★3~7歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀 ★★★各界同聲推薦★★★☆王湘妤 Funkids放小孩閱讀工作坊創辦人☆哈克(黃
庫存 > 10
定價:299 元, 優惠價:67 199
Everything, Everything
作者:Nicola Yoon  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2015/09/01 裝訂:精裝
This innovative, heartfelt debut novel tells the story of a girl who’s literally allergic to the outside world. When a new family moves in next door, she begins a complicated romance that challenges everything she’s ever known. The narrative unfolds via vignettes, diary entries, texts, charts, lists, illustrations, and more.My disease is as rare as it is famous. Basically, I’m allergic to the world. I don’t leave my house, have not left my house in seventeen years. The only people I ever see are my mom and my nurse, Carla.But then one day, a moving truck arrives next door. I look out my window, and I see him. He's tall, lean and wearing all black—black T-shirt, black jeans, black sneakers, and a black knit cap that covers his hair completely. He catches me looking and stares at me. I stare right back. His name is Olly.Maybe we can’t predict the future, but we can predict some things. For example, I am certainly going to fall in love with Olly. It’s almost certainly going to be a disast
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
作者:Renata Galindo  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2016/03/22 裝訂:精裝
Here is a heartwarming and completely accessible story about adoption, diversity, and acceptance. Told from the point of view of a puppy who is adopted by a cat, this gentle and reassuring tale is per
From Mom to Me Again ─ How I Survived My First Empty-Nest Year and Reinvented the Rest of My Life
作者:Melissa Shultz  出版社:Sourcebooks Inc  出版日:2016/07/05 裝訂:平裝
Live your best life-even after your kids leave homeWhen her children left for college, Melissa Shultz was certain that she had prepared them well for their new lives-but her own life was a different m
定價:608 元, 優惠價:79 480
作者:Bradley Trevor Greive  出版社:Andrews McMeel Pub  出版日:2007/02/15 裝訂:精裝
Mom, the other day I was rubbing my belly button and it really made me stop and think-what a funny little reminder of such an important connection." --Bradley Trevor Greive* This New York Times best-s
That's My Sweater!
作者:Jessika Von Innerebner  出版社:DIAL  出版日:2022/10/04 裝訂:精裝
An outrageously funny sibling rivalry story with a hand-me-down twist Olivia loves her favorite sweater. I mean, she really really loves it. So when her mom decides it's time to hand it down to Olivia's baby brother, Olivia vows that she will not rest until she and her beloved sweater are reunited. In her riotously funny new picture book, Kevin the Unicorn creator Jessika von Innerebner puts an oh-so-satisfying spin on an age-old conflict that is bound to delight siblings of all stripes.
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
Leonard (My Life as a Cat)
作者:Carlie Sorosiak  出版社:Walker Books Us  出版日:2022/04/12 裝訂:平裝
He’s not a stray house cat, he’s an immortal being. And now he must choose whether to return to his planet or remain with his new human friend in a humorous, heart-tugging story from the author of I, Cosmo.The cat that Olive rescues from a flood has a secret: he’s not really a cat at all, but an alien who crashed to Earth on a beam of light. The cat, whom Olive names Leonard, was prepared to visit the planet as a human―but something went wrong. Now Leonard may never know what it’s like to hold an umbrella, go bowling, or host a dinner party. (And his human jokes still need some work: Knock, knock. Who’s there? Just Leonard. It is me.) While Olive worries about whether she will have to move after her mom and her new boyfriend get back from their summer vacation, Leonard tries to figure out how to get from South Carolina to Yellowstone National Park, because if he’s not there at the end of the month, he’ll miss his ride home. But as Olive teaches Leonard about the beautiful and confusing
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
The One Who Loves You the Most
作者:medina  出版社:Levine Querido  出版日:2022/05/10 裝訂:精裝
From debut author medina comes a beautifully told story of finding oneself and one's community, at last.I have never felt like I belonged to my body. Never in the way rhythm belongs to a song or waves belong to an ocean.It seems like most people figure out where they belong by knowing where they came from. When they look in the mirror, they see their family in their eyes, in their sharp jawlines, in the texture of their hair. When they look at family photos, they see faces of people who look like them. They see faces of people who they'll look like in the future.For me, I only have my imagination.But I'm always trying.Twelve-year-old Gabriela is trying to find their place in the world. In their body, which feels less and less right with each passing day. As an adoptee, in their all-white family. With their mom, whom they love fiercely and do anything they can to help with her depression. And at school, where they search for friends.A new year will bring a school project, trans and quee
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
Rushing in
作者:Lexi Ryan  出版社:Createspace Independent Pub  出版日:2016/08/24 裝訂:平裝
The favor seemed simple: Keep my new stepsister out of trouble for one summer.I’ve never met Grace Lee, but Mom tells me she’s a quiet and artsy college student with a troubled past. When I agreed to
定價:811 元, 優惠價:1 811



