「希臘羅馬神話故事」是西方文學的主要源頭,從文藝復興時期開始,西方的詩人和文學家紛紛採用這些神話故事來當作創作素材,對西方的文學、藝術、語言等文化產生了深刻而廣泛的影響。不管是在日常英語或是英語文學中,都可以見到許多用法或典故出自希臘羅馬神話。閱讀這些引人入勝的神話,不但故事生動有趣,更能提高英語能力與文化涵養的層次! 「Greek & Roman Myths」書系共計12冊,講述12個
This examines how Poussin cultivated a poetics of painting from the literary culture of his own time, and especially through his response to the work of Torquato Tasso. Tasso's poetic discourses were the most important source for Poussin's theory of painting. The poet's ideas on artistic imitation, novelty, and plot structure and unity, which are exemplified in his epic La Gerusalemme liberata, proved to be fundamental to the artist's conception of narrative painting, culminating in the Israelites Gathering Manna. In the paintings after the Gerusalemme, Poussin does not merely illustrate Tasso's verse, but cultivates pictorial means to refashion the poet's metaphors of desire. The interplay of poetic and painterly imagery also animates Poussin's Ovidian masterpieces, the Echo and Narcissus and the Realm of Flora. Offering interpretations of these works, this book also investigates Poussin's larger literary culture and how this context illuminates the artist's response to contemporary p
This examines how Poussin cultivated a poetics of painting from the literary culture of his own time, and especially through his response to the work of Torquato Tasso. Tasso's poetic discourses were the most important source for Poussin's theory of painting. The poet's ideas on artistic imitation, novelty, and plot structure and unity, which are exemplified in his epic La Gerusalemme liberata, proved to be fundamental to the artist's conception of narrative painting, culminating in the Israelites Gathering Manna. In the paintings after the Gerusalemme, Poussin does not merely illustrate Tasso's verse, but cultivates pictorial means to refashion the poet's metaphors of desire. The interplay of poetic and painterly imagery also animates Poussin's Ovidian masterpieces, the Echo and Narcissus and the Realm of Flora. Offering interpretations of these works, this book also investigates Poussin's larger literary culture and how this context illuminates the artist's response to contemporary p
Cinema without Reflection traces an implicit film theory in Jacques Derrida’s oeuvre, especially in his frequent invocation of the myth of Echo and Narcissus. Derrida’s reflections on the economies of
Help students build fluency and gain confidence as readers with the timeless tales of King Midas, Daedalus and Icarus, Echo and Narcissus, and more. This collection of short scripts features parts th
"THE EARTH BROKE OPEN CAUSE WE BROKE IT OPEN," blares the first line of this enrapturing debut collection mapping the myth of Narcissus and Echo and the Iron Range roots of Bob Dylan onto a world grow
A collection of seventeen Greek myths. It features stories of Theseus and the Minotaur, Persephone, King Midas, Ariadne, Orpheus and Eurydice, and Echo and Narcissus.
This book introduces the importance of echoism as a clinical entity and a theoretical concept. In Ovid's version of the myth of Echo and Narcissus, the character Echo receives equal attention to her c
Seventeen of Ovid’s enduring stories stunningly illustrated.Known the world over, Ovid’s canonical work has spanned centuries, never losing its relevance. Retold by award-winning Austrian author Heinz Janisch with transcendent illustrations by Ana Sender, this collection includes some of Ovid’s most popular and potent stories―sure to reach new hearts and minds. From The Story of the Origin of the World to Midas, Pan, Europa, Apollo, Daphne, Narcissus, Echo, and Fama, the goddess of rumor and stories, we see the multifaceted world of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. These tales about gods, goddesses, humans, nymphs and other beings remind us that transformation and the power of story is never ending.
"In F2F, the word-wall between author and reader becomes?a projection screen for a shadow-play of sad couplings—Echo and Narcissus, Eurydice and Orpheus, a pair of instant-messaging lovers. Be warned: