☆ 前所未見的超酷台漫!今年絕不可錯過的漫畫新作! ☆ 動物英雄×陰謀詭局×諷刺寓言,情節懸疑、分鏡流暢、作畫細膩且張力十足。☆ 漫畫新人NANO HERO+編劇顧問臥斧,給你實力派美漫風格graphic novel。☆ 大開本全彩精裝,帶你進入最酷的動物英雄宇宙! 不要哭泣。亦毋須驚慌。歡慶吧,不見天日者。新希望已經到來。——We share the same sun.托比王(Toby King)是一隻橘貓,一隻追求自由平等、憤世嫉俗的貓。私下的他像當年Nirvana的Kurt Cobain一樣,頹廢而掏心掏肺地唱出常民的悲哀,引起群眾的共嗚與圍觀。但這個國家並不允許非法集會。幸好,身為T.T.L.P.(The Three Little Pigs三隻小豬)組織探員的托比,總能逃過警方的追捕。一天,三隻豬老爹告知托比一樁重大的消息——建立國家的四大家族之一的兔族領袖「海爾大公」失蹤了!只留下一隻染血的兔腳。前去調查的托比和大福(發明家小豬),進入海爾宅邸後卻有各種不解,還遭遇了神祕驚人的奇異生物和鼠族的聯手來襲。不知不覺,兩人被捲入一場政府和大家族間爾虞我詐、各懷鬼胎的陰謀風暴中⋯⋯致命危機即將來襲! 曾獲高雄漾藝術博覽會藝術新星獎的NANO HERO,三十歲時毅然辭去電子產業的穩定工作,一頭栽進繪畫創作,2018年開始創作《Toby King》系列故事,之後在高雄駁二特區開了一間小小店面+工作室,埋首創作發展這個動物英雄宇宙,本書為其醞釀多年的第一集。本作可說是台灣漫畫中極少見偏藝術型美漫的圖像小說,雖為NANO HERO第一次嘗試漫畫創作,但完成度非常驚人,絲毫不見生澀感。作畫方式結合手繪原畫和電繪,從大幅油畫到壓克力、水彩、代針筆、鉛筆、麥克筆⋯⋯畫面細膩到嚇人,張力十足,分鏡多變而流暢。同時身為搖滾和電影迷的NANO HERO,也在書中埋入許多流行文化元素和設計,若是同道中人,閱讀時會有意外之趣。《Toby King 托比王》以動物寓言為骨幹,結合細緻陰鬱的迷人畫風,構築出別樹一格的「反烏托邦」式後末日政治諷刺故事。作為系列首部曲,無疑為讀者開了一個非常使人驚豔的開頭。本書邀得小說家臥斧作為編劇顧問,兩人攜手精心打磨出緊湊劇情和龐大的世界觀,戰鬥場面引人入勝、魄力驚人,是台漫市場上讓人耳目一新、不可錯過的耀眼傑作。【業界一致好評推薦】「第一次發現致豪(NAN
Jak and her robotic servant, Cow, are in a pickle; Mom wants Jak to sell Cow for scrap, but Cow and Jak have become best friends. So instead of selling the rusty old robot for spare change, Jak strike
"We need more beautifully illustrated and involving non-fiction like this. Wade and Castrillon introduce nanoscience with perfect clarity and inviting pictures." - The Sunday Times "Beautiful ... plunges deep into the world of atoms, materials and the applications of nanoscience, with accessible text and richly shaded pictures." - Guardian This exciting non-fiction picture book introduces young readers to the fascinating (and cutting-edge) science of the very, very small.Everything is made from something - but the way we make things, from the materials we use to the science and technology involved, is changing fast. Nano offers a fascinating narrative introduction to this cutting-edge area of STEM, better known by the name "nanotechnology". With words by Dr Jess Wade - a highly skilled physicist and trailblazing campaigner for diversity in STEM fields - and beautiful, dynamic pictures by award-winning artist Melissa Castrillon, this is the perfect book for budding young scientists and