The best-selling authors of Angelspeake show how to call upon your personal angels for help in solving personal problems and healing, getting clarity on what we want in our lives, and developing trust
Shortlisted for the Man Booker International 2018. A stunning meditation on the colour white; about light, about death and about ritual'A brilliant psychogeography of grief, moving as it does between place, history and memory... The White Book is a mysterious text, perhaps in part a secular prayer book' Deborah Levy, Guardian SHORTLISTED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BOOKER PRIZE From the author of The Vegetarian and Human Acts comes a book like no other. The White Book is a meditation on colour, beginning with a list of white things. But it is also a book about mourning, and of rebirth and the tenacity of the human spirit. It is a stunning investigation of the fragility, beauty and strangeness of life from one of the great literary voices of our time. 'Wonderful. A quietly gripping contemplation on life, death and the existential impact of those who have gone before' Eimear McBride 'The White Book is a profound and precious thing... Han Kang is a genius' Lisa McInerney
禱告求醫治未蒙應允,怎麼辦?聖經說得很清楚:神的旨意就是要醫治!但基督徒常禱告求醫治卻未蒙應允,為什麼?答案可能就在天堂法庭。韓若柏是國際公認的天堂法庭禱告戰略專家,他的教導幫助過無數人突破障礙、禱告蒙應允、生命神奇翻轉。現在他要來回應:禱告求醫治卻未蒙應允,怎麼辦?撒但就是神旨意與百姓的對頭,牠在天堂法庭控告基督徒,不讓他們得醫治。本書要教你使用符合天堂法律程序的禱告,駁斥魔鬼的指控。你會學到如何: ● 辨識阻礙醫治的邪靈、障礙和合法權利。 ● 破除被撒但用來傷害你身體的咒詛和堅固營壘。 ● 從天堂法庭釋放救贖醫治的判決。發掘如何釋放神對你、對你國家的命定。上天堂法庭為自己申訴!好評推薦:「若柏在《從天堂法庭領受醫治》一書,分享許多寶貴的洞見,教導如何移除撒但對信徒的攻擊。建議讀者細細閱讀、慢慢消化,學習如何在天堂法庭的攻防戰上扭轉頹勢,打敗那控告者,贏得屬於你的醫治。」——瓊安.漢特(Joan Hunter),醫治佈道家、著有暢銷書《醫治全人》和《醫治,就是現在》「聖靈屢次在關鍵時刻興起重要的聲音釋放話語,改變教會歷史的軌道,韓若柏就是其中一位。他發出的聲音和信息,即將改變教會的軌道。竭誠歡迎你來認識這位屬神智者的生命、服事與信息。」——吉姆.歌珥(James W. Goll),與神相遇事工(God Encounters Ministries)創辦人、全球暢銷書作者「韓若柏的著作《從天堂法庭領受醫治》讀來令人震撼。他運用巧妙而實際的手法,解開聖經奧祕的啟示,讓世人看見,神歡迎信祂的人進到天堂的法庭領受醫治和自由。這是一本建造信心的書,相信你會和我一樣愛不釋手。」——派翠絲.金(Patricia King)博士,派翠絲.金事工(Patricia King Ministries)「誠摯鼓勵讀者勇敢領受神從天堂法庭的判決,奪回我們的中保耶穌所要賜予的,把病痛還給那控告弟兄的撒但。我們勝過撒但,是靠羔羊的血和我們所見證的道!」——約翰.班尼福爾(John M. Benefiel)博士,核心使徒性禱告網絡(Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network)主責使徒&創辦人、奧克拉荷馬市磐石教會(Church on the Rock)主任牧師「如果你覺得自己快要陣亡了,看不到主的手要醫治你,《從天堂法庭領受醫治》或許就是你缺少的那一塊。這本書能激勵你打起
Marcel Mauss (1872-1950) never completed his Doctoral thesis on prayer. Yet his scarcely mentioned introduction (Books I and II) of 176 pages and privately printed in 1909, can be seen as some of his
Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers, was also a man of prayer. His sermons on prayer contained within this Pure Gold Classic will lead you to the very throne of grace, where you will obtain mercy and fi
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Prayer Primer is written for adults who want God and a serious prayer life, but it does not presuppose that they need or have a theological background. Dubay answers many questions on prayer. Why pray
Traces and comments upon the sources, history, and development of each of the rites and formularies of the book from the earliest known forms until the present day.
A leading authority on religion and spirituality in America recounts the changes she witnessed from 1992–2004, a period she compares to the tumultuous years of the Reformation and Peri-Reformation in
Nearly a hundred prominent men and women from every religious tradition and around the globe here share a favorite prayer, while reflecting on its personal meaning. Nobel Peace Prize winners Lech Wale
Reviewing the growing body of scientific research on prayer, this book describes what is known about the behavioral, cognitive, emotional, developmental, and health aspects of this important religious
Snuggle in this holiday season and offer up A Christmas Prayer.In the tradition of A Night Night Prayer, this precious little child wanders through the house on a snowy Christmas night offering a pray
Learn the Strategies of Prayer and affect all three realms: things in heaven, things on the earth, and the powers of darkness. Help launch your prayer life into a powerful new dimension.Answer such qu