無論是自然或是人類,我們永遠都在移動的路上!一本濃縮「移動歷史」的書籍讓你理解萬年來,世界、交通、人類的歷史,如何透過「移動」前行世界上最美的書創作拍檔,繼《看見聲音》、《大開眼界》最新力作,囊括韓國南怡島國際繪本插畫大賽、歐洲設計獎、基輔阿森納文學節等設計獎項。▎有了移動,人類才有歷史 ▎世上萬物無所不動,宇宙仍在擴張。動,自然而然:地球、水、大氣層、陸塊和所有生物都處在變動的狀態。書中由史前人類的演化開始溯源,逐一關注人類可能的各種移動形式,例如:走路、奔跑、跳躍、爬行、游泳或飛翔。書中不只包括人類的移動,更涵括了地球上動物、植物、風、水的動態。除了行進的動作之外,書中介紹了人類的各式旅程,旅行的原因除了貿易、觀光或尋找居住地,有時也為了傳教和科學探險。而驅使人類啟程,離開家鄉、前往未知世界的理由,更是為了尋找自己的出路。旅途中,人們經常聽到:「你要去哪裡?」「你從哪裡來?」引發一系列的內在反思。書上展開的視覺與知識探險,帶領我們看見數千年來移動的歷史,探索各種答案和更多未知。作者筆下豐富、繽紛的圖像,簡練、詩意的文字,給予知識另一種活潑、亮眼的面貌。在吸收新知的同時,更經歷一番視覺的感官探險。喜愛歷史、科學、文化的讀者,無論是大人、小孩,除了寫實的旅遊書、散文遊記、學校課本,更可以透過圖文書,跟著書中的軌跡,一頁頁展開遊歷世界的旅程。✶得獎紀錄✶韓國南怡島國際繪本插畫大賽綠島獎 NAMI Concours Green Island Award歐洲設計獎銀牌 "Silver", European Design Awards 基輔阿森納文學節最佳書籍設計獎 Grand Prix of The Best Book Design Competition 2021, Kyiv Book Arsenal Festival
As the three bears, Toklo, Lusa, and Kallik, begin their journey home, they encounter new friends and dangerous enemies and must decide which they can trust to help them on their quest.
世紀之書《愛因斯坦的夢》作者艾倫.萊特曼ALAN LIGHTMAN再創顛峰之作動人如梵谷《星夜》、超驗如愛因斯坦《相對論》繼聖修伯里《風沙星辰》之後,最美麗的宇宙漂流「科學需要詩人,萊特曼正是科學家和人文學者的完美結合。」──《紐約時報》(The New York Times) 20篇散文勾勒出人類追求不朽的渴望伽利略、愛因斯坦、聖奧古斯丁、莎士比亞、梵谷相繼現身交織出科學和宗教的抒情冥
The reason for exploring Taiwanese literature from an island perspective can be found in the large number of Taiwan’s surrounding islands. In the planning of this volume, we have chosen to introduce the works of thirteen writers. When necessary, we will mention other works depending on the situation. However, due to limited space, the size of the text samples is restricted, so naturally it is impossible to cover everything. Generally speaking then, the purpose of this volume is to regard the texts of Taiwanese literature as reflections of local island perspectives in the hope of demonstrating the significance of Taiwan’s experience to island researchers around the world.從「島嶼」視角探討台灣文學,本質上係來自於台灣及其周遭島嶼數量可觀。面對為數可觀的島嶼,究竟要如何進行觀察?取徑現有島嶼或群島研究,如曹永和「台灣島史」及格里桑、郝歐法「群島」觀點探討的島嶼和島嶼之間的連結脈絡。大抵,本次專輯策畫,主要是介紹13位作家作品,偶況言及其他作品旨趣是將台灣文學的文本書寫,視為本地島嶼視線的折射,期盼能從中向世界的島嶼研究者展示台灣經驗的意義。
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"A man went to knock at the king's door and said, Give me a boat. The king's house had many other doors, but this was the door for petitions. Since the king spent all his time sitting by the door for favours (favours being offered to the king, you understand), whenever he heard someone knocking on the door for petitions, he would pretend not to hear..." Why the petitioner required a boat, where he was bound for, and who volunteered to crew for him and what cargo it was found to be carrying the reader will discover as this short narrative unfolds.And at the end it will be clear that what night appear to be a children's fable is in fact a wry, witty Philosophical Tale that would not have displeased Voltaire or Swift.