Bird and Squirrel outwit Cat and become best friends in this zany adventure.Squirrel is afraid of his own shadow. Bird doesn't have a care in the world. And Cat wants to eat Bird and Squirrel. Of cour
內容簡介★全球熱銷超過1,000萬冊的管理經典★★華倫.巴菲特、查爾斯.韓第、華倫.班尼斯推薦必讀★★媒體讚譽「有史以來最棒的商業書籍!」「20世紀頂尖的三大商業書籍之一!」★「這是一本具有里程碑意義的作品。無疑是有史以來關於如何建構高效組織方面,最重要和最有用的書。」──華倫.巴菲特,波克夏.海瑟威公司董事長暨執行長1982年,管理大師湯姆.畢德士和企管顧問羅勃.華特曼出版這本經典鉅作,此書榮登《紐約時報》非文學類排行榜長達兩年半,全美銷售超過450萬冊,全球熱銷超過1,000萬冊,全美公共廣播電台(National Public Radio)稱之為「20世紀頂尖的三大商業書籍之一」,2000年英國的Bloomsbury出版社調查顯示,本書是「有史以來最棒的商業書籍」。本書是基於針對消費性商品、科技、服務等不同領域的43家全美經營得最成功的企業進行研究,從中萃取出八大造就這些公司邁向卓越不凡道路的管理特質:1. 先做再說(A bias for action):不經歷嘗試、失敗、再嘗試,是學不到東西的。卓越企業偏好起而行,而不是透過一再分析、 提問題和撰寫報告。2. 貼近顧客(Close to the customer):貼近顧客很難。企業內部有太多事情需要關注,實在沒有時間關心顧客。但寶鹼公司卻讓公司裡的每個人都和顧客保持密切聯繫,成為卓越企業。3. 自主性和企業家精神(Autonomy and entrepreneurship):把集團分割為小型的公司,並且鼓勵這些公司獨力思考、彼此競爭。即使規模龐大,也要表現得如同小型企業。4. 以人為本的生產力(Productivity through people):讓全體員工了解到,他們對工作全力以赴是非常重要的,而且他們也能分享公司成功的果實。在組織中,還有什麼比員工更重要的呢?5. 躬親管理、價值導向(Hands-on, value-driven):找出什麼事會讓員工最引以為傲。然後積極地朝著那個價值體系發展。但要記住,獲利對企業的重要性,猶如呼吸之於生命。卓越企業不光會賺錢,還會創造意義。6. 專注於本業(Stick to the knitting):堅守公司最熟悉的業務。誰不想一加一等於三呢?可是大型併購案很少成功。而且,最容易毀掉成功企業的,就是過度快速擴張。7. 結構簡化,人事精簡(Simple form,
Over the years, the Grunts have made more than a few enemies. But fortunately they're all safely behind bars. Or are they? There's been a prison break-out, and three of them are after REVENGE. It's ti
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Bad Guys comes another hilarious illustrated series starring a pampered cat who is way tougher than anyone realizes.The final installment of CAT ONTHERUN! Find out what happens to Princess Beautiful in the finale of the trilogy...
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Bad Guys comes another hilarious illustrated series starring a pampered cat who is way tougher than anyone realizes.VANISHED! The World’s #1 Cat Video Star has disappeared! Or has she? As a diabolical mystery unravels around her, Princess Beautiful is plunged into a terrible world where trending isn’t a thing, danger lurks around every corner, and cucumbers are no laughing matter. She’s jumped out of the frying pan and into . . . CAT ONTHERUN - BOOK TWO!
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Bad Guys comes another hilarious illustrated series starring a pampered cat who is way tougher than anyone realizes.VANISHED! The World’s #1 Cat Video Star has disappeared! Or has she? As a diabolical mystery unravels around her, Princess Beautiful is plunged into a terrible world where trending isn’t a thing, danger lurks around every corner, and cucumbers are no laughing matter. She’s jumped out of the frying pan and into . . . CAT ONTHERUN - BOOK TWO!
What happens when the world's #1 Cat Video Star gets accused of a crime she didn't commit? She becomes a cat ontherun, that's what. From the New York Times bestselling author of THE BAD GUYS comes another hilarious illustrated series starring a pampered cat who is way tougher than anyone realizes. How do you avoid capture and prove your innocence when you are the most famous feline onthe planet? Well, it ain't easy.Follow Princess Beautiful - for that is her name - as she goes from meme megastar #1 to public enemy #1 and cheer her on as she fights to clear her name. Is she a super villain? An internet-famous buffoon? Or a butt-kicking gal who's just been seriously underestimated? YOU be the judge...