The book could be a good companion for any graduate student in partial differential equations or in applied mathematics. Each chapter brings indeed new ideas and new techniques which can be used in
This book offers an ideal graduate-level introduction to the theory of partial differential equations. The first part of the book describes the basic mathematical problems and structures associated w
The book covers several topics of current interest in the field of nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications to the physics of continuous media and particle interactions. It trea
Picard (Technical U. Dresden, Germany) and McGhee (Strathclyde U., Glasgow, Scotland) have combined notes for introductory and advanced graduate courses on partial differential equations and functiona
The topic of the 2010 Abel Symposium, hosted at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, was Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, the study of which is of fundamental importance in mat
This newly updated text explores the solution of partial differential equations by separating variables, rather than by qualitative theoretical analyses of their properties. It reviews the necessary t
This text features numerous worked examples in its presentation of elements from the theory of partial differential equations. It emphasizes forms suitable for students and researchers whose interest
Covers ODEs and PDEs—in One TextbookUntil now, a comprehensive textbook covering both ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs) didn’t exist. Fulfilling this nee
The term “control theory” refers to the body of results - theoretical, numerical and algorithmic - which have been developed to influence the evolution of the state of a given system in order to meet
Detailed and self-contained, this treatment is directed to graduate students with some previous exposure to classical partial differential equations. The author examines a variety of modern abstract m
This text surveys the principal methods of solving partial differential equations. Suitable for graduate students of mathematics, engineering, and physical sciences, it opens with an elementary presen
This book primarily concerns quasilinear and semilinear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, inequalities, and systems. The exposition leads the reader through the general theory bas
The book provides a comprehensive overview on the theory on analysis of singularities for partial differential equations (PDEs). It contains a summarization of the formation, development and main resu
Precup (mathematics, Babes-Bolyai U. of Cluj Napoca, Romania) provides a multi-level textbook introducing partial differential equations. The first part, on classical theory, can be used for a first s
Substantially revised, this authoritative study covers the standard finite difference methods of parabolic, hyperbolic, and elliptic equations, and includes the concomitant theoretical work on consist