"An excellent introduction to the Pentateuch. The introduction includes basic introductory material that most students do not know but need in order to understand critical scholarship in a c
Biblical scholars synthesize the current thinking and controversies about the number and role of works of literature embedded in the Hebrew Bible. A recent complication has been the emergence of redac
The identification of literary works in the Pentateuch and the Former Prophets is a hallmark of the modern historical-critical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. The theories of a Tetrateuch, a Hexat
For well over two centuries the question of the composition of the Pentateuch has been among the most central and hotly debated issues in the field of biblical studies. In this book, Joel Baden presen
In this concise volume, a team of fresh Old Testament voices explores the theological dimensions of the Pentateuch and provides specific examples of critically engaged theological interpretation. This
The St. Jerome Study Bible is a study Bible that features a compilation of quotes from the Church Fathers, and occasionally medieval and modern Saints, on every chapter of the Bible. This particular v
In this volume, Terence E. Fretheim seeks to introduce the Pentateuch to modern readers, stressing its continuing capacity to speak a word of--or about--God. The two chapters of Part One provide an or