《圓覺經》全名《大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經》,透過文殊師利等十二位菩薩與佛陀的問答,宣說如來圓覺妙理,揭櫫一切眾生具足圓覺妙心,是指引如何修行成佛的經典。《圓覺經》廣受唐代天台、華嚴、禪宗、密宗重視,北宋郭印提出佛教四書,清末吳坤修甄選釋氏十三經,它從未缺席,又早早流布高麗與鎌倉時代的朝鮮、日本。該經一卷之薄,允為東亞漢傳佛教「經中之睛」。是次新注新譯,深度利用東亞文獻以校勘、輯佚,紹述唐僧玄奘忠於原典及思想、語言原貌之傳統,從佛學乃至文學角度,予以精當闡釋,化深奧為易懂,內容至簡至要。〈導讀〉一文更明析該經結構、善本、善注、文體,乃至東亞古典時代地位諸議題。研讀佛教經典者,切莫錯過。The Sūtra of Perfect Englightenment 圓覺經, whose full title is The Nītârtha Sūtra on the canon of the great and expansive Perfect Enlightenment (Dà fāngguăng yuánjué xiūduōluó liǎoyì jīng) 大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經, uses a conversation between the Buddha and twelve Bodhisattvas, led by Mañjuśrī, to promulgate the wondrous doctrine of perfect enlightenment. It discloses that all sentient beings have an innate mind of perfect enlightenment, and guides them on how to train to attain Buddhahood. In the Tang dynasty, the Sūtra of Perfect Enlightenment was held in high esteem by the Tiantai, Huayan, Chan, and Vajrayāna (Esoteric) schools. And it was listed in the four Buddhist classics proposed by the Northern Song’s G
Both teachers and parents appreciate how effectively this series helps students master skills in reading, mathematics, penmanship, writing, and grammar. Each book provides activities that are great fo
TED TALK 450萬點閱超人氣演說家世界經濟論壇的全球傑出領袖全球最具影響力女性之一──雷舒瑪‧索雅妮的鼓舞人心之作「我們教導女孩要追求完美,但是教導男孩要勇敢無畏。」(We’re raising our girls to be perfect, and we’re raising our boys to be brave.)哪裡不對嗎?這個訊息簡明扼要,從孩提時代到成年期,女孩(和女人)被
★ 時代雜誌選狄巴克.喬布拉為「百大偶像與英雄」之一,並封他為「心靈帝王」!★ 歐普拉主持之節目「心靈週日」將狄巴克.喬布拉選為「百大心靈領導者」之一!★ 美國《芝加哥太陽報》(Chicago Sun-Times)好評推薦!★ 美國《紐約時報書評》(New York Times Book Review)好評推薦!★ 美國亞馬遜 4 顆星評價!完善的消化是良好健康的基礎,腸道是人體最大的免疫器官,也