Cheerfully illustrated board books for the youngest learners help guide toddlers and preschoolers through their first steps in learning and growing.Penguin must learn to say please.
★ 紐約時報暢銷排行榜第1名(#1 New York Times Best Sellers)!★ 美國亞馬遜5顆星好評!你是否對他人的認同上癮?贏得他人認同使我們感到受鼓勵,但如果我們為了追求他人的認同而失去自我,以致無法成就神對我們的心意時,那麼我們可能已經染上了「認同」的癮。「癮」是某種掌控人的力量──它使上癮者覺得不可缺少某事物,必須賴以減輕痛苦或壓力。對認同上癮的人就如同對毒品、酒精、賭博等上癮的人一樣,當他們感到不安時,就需要尋求紓解。一個認同成癮者在心理、情緒上是受轄制、失去自由的,在人際關係和生活上都會受到許多負面影響。好消息是:沒有人需要深受缺乏安全感之苦,你將能藉由神的真理找到克服認同之癮的對策。作者根據聖經的教導,以及自身在成長過程中的體會,詳加探討認同成癮者的特徵,以及如何調整成癮者的心態和行為模式。透過本書,你將能: ‧檢視自己的問題 ‧接納自己的本相 ‧克服追求認同的癮癖,得著真正的自由 ‧改變舊有的行為模式,擁有健康的生活本書根據聖經的教導探討認同成癮者的特徵,以及如何調整成癮者的心態和行爲模式。透過本書讀者將能檢視並接納自己,調整成癮者的心態和行為模式,進而克服追求認同的癮癖獲得真正的自由,擁有健康的生活。
Lemony Snicket meets Jon Klassen meets Grimms' fairy tales in an outrageously original picture book debut by BAFTA Award-winning and Oscar-nominated animation director Mikey Please. In The Caf?at the Edge of the Woods, an aspiring chef opens a caf?beside an enchanted forest and discovers locals with a most peculiar palette.Rene and Glumfoot are ready to serve Very Fine Cuisine at the Caf?at the Edge of the Woods. But when their first customer, an ogre, demands pickled bats that smell like farts, Rene is ready to give up! She can't possibly serve such rubbish. Or can she?With a little bit of compromise, perhaps she can satisfy her customer and still serve the most delicious grub.Full of humor, unlikely friendship, themes of teamwork, and unexpected surprises, this charming and hilarious picture book is a winning recipe for readers who loved A Spoonful of Frogs by Casey Lyall, The Dark by Lemony Snicket, The Skull by Jon Klassen, and any fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm!