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精裝 (28)

Ellen Frankel Paul (3)
Nicola Acocella (3)
Paul Spicker (3)
Alex Moore (2)
Arye L. Hillman (2)
August Reinisch (2)
Daniel Hausman (2)
Elias Mossialos (2)
Eric Fure-Slocum (2)
Helen E. Allison (2)
Hugh Rockoff (2)
Mariane Hedegaard (2)
Miranda Stewart (2)
Nicholas Ryder (2)
Robert Salais (2)
T. G. Otte (2)
Thomas Risse (2)
Alison Stewart (1)
Azura Othman/ Norhanim Mat Sari/ Syed Othman Alhabshi/ Abbas Mirakhor (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (45)
Palgrave Macmillan (4)
Policy Pr (3)
Rowman & Littlefield Intl (2)
Taylor & Francis (2)
Bloomsbury Academic UK (1)
Brill Academic Pub (1)
Emerald Group Pub Ltd (1)
Greenwood Pub Group (1)
Learning Matters (1)
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Pearson (1)
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Springer Verlag (1)
五南圖書出版 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:李易駿  出版社:五南圖書出版  出版日:2013/12/18 裝訂:平裝
定價:420 元, 優惠價:95 399
作者:Robert F. Drake  出版社:Palgrave Macmillan  出版日:2001/08/25 裝訂:平裝
Beyond their immediate areas of concern (such as education, health or housing) social policies are shaped by prevailing political values and beliefs. These values are made tangible in the form of over
定價:3537 元, 優惠價:1 3537
作者:Thomas Pfister  出版社:Palgrave Macmillan  出版日:2012/07/15 裝訂:精裝
This instructive study examines how a transnational discourse on 'modern' social policy – based the guiding principles of 'activation' and an 'activating welfare state' – intervenes in the concepts an
Social Work and Social Policy ─ Advancing the Principles of Economic and Social Justice
作者:DULMUS  出版社:JOHN WILEY & SONS;LTD  出版日:2013/01/09 裝訂:平裝
A comprehensive overview of domestic and global social welfare policyWritten by a team of renowned social policy experts sharing their unique perspectives on global and U.S. social welfare policy issu
定價:3897 元, 優惠價:9 3507
作者:Paul Spicker  出版社:Rowman & Littlefield Intl  出版日:2017/03/16 裝訂:精裝
This book is a concise explanation of what welfare is, and why it is important. With examples from the UK, Europe, North America and Australia the book explores how the principles of welfare are appli
作者:Paul Spicker  出版社:Rowman & Littlefield Intl  出版日:2017/03/16 裝訂:平裝
This book is a concise explanation of what welfare is, and why it is important. With examples from the UK, Europe, North America and Australia the book explores how the principles of welfare are appli
定價:2460 元, 優惠價:1 2460
作者:Mason M. S. Kim  出版社:Palgrave Macmillan  出版日:2015/10/21 裝訂:精裝
Social welfare in East Asia has been mainly determined by productivist principles of minimal social rights, reinforcement of the position of productive elements such as education and job training in s
Electric Utility Mergers ― Principles of Antitrust Analysis
作者:Mark W. Frankena; Bruce M. Owen  出版社:Greenwood Pub Group  出版日:1994/07/30 裝訂:精裝
Competition in the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity is of increasing interest to policy makers as well as to buyers and sellers of power. The use of competition as a social po
定價:5700 元, 優惠價:79 4503
The Ethics of Aid and Trade:U.S. Food Policy, Foreign Competition, and the Social Contract
作者:Paul B. Thompson  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1992/07/31 裝訂:精裝
The traditional military-territorial model of the nation state defines international duties in terms of protecting citizens' property from foreign threats. In this 1992 book about the principles of the US agricultural policy and foreign aid, Professor Thompson replaces this model with the notion of the trading state that sees its role in terms of the establishment of international institutions that stabilize and facilitate cultural and intellectual, as well as commercial, exchanges between nations. The argument focuses on protectionist challenges to foreign aid and development assistance programs, and engages with the views of a variety of economists, commodity organizations, and philosophers on world hunger and development. What emerges is a new interpretation of social contract theory that can determine goals for international trade and development policy.
定價:3184 元, 優惠價:9 2866
Commercial Law―Principles and Policy
作者:Nicholas Ryder  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/07/30 裝訂:平裝
This innovative textbook examines commercial law and the social and political context in which it develops. Topical examples, such as funding for terrorism, demonstrate this fast-moving field's relevance to today's concerns. This wide-ranging subject is set within a clear structure, with part and chapter introductions setting out the student's course of study. Recommendations for further reading at the end of every chapter point the reader to important sources for advanced study and revision questions encourage understanding. The extensive coverage and detailed commentary has been extensively market tested to ensure that the contents are aligned with the needs of university courses in commercial law.
定價:2989 元, 優惠價:9 2690
作者:Nicholas Ryder  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/07/30 裝訂:精裝
This innovative textbook examines commercial law and the social and political context in which it develops. Topical examples, such as funding for terrorism, demonstrate this fast-moving field's relevance to today's concerns. This wide-ranging subject is set within a clear structure, with part and chapter introductions setting out the student's course of study. Recommendations for further reading at the end of every chapter point the reader to important sources for advanced study and revision questions encourage understanding. The extensive coverage and detailed commentary has been extensively market tested to ensure that the contents are aligned with the needs of university courses in commercial law.
State and Social Welfare, The:The Objectives of Policy
出版社:Pearson  出版日:1991/07/01 裝訂:平裝
Aims to review the issues raised by the state provision of social benefits and to examine the principles on which their provision may be deemed to rest.
定價:2794 元, 優惠價:9 2515
Rebuilding Social Democracy ― Core Principles for the Centre Left
作者:Kevin Hickson  出版社:Policy Pr  出版日:2016/11/15 裝訂:平裝
The British Labour Party could hardly be more obviously in crisis. Though the party held power from 1997 to 2010, at the end of that period it was intellectually exhausted, and its opposition to the c
定價:1044 元, 優惠價:1 1044
Economic Policy in the Age of Globalisation
作者:Nicola Acocella  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2005/02/17 裝訂:平裝
In the age of globalisation both domestic and foreign economic policies play an important role in determining firms' strategies. Understanding such policies is an essential part of the cultural background of managers at all levels of a firm. At the same time, firms' choices have a greater impact on economic policymaking in a global economy, as the range of alternatives open to them expands. In this textbook, Professor Acocella analyses both sides of this relationship. Special emphasis is placed on current issues: in policymaking on the basis of social choice principles and the normative and positive theory of economic policy; and issues concerning the establishment of international public institutions that can match the global reach of the private institutions (markets and firms) that generate many of today's economic challenges. Broad in scope, this book is aimed at students who have completed an introductory course in both micro and macroeconomics.
定價:2989 元, 優惠價:9 2690
作者:Nicola Acocella  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2005/02/17 裝訂:精裝
In the age of globalisation both domestic and foreign economic policies play an important role in determining firms' strategies. Understanding such policies is an essential part of the cultural background of managers at all levels of a firm. At the same time, firms' choices have a greater impact on economic policymaking in a global economy, as the range of alternatives open to them expands. In this textbook, Professor Acocella analyses both sides of this relationship. Special emphasis is placed on current issues: in policymaking on the basis of social choice principles and the normative and positive theory of economic policy; and issues concerning the establishment of international public institutions that can match the global reach of the private institutions (markets and firms) that generate many of today's economic challenges. Broad in scope, this book is aimed at students who have completed an introductory course in both micro and macroeconomics.
Uae ― A Public Policy Perspective
Public policy is a set of principles used to uphold the well-being of citizens. These principles are often unwritten and form the basis of social laws. This book focuses on 'unlocking the black box of
定價:7258 元, 優惠價:79 5734
作者:Daniel Hausman  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/12/31 裝訂:精裝
This book shows through argument and numerous policy-related examples how understanding moral philosophy can improve economic analysis, how moral philosophy can benefit from economists' analytical tools, and how economic analysis and moral philosophy together can inform public policy. Part I explores the idea of rationality and its connections to ethics, arguing that when they defend their formal model of rationality, most economists implicitly espouse contestable moral principles. Part II addresses the nature and measurement of welfare, utilitarianism and cost-benefit analysis. Part III discusses freedom, rights, equality, and justice - moral notions that are relevant to evaluating policies, but which have played little if any role in conventional welfare economics. Finally, Part IV explores work in social choice theory and game theory that is relevant to moral decision making. Each chapter includes recommended reading and discussion questions.
Economic Analysis, Moral Philosophy, and Public Policy
作者:Daniel Hausman  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2016/12/31 裝訂:平裝
This book shows through argument and numerous policy-related examples how understanding moral philosophy can improve economic analysis, how moral philosophy can benefit from economists' analytical tools, and how economic analysis and moral philosophy together can inform public policy. Part I explores the idea of rationality and its connections to ethics, arguing that when they defend their formal model of rationality, most economists implicitly espouse contestable moral principles. Part II addresses the nature and measurement of welfare, utilitarianism and cost-benefit analysis. Part III discusses freedom, rights, equality, and justice - moral notions that are relevant to evaluating policies, but which have played little if any role in conventional welfare economics. Finally, Part IV explores work in social choice theory and game theory that is relevant to moral decision making. Each chapter includes recommended reading and discussion questions.
定價:2469 元, 優惠價:9 2222
作者:Azura Othman; Norhanim Mat Sari; Syed Othman Alhabshi; Abbas Mirakhor  出版社:Palgrave Macmillan  出版日:2017/10/11 裝訂:精裝
This book offers an alternative framework for macroeconomic policy in Malaysia, derived from the universal principles of social justice espoused in the objectives of the Shariah. It attempts to holist
作者:Barry Bluestone; Mary Huff Stevenson; Russell Williams  出版社:Oxford Univ Press USA  出版日:2008/08/21 裝訂:精裝
The Urban Experience provides a fresh approach to the study of metropolitan areas by combining economic principles, social insight, and political realities with an appreciation of public policy to und
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