This two-volume text provides a complete overview of the theory of Banach spaces, emphasising its interplay with classical and harmonic analysis (particularly Sidon sets) and probability. The authors give a full exposition of all results, as well as numerous exercises and comments to complement the text and aid graduate students in functional analysis. The book will also be an invaluable reference volume for researchers in analysis. Volume 1 covers the basics of Banach space theory, operatory theory in Banach spaces, harmonic analysis and probability. The authors also provide an annex devoted to compact Abelian groups. Volume 2 focuses on applications of the tools presented in the first volume, including Dvoretzky's theorem, spaces without the approximation property, Gaussian processes, and more. In volume 2, four leading experts also provide surveys outlining major developments in the field since the publication of the original French edition.
Isoperimetric, measure concentration and random process techniques appear at the basis of the modern understanding of Probability in Banach spaces. Based on these tools, the book presents a complete t
Considering Poisson random measures as the driving sources for stochastic (partial) differential equations allows us to incorporate jumps and to model sudden, unexpected phenomena. By using such equat
This two-volume text provides a complete overview of the theory of Banach spaces, emphasising its interplay with classical and harmonic analysis (particularly Sidon sets) and probability. The authors give a full exposition of all results, as well as numerous exercises and comments to complement the text and aid graduate students in functional analysis. The book will also be an invaluable reference volume for researchers in analysis. Volume 1 covers the basics of Banach space theory, operatory theory in Banach spaces, harmonic analysis and probability. The authors also provide an annex devoted to compact Abelian groups. Volume 2 focuses on applications of the tools presented in the first volume, including Dvoretzky's theorem, spaces without the approximation property, Gaussian processes, and more. In volume 2, four leading experts also provide surveys outlining major developments in the field since the publication of the original French edition.
This two-volume text provides a complete overview of the theory of Banach spaces, emphasising its interplay with classical and harmonic analysis (particularly Sidon sets) and probability. The authors give a full exposition of all results, as well as numerous exercises and comments to complement the text and aid graduate students in functional analysis. The book will also be an invaluable reference volume for researchers in analysis. Volume 1 covers the basics of Banach space theory, operatory theory in Banach spaces, harmonic analysis and probability. The authors also provide an annex devoted to compact Abelian groups. Volume 2 focuses on applications of the tools presented in the first volume, including Dvoretzky's theorem, spaces without the approximation property, Gaussian processes, and more. Four leading experts also provide surveys outlining major developments in the field since the publication of the original French edition.
The title High Dimensional Probability is used to describe the many tributaries of research on Gaussian processes and probability in Banach spaces that started in the early 1970s. Many of the problems
This classic textbook offers a clear exposition of modern probability theory and of the interplay between the properties of metric spaces and probability measures. The first half of the book gives an exposition of real analysis: basic set theory, general topology, measure theory, integration, an introduction to functional analysis in Banach and Hilbert spaces, convex sets and functions and measure on topological spaces. The second half introduces probability based on measure theory, including laws of large numbers, ergodic theorems, the central limit theorem, conditional expectations and martingale's convergence. A chapter on stochastic processes introduces Brownian motion and the Brownian bridge. The edition has been made even more self-contained than before; it now includes a foundation of the real number system and the Stone-Weierstrass theorem on uniform approximation in algebras of functions. Several other sections have been revised and improved, and the comprehensive historical n
This classic textbook offers a clear exposition of modern probability theory and of the interplay between the properties of metric spaces and probability measures. The first half of the book gives an exposition of real analysis: basic set theory, general topology, measure theory, integration, an introduction to functional analysis in Banach and Hilbert spaces, convex sets and functions and measure on topological spaces. The second half introduces probability based on measure theory, including laws of large numbers, ergodic theorems, the central limit theorem, conditional expectations and martingale's convergence. A chapter on stochastic processes introduces Brownian motion and the Brownian bridge. The edition has been made even more self-contained than before; it now includes a foundation of the real number system and the Stone-Weierstrass theorem on uniform approximation in algebras of functions. Several other sections have been revised and improved, and the comprehensive historical n
This book aims to give a self-contained presentation of a number of results, which relate the volume of convex bodies in n-dimensional Euclidean space and the geometry of the corresponding finite-dimensional normed spaces. The methods employ classical ideas from the theory of convex sets, probability theory, approximation theory and the local theory of Banach spaces. The book is in two parts. The first presents self-contained proofs of the quotient of the subspace theorem, the inverse Santalo inequality and the inverse Brunn-Minkowski inequality. The second part gives a detailed exposition of the recently introduced classes of Banach spaces of weak cotype 2 or weak type 2, and the intersection of the classes (weak Hilbert space). The book is based on courses given in Paris and in Texas.
This volume reflects the progress made in many branches of recent research in Banach space theory. It is based on a conference attended by most of the leading figures in the area, and is intended to illustrate the interplay of Banach space theory with harmonic analysis, probability, complex function theory and finite dimensional convexity theory. The papers consist of a selection of surveys and original research papers. Research workers in functional and complex analysis will find much here to interest them.
This text is designed both for students of probability and stochastic processes, and for students of functional analysis. For the reader not familiar with functional analysis a detailed introduction to necessary notions and facts is provided. However, this is not a straight textbook in functional analysis; rather, it presents some chosen parts of functional analysis that can help understand ideas from probability and stochastic processes. The subjects range from basic Hilbert and Banach spaces, through weak topologies and Banach algebras, to the theory of semigroups of bounded linear operators. Numerous standard and non-standard examples and exercises make the book suitable as a course textbook or for self-study.
This text is designed both for students of probability and stochastic processes, and for students of functional analysis. For the reader not familiar with functional analysis a detailed introduction to necessary notions and facts is provided. However, this is not a straight textbook in functional analysis; rather, it presents some chosen parts of functional analysis that can help understand ideas from probability and stochastic processes. The subjects range from basic Hilbert and Banach spaces, through weak topologies and Banach algebras, to the theory of semigroups of bounded linear operators. Numerous standard and non-standard examples and exercises make the book suitable as a course textbook or for self-study.
Second order linear parabolic and elliptic equations arise frequently in mathematics and other disciplines. For example parabolic equations are to be found in statistical mechanics and solid state theory, their infinite dimensional counterparts are important in fluid mechanics, mathematical finance and population biology, whereas nonlinear parabolic equations arise in control theory. Here the authors present a state of the art treatment of the subject from a new perspective. The main tools used are probability measures in Hilbert and Banach spaces and stochastic evolution equations. There is then a discussion of how the results in the book can be applied to control theory. This area is developing very rapidly and there are numerous notes and references that point the reader to more specialised results not covered in the book. Coverage of some essential background material will help make the book self-contained and increase its appeal to those entering the subject.
Now in its second edition, this book gives a systematic and self-contained presentation of basic results on stochastic evolution equations in infinite dimensional, typically Hilbert and Banach, spaces. In the first part the authors give a self-contained exposition of the basic properties of probability measure on separable Banach and Hilbert spaces, as required later; they assume a reasonable background in probability theory and finite dimensional stochastic processes. The second part is devoted to the existence and uniqueness of solutions of a general stochastic evolution equation, and the third concerns the qualitative properties of those solutions. Appendices gather together background results from analysis that are otherwise hard to find under one roof. This revised edition includes two brand new chapters surveying recent developments in the area and an even more comprehensive bibliography, making this book an essential and up-to-date resource for all those working in stochastic di
Now in a paperback edition for the first time, this second edition of Some Random Series of Functions covers random series in Banach and Hilbert spaces, random Taylor or Fourier series, Brownian motion and other Gaussian processes, plus certain types of random sets and measures. The subject matter of this book is important and has wide application in mathematics, statistics, engineering, and physics. Professor Kahane's presentation is suitable even for beginning graduate students in probability and analysis (exercises are provided throughout), as well as non-specialists in the other disciplines to which this subject has application.
This book considers convergence of adapted sequences of real and Banach space-valued integrable functions, emphasizing the use of stopping time techniques. Not only are highly specialized results given, but also elementary applications of these results. The book starts by discussing the convergence theory of martingales and sub-( or super-) martingales with values in a Banach space with or without the Radon-Nikodym property. Several inequalities which are of use in the study of the convergence of more general adapted sequence such as (uniform) amarts, mils and pramarts are proved and sub- and superpramarts are discussed and applied to the convergence of pramarts. Most of the results have a strong relationship with (or in fact are characterizations of) topological or geometrical properties of Banach spaces. The book will interest research and graduate students in probability theory, functional analysis and measure theory, as well as proving a useful textbook for specialized courses on m