Islam, the religion of peace and reconciliation, as taught and practiced by the Prophet, comes alive in this book, preserving the pearl of truth from the heart of Qur'an and Prophet. Adeptly researche
While the Prophet was returning from his last piligrimage to Medina, he received this revealation from Allah, at a place called Ghadir Khumm, commading the Prophet to read it to the people."O Prophet
While the Prophet was returning from his last piligrimage to Medina, he received this revealation from Allah, at a place called Ghadir Khumm, commading the Prophet to read it to the people."O Prophet
Compiled in the fourteenth century by a prominent Syrian scholar, this 4 Volume Set, translated in English, is a full examination, in chronological order, of the background, life and mission of the Pr
This volume collects medieval Latin texts from the 8th to the 14th centuries that shape a pseudo-historical image of the Prophet Muhammad. The texts, from critical editions, manuscripts and early prin