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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:琦君-著  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2021/03/19 裝訂:平裝
讀好書,彷彿漫遊在風光明媚的異國街道 懂生活,是對每個當下的珍視與憐惜 讀書與生活,琦君的文字引領我們自得舒活 本書分為兩輯,上輯為讀書隨筆,為琦君對文學經典的所思所感,她以細膩溫厚的筆觸,帶領讀者優游於浩瀚書海中,開啟讀者更多元多樣的觀點;下輯為生活雜感,從愛貓至愛子,從旅遊趣事到故鄉情思,不論是敘事或抒情,在琦君筆下如重拾一本舊相簿,溫柔輕緩地訴說那些歲月與單純而美好的回憶。 &
庫存 > 10
定價:240 元, 優惠價:85 204
作者:喬治.桑德斯  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2024/03/05 裝訂:平裝
定價:580 元, 優惠價:9 522
作者:迪蕾妮雅‧黛薇絲  出版社:橡實文化  出版日:2021/06/21 裝訂:平裝
定價:420 元, 優惠價:9 378
作者:郭怡慧  出版社:網路與書  出版日:2024/03/01 裝訂:平裝
*全新收錄財團法人公益平台文化基金會董事長嚴長壽推薦序以及作者親撰2024年台灣版序!*記錄偏鄉教師與學生一同經歷的成長與深厚情誼。真人真事,勵志、誠懇、溫柔、自省的回憶錄。*藉由閱讀跨越社會隔閡與限制,展現文學的力量;深度反思「教育」的意涵與作用。*深入探討種族歧視、偏鄉教育、社會階級落差、司法正義問題。這不是你以為的那種書,不是你知道的那個故事。它溫柔得讓你微笑,它殘酷得令你心痛。這是美國南方的故事,藏著台灣偏鄉的影子。這是郭怡慧誠心寫下的故事──若你胸中有著騷動的良知,這是你想說卻說不出口的那個故事。這是真實的故事。密西西比河三角洲曾是富饒的棉花鄉,是美國黑人民權運動誕生地,如今則是全美最窮困的地區。奴隸制度、種族隔離的終結,並未將真平權交付予窮苦的非裔百姓。歧視根深柢固,社會的遊戲規則將他們排擠在外,三角洲工作機會稀少,教育品質拙劣,治安崩壞。在這裡,離開出走非新鮮事,前來久居才叫新奇。蜜雪兒(郭怡慧)是台灣移民第二代,在密西根州出生長大,順著亞裔典型路線,成為哈佛高材生。她嚮往社會公義,立志犧牲奉獻,於是在畢業後,離經叛道來到三角洲上的小鎮赫勒拿教書。她想藉講述民權運動激盪思維,卻始終無法引起學生的回應;挫敗與嘗試間,蜜雪兒漸漸摸索,透過閱讀與寫作貼近孩子迷茫的心。她渴望深耕,無奈最終挨不過父母施壓,回到哈佛法學院進修。學成結業之際,蜜雪兒輾轉得知昔日學生派屈克因殺人入獄,不禁自問:如果我未曾離開,事態是否會不一樣?她撇下一切回到赫勒拿,在七個月間重新陪著派屈克讀遍小說、詩詞、傳記,帶領他持續寫作。藉由閱讀、討論、書寫,兩人在黑暗中攜手成長,各自探尋正義、平等、生命與美的答案,緊抓文字走向光明。《陪你讀下去》不僅引領讀者直視偏鄉教育、階級差距、種族歧視等議題,也展現了文學的力量,提出透過文學跨越社會界限與隔閡的可能。郭怡慧以溫柔懇切的筆觸,坦然梳理自己的迷惘與過錯,這是一本誠實自省的回憶錄,對在公理與正義之路上跌跌撞撞的人而言,更是最溫暖的陪伴。一座牢籠,七個月,一堂課,閱讀翻轉的兩段人生。亞馬遜網路書店 4.7 顆星好評
定價:420 元, 優惠價:9 378
Readers for Life:How Reading and Listening in Childhood Shapes Us
作者:Gilman; Sander L.; Pyrhonen; Heta  出版社:PBKREAKT  出版日:2024/09/01 裝訂:精裝
定價:932 元, 優惠價:95 885
The Well-Read Life: Nourish Your Soul Through Deep Reading and Intentional Friendship
作者:Marcie Stokman  出版社:Ave Maria Pr  出版日:2024/09/13 裝訂:平裝
定價:682 元, 優惠價:1 682
Young Reading Queen Elizabeth II
作者:Susanna Davidson  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2022/04/28 裝訂:精裝
The Queen is one of the most famous women in the world. But what is she really like? This enthralling story of the life of Queen Elizabeth II is full of photographs and facts that capture the drama and grandeur of her reign as Britain’s longest-serving monarch, from her childhood during the Second World War and her coronation up to the present day.
定價:384 元, 優惠價:75 288
Mozart's Letters, Mozart's Life
作者:Robert Spaethling  出版社:Faber and Faber  出版日:2004/04/15 裝訂:平裝
Here is Mozart at his most intimate and unguarded, with new translations of the composer's lettersWhat was Mozart really like? Wild? Sublime? Responsible? Fun-loving? Bright? Foul-mouthed? Reading the
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 2: 260+ Fun Activities with Stickers and More! (Spelling, Phonics, Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Math, Addition & Subtr
作者:Dr Seuss  出版社:BRIGHT MATTER BOOKS  出版日:2022/03/01 裝訂:平裝
Learn and play with Dr. Seuss in this ultimate 2nd Grade workbook, with over 300 curriculum-based activities ranging from English, math, social emotional learning, to science! This multi-subject, curriculum-based workbook is developed by education experts, designed to give little learners in 2nd Grade a well-balanced education. With perforated pages for easy on-the-go use, your child will learn essential skills for school and life--while having fun! Each playful exercise features familiar Dr. Seuss characters that reinforce school lessons and ensure success in and out of the classroom.This workbook also comes with reward stickers to mark the end of every activity, plus completion certificates for each subject to help build your child's confidence!Your child will learn about: - Independent reading- Parts of speech- Advanced addition and subtraction- The scientific process- Respecting othersAlso available: Dr. Seuss Workbook: Preschool, Dr. Seuss Workbook: Kindergarten, Dr. Seuss Workboo
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定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 3: 260+ Fun Activities with Stickers and More! (Language Arts, Vocabulary, Spelling, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Math
作者:Dr Seuss  出版社:BRIGHT MATTER BOOKS  出版日:2022/03/01 裝訂:平裝
Learn and play with Dr. Seuss in this ultimate 3rd Grade workbook, with over 300 curriculum-based activities ranging from English, math, social emotional learning, to science! This multi-subject, curriculum-based workbook is developed by education experts, designed to give little learners in 3rd grade a well-balanced education. With perforated pages for easy on-the-go use, your child will learn essential skills for school and life--while having fun! Each playful exercise features familiar Dr. Seuss characters that reinforce school lessons and ensure success in and out of the classroom.This workbook also comes with reward stickers to mark the end of every activity, plus completion certificates for each subject to help build your child's confidence!Your child will learn about: - The writing process- Reading comprehension- Counting from 1-10- Multiplication and division- Fractions and decimals- Laws of energy, force, and motion- Open-mindednessAlso available: Dr. Seuss Workbook: Preschool
庫存 > 10
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Reading the Five Dimensions of the Landscape:閱讀地景的五個維度
作者:王光宇  出版社:田園城市文化  出版日:2024/03/15 裝訂:平裝
How a professional understands “landscape” will determine the valuehe/she places on it and the actions he/she will take to intervene. Inother words, the view of landscape influences fundamentally how andin what way the landscape profession involves itself in a landscape. Theview of landscape gives direction to guide professional performance and also the impetus driving the use of knowledge and technical skills to provide solutions to landscape issues. Indeed, our limited knowledgeand understanding of a landscape can limit the creative solutions we can offer.This book aims to clarify the concept of landscape using the most recentunderstandings to offer diverse and profound new meanings which canpoint towards novel creative landscape interventions. In order to buildthe links between landscape theories and everyday life experience, thisbook interprets landscape according to five interlayered dimensions.It was written in two languages, and uses notes, stories, drawings, andphotos of the au
定價:700 元, 優惠價:9 630
The Secret Life of Pets
作者:Jane Rollason  出版社:Mary Glasgow Magazines UK  出版日:2020/11/05 裝訂:平裝
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. This reader is based on the animat
定價:288 元, 優惠價:79 228
Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 1: 260+ Fun Activities with Stickers and More! (Spelling, Phonics, Sight Words, Writing, Reading Comprehension, Math, Add
作者:Dr Seuss  出版社:BRIGHT MATTER BOOKS  出版日:2022/03/01 裝訂:平裝
Learn and play with Dr. Seuss in this ultimate 1st Grade workbook, with over 300 curriculum-based activities ranging from English, math, social emotional learning, to science! This multi-subject, curriculum-based workbook is developed by education experts, designed to give little learners in 1st grade a well-balanced education. With perforated pages for easy on-the-go use, your child will learn essential skills for school and life--while having fun! Each playful exercise features familiar Dr. Seuss characters that reinforce school lessons and ensure success in and out of the classroom. This workbook also comes with reward stickers to mark the end of every activity, plus completion certificates for each subject to help build your child's confidence! Your child will learn about: - Vowels and consonants- Sounding out words- Counting to 100- Measurement units- Body parts- Kindness Also available: Dr. Seuss Workbook: Preschool, Dr. Seuss Workbook: Kindergarten, Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 2,
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定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Lottie Brooks's Essential Guide to Life
作者:Katie Kirby  出版社:Penguin Random House Children's UK  出版日:2024/10/10 裝訂:平裝
From hilarious MEGA-bestselling author, Katie Kirby, comes a brand-new Lottie Brooks book with a twist! Hi, Lottie Brooks here! I’ve just found out that you’ve all been reading about my most EMBARRASSING moments for years . . .it’s meant to be my TOTALLY SECRET PRIVATE DIARY!!Seems like it’s only fair then that it’s YOUR TURN! Lottie has been sharing her most cringe-inducing moments for years, and this book sums up all of Lottie’s knowledge and wisdom for a totally ESSENTIAL guide to life. Lottie and her friends are here to help you through those tweenage years with their best advice on school, friendship, crushes and, most importantly, SNACKS. Filled with BRAND-NEW stories and Lottie inspired activities, plus space for you to write and draw as well, grab a pen (and maybe a KitKat Chunky, for energy) and get ready to learn from Lottie!What will you find inside:Tips and advice from LottieHilarious activities including Would you Rather, design your Drink of Dreams, list your top snacks,
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 346
The Secret Life of Pets (1平裝+1CD)
作者:Jane Rollason  出版社:Mary Glasgow Magazines UK  出版日:2020/12/03 裝訂:有聲書
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. This reader is based on the animat
定價:456 元, 優惠價:79 360
作者:DR. GIBERT C. S. LUI  出版社:新暘圖書  出版日:2007/09/01 裝訂:平裝
This book is addressed to those who enjoy learning and reading. The desire to know, the quest for knowledge, is an innate longing in all human bings. Moreover , this desire grows by what it feeds on.
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
Spidey and His Amazing Friends Construction Destruction
作者:Disney Books; Disney Storybook Art Team  出版社:Marvel  出版日:2022/08/30 裝訂:平裝
Spidey is swinging and web-slinging his way to Disney Junior with a super-duper team of Super Hero friends!Join Spidey and his friends on their exciting adventure to save the day.This storybook is the perfect fun tale for the Spidey fan in your life!Complete your Marvel collection with best-selling fan-favorites:5-Minute Spider-Man Stories5-Minute Marvel StoriesWorld of Reading: This is Miles MoralesWorld of Reading: Five Super Hero Stories!Snow Day for Groot!Marvel Storybook Collection
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
Awesomely Austen - Illustrated and Retold: Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey
作者:Jane Austen; Steven Butler  出版社:Hachette Children's Group  出版日:2022/07/07 裝訂:平裝
A fresh, funny and accessible retelling of Jane Austen’s classic story, with witty black and white illustrations throughout.Catherine Morland loves nothing more than reading a romantic novel, but as one of ten children she doesn’t have much time for reading or for romance.When she is seventeen, her wealthy neighbours invite her to spend the winter season with them in Bath – to experience balls, the theatre and other social delights for the first time.Catherine makes friends with the passionate Isabella, and dances with a handsome man called Henry, and it seems that all her dreams are coming true. But real life doesn’t always play out like a novel, and Catherine will have to overcome many obstacles before she can find her happy ending …Steven Butler is an actor and writer from London. His books for children include The Wrong Pong series and Dennis the Menace. Steven’s love of mischief made Northanger Abbey the perfect book to rewrite and he’s excited to introduce Catherine Morland to a
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定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Jack and the Beanstalk (附音檔QR code)
作者:Stephen Tucker; Nick Sharratt  出版社:Macmillan Children's Books UK  出版日:2021/07/22 裝訂:有聲書
Lift-the-Flap Fairy Tales: Jack and the Beanstalk is a fresh, modern and wonderfully witty take on the much-loved story, retold in a playful rhyme and accompanied by bright and funny illustrations. Flaps to lift on every page bring to life the classic story of Jack and his incredible journey up the Giant Beanstalk. Make the beanstalk grow up into the clouds, be brave and open the doors to the giant's castle, and watch his feet pop up out of the compost heap as he comes tumbling down from the sky!Featuring a free audio reading, complete with music and sound effects! Just scan the QR code on the book with your smart device to hear the story.With this bonus audio feature, you can listen to the story wherever you are, and follow along with the book by turning the pages when you hear the chime.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Listen and Learn: Animals, Grade Prek (附音檔下載連結)
作者:Evan-Moor Educational Publishers  出版社:Evan-Moor Corp  出版日:2022/06/29 裝訂:平裝
Engage children in practicing basic reading and writing skills with the help of fascinating animals! From chameleons to kangaroos, the beautiful animal photographs and stories in Listen and Learn: Animals will take young children on an animal adventure around the world. Each unit is organized around a specific animal and includes facts about where animals live, what they look like, what they eat, how their body parts work, and how they take care of their young. Activities include animal games, art, writing, and drawing, and help children practice alphabet awareness, beginning sounds, counting, writing numbers, matching, and more. Every page includes an audio option so that children can listen to read-alouds and learn about their favorite animals. Listen and Learn: Animals also engages children in learning with hands-on art activities and real-life animal photography. Activities include: - Informational read-alouds with audio to support understanding - Alphabet awareness activities to p
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
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