The journal of a fourteen-year-old girl, kept the last year she lived on the family farm, records daily events in her small New Hampshire town, her father's remarriage, and the death of her best frien
There are many views today on morality, relativity and right and wrong. Dr. Tony Evans refuses to let the voice of God be drowned out amidst the clamor of the crowd. In the age where people can get
Respected counselors show readers how to create emotional security for blended families, offering practical ideas for connecting at the heart level with spouses, children, and stepchildren.
With roller coaster changes in marriage and divorce rates apparently leveling off in the 1980s, Andrew Cherlin feels that the time is right for an overall assessment of marital trends. His graceful an
Are you contemplating divorce? If you divorce would you remarry? This book reveals the biblical authority on divorce and remarriage and clarifies key words like fornication and adultery. It examines t
Consecutive polygamy (as many husbands or wives as you like but only one at a time) is now an accepted norm in contemporary society. Hardly surprising, since the social, legal, moral and financial res
Historically, Christians have been divided on the issue of divorce and remarriage; many institutions and theologies coming down on the side that it is adultery to remarry while one's former spouse is