BBC Radio 4 朗讀選書 十月革命後布爾什維克成功奪權後,俄羅斯並沒有得到平靜,人民也沒有得到民主參政的權利。列寧用恐怖手段剷除異己,繼承者史達林也不斷清算政治敵人。二戰中,俄羅斯有了團結一致對外戰鬥的理由,但戰爭結束後,在冷戰結構中,人民又落入政治鬥爭的危機裡。 共產黨從來沒有實現人民專政,在那片土地上的人民,生命如同蚍蜉,不斷被一波又一波的政治勢力掃蕩。即便到了當代,普京仍以新沙皇的形
Combining in-depth research with his personal experiences as the BBC Moscow correspondent for almost twenty years, Sixsmith tells Russia's full and fascinating story, from its foundation in the last
Church-state relations during the Soviet period were much more complex and changeable than is generally assumed. From the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 until the 21st Party Congress in 1
By integrating the human dimension into Russian history, The Human Tradition in Modern Russia introduces Russian social history to readers in a provocative and interesting new way. The essays in this