★ 紐約時報暢銷書作家──葛雷哥里.詹茲最新力作!★ 葛雷哥里.詹茲為 CNN、FOX、ABC、CBS 和 New York Post 等全球各大傳媒常駐專業嘉賓!★ 詹茲博士創辦的 The Center: A Place of Hope 被票選為全美前十大憂鬱症治療機構!★ 美國亞馬遜5顆星滿分好評!終於,為憂鬱症所苦的人們有了新希望。幾十年來,憂鬱症的標準治療一直未曾改變,開給憂鬱症患者的處方通常是抗憂鬱藥物或談話治療。僅此而已。但有多達三分之一的憂鬱症患者無法受用於標準治療。因此,他們只得一直尋找真正、恆久的緩解。在《不再憂鬱》一書中,葛雷哥里.詹茲博士提出新的前瞻方法。憑藉他創新的全人取向──這已使他的中心成為美國十大憂鬱症治療機構之一。詹茲博士帶給我們可以恆久緩解憂鬱症的治療、操練和生活型態改變;實際做法是致力於解決憂鬱症的情緒、身體、知性、關係和靈性的原因。憂鬱症不全然相同,憂鬱症的患者也不全然相同。《不再憂鬱》將幫助你找到遺失的那一片拼圖──這片拼圖在你克服無助感和無望感的過程中能發揮重大作用,且能帶你一路走向恆久的喜悅。專業推薦:「無論旅程進行到哪裡──是當前的你正與憂鬱症苦苦糾纏,還是你的子女或其他某位家人身陷晦暗恐懼,從本書都能找到醫治過程的藍圖,使你獲悉成功擺脫糾纏所需的各項細節。」──麥可.谷瑞恩(Michael Gurian)博士,《紐約時報》暢銷書《拯救我們的兒子》(Saving Our Sons)和《女孩的心智》(The Minds of Girls)作者「《不再憂鬱》涵蓋了全人醫治在心智、靈魂和身體各方面的最新策略,我強烈地推薦這一本書!」──陳善養(Siang-Yang Tan)博士,福樂神學院心理學教授、美國加州格蘭岱爾基督教會主任牧師
"An exciting story about what really matters, Saving Mr. Terupt is warm, wise, and packed with hope."--JOAN BAUER, Newbery Honor WinnerThe kids and their favorite teacher from Because of Mr. Terupt andMr. Terupt Falls Again return for a third book in the funny, warmhearted series for fans ofWonder.Seventh grade was going to be awesome. The only thing missing was Mr. Terupt.The kids from Mr. Terupt’s fifth- and sixth-grade classes are entering their first year of junior high school. There’s a lot to be excited about, but there are new challenges, too.Peter and Jeffrey face tough competition on their wrestling team. Alexia has a disastrous first day of school, and that’s only the beginning. Anna is desperate for Charlie to propose to her mother—what is he waiting for?!Danielle isn’t feeling so well, but she's trying to tough it out, like Grandma. Trouble with a bully makesLuke dread going to school for the first time ever. And Jessica is waiting anxiously for an acceptance to a theater r
A poetic, powerful story about a little brother and a big sister finding a new home and new hope after being rescued from a boat lost in the dark sea. A little brother and his big sister try their best to settle in a new home, where they have nothing left from before except each other. The little one makes new friends and quickly learns to laugh again but his sister remains haunted by the shadows of their past and hides away in their broken house.Trying to help his sister, the little one catches a butterfly for her and brings it inside the house. His sister knows that she needs to set the butterfly free ... but that would mean going outside.In taking the first steps to face her fears and save the butterfly, she also begins the process of saving herself.
The #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling series is hotter than ever, and this thrilling conclusion to the Lost Continent Prophecy arc is a must-read!With talons united...Luna has always wanted to change the world -- to fix it, to free it -- even if she’s never actually known how. Now that all of dragon- and humankind are in mortal danger, Luna is flying back home to Pantala with a team of dragons on a rescue mission, determined to be brave and useful.But saving a continent isn’t as easy as a prophecy makes it sound, and "facing a great evil" definitely requires more than the fiery silk that Luna is uniquely able to create.As she fights her way to the abyss that hides the dark roots poisoning Pantala, Luna must uncover a long-buried secret and unite her friends, her enemies, and her own powers. If she doesn’t, she won’t get to change the world. She’ll have to say goodbye to it -- forever.
The #1 New York Times bestselling series is hotter than ever, and this thrilling conclusion to the Lost Continent Prophecy arc is a must-read!With talons united . . .Luna has always wanted to change the world -- to fix it, to free it -- even if she’s never actually known how. Now that all of dragon - and humankind are in mortal danger, Luna is flying back home to Pantala with a team of dragons on a rescue mission, determined to be brave and useful.But saving a continent isn’t as easy as a prophecy makes it sound, and “facing a great evil” definitely requires more than the fiery silk that Luna is uniquely able to create. As she fights her way to the abyss that hides the dark roots poisoning Pantala, Luna must uncover a long-buried secret and unite her friends, her enemies, and her own powers. If she doesn’t, she won’t get to change the world. She’ll have to say goodbye to it -- forever.
Edited, introduced and annotated by Cedric Watts, Research Professor of English, University of Sussex. In the hope of saving her brother's life, should a woman submit to rape? Should the law be respec
★ 紐約時報暢銷書作家──葛雷哥里.詹茲最新力作!★ 葛雷哥里.詹茲為 CNN、FOX、ABC、CBS 和 New York Post 等全球各大傳媒常駐專業嘉賓!★ 詹茲博士創辦的 The Center: A Place of Hope 被票選為全美前十大憂鬱症治療機構!★ 美國亞馬遜5顆星滿分好評!跟著葛雷哥里.詹茲博士,一起來趟擺脫憂鬱、邁向希望與恆久緩解的12週旅程。光是藥物和治療解決不了折磨你或你心愛之人的憂鬱時,還是有得醫治的希望。這本根據葛雷哥里.詹茲博士新創的《不再憂鬱》所寫的互動式操作手冊,將為讀者提供尋找整全治療取向所需的工具。你將一週接著一週,分別一一檢視憂鬱症的情緒、身體、智性、關係和靈性的原因,並且依據你的個人境況和病史,努力制訂專屬於你的個人計畫。發現新的前進道路──最終在感到失去希望時找到寬慰。專業推薦:「無論旅程進行到哪裡──是當前的你正與憂鬱症苦苦糾纏,還是你的子女或其他某位家人身陷晦暗恐懼,從本書都能找到醫治過程的藍圖,使你獲悉成功擺脫糾纏所需的各項細節。」──麥可.谷瑞恩(Michael Gurian)博士,《紐約時報》暢銷書《拯救我們的兒子》(Saving Our Sons)和《女孩的心智》(The Minds of Girls)作者「《不再憂鬱》涵蓋了全人醫治在心智、靈魂和身體各方面的最新策略,我強烈地推薦這一本書!」──陳善養(Siang-Yang Tan)博士,福樂神學院心理學教授、美國加州格蘭岱爾基督教會主任牧師
★ 紐約時報暢銷作家──葛雷哥里.詹茲最新力作!★ 葛雷哥里.詹茲為 CNN、FOX、ABC、CBS 和 New York Post 等全球各大傳媒常駐專業嘉賓!★ 詹茲博士創辦的希望所在中心(The Center: A Place of Hope)被票選為全美前十大憂鬱症治療機構!★ 紐約時報暢銷作家邁克爾.古賴安博士專文推薦!★ 美國亞馬遜5顆星滿分好評!廣受好評的心理健康專家詹茲博士, 為我們帶來戰勝焦慮的個人化解決方案!如果你或你心愛的人對於如何擺脫偶爾、持續或無法抵擋的焦慮已不再抱持希望,請鼓起勇氣振作起來!《不再焦慮》提供一個全新的個人化計畫,讓你藉以克服正在剝奪你的喜悅和平安的恐懼。跟隨他充滿慈心的指引,你將發現: • 你的焦慮類型和觸發因素 • 關於焦慮的常見迷思 • 焦慮的隱性成因和催化因素,以及如何因應的對策•使用藥物的利弊和可能的替代方案 • 如何養成你的樂觀肌肉 • 促進良好情緒健康的飲食方式 • 如何開始進行專屬個人的焦慮重置計畫《不再焦慮》結合了最先進的科學研究、現實生活的故事和實用策略,讓你能夠理解並且克服一直阻礙你前進的恐懼。專業推薦:「本書聚集出自各種領域和學科(神經學、心理學和營養學等 等)的幫助,再搭配詹茲博士數十年臨床執業的實際案例。科學與人類生活的這場相遇,本身就是引人入勝的讀物,對於我們這些感到焦慮的人更是充滿吸引力。」――邁克爾‧古賴安(Michael Gurian)博士,古賴安協會執行長暨紐約時報暢銷書《拯救我們的兒子》(Saving Our Sons)和《女孩之心》(The Minds of Girls)作者「《 不再焦慮》一書……滿載實用的工具,可以幫助人們減輕焦慮並且克服恐懼和擔憂。我相當地推薦這本書。」――丹尼爾‧亞曼(Daniel G. Amen)醫師,亞曼診所創辦人暨暢銷書《終結心理疾病》(The End of Mental Illness)作者「《不再焦慮》是本書寫清晰、內容全面而且實用的著作,能引導我們克服不同類型的焦慮。書中描述了許多最新的策略,以涵蓋身心靈的全人取向管控焦慮。我強力推薦!」――陳善養(Siang Yang Tan)博士,美國富勒神學院臨床心理學教授暨《諮商與心理治療》(Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Christian Perspective)作者「對
When a teenager goes missing from the Beacon of Hope School, Texas Ranger Wyatt Sheridan and school director Kate Winslow are forced into a dangerous struggle against a human trafficking organization.