"Twenty-five years after his high school graduation, David Halpert returns to a place that most people flee. But David is making his own escape--from his divorce and the death of his son. In Detroit,
After losing his son and divorcing his wife, a Detroit native returns home after twenty-five years and becomes involved with the sister of his murdered high school girlfriend as he tries to put back t
After losing his son and divorcing his wife, a Detroit native returns home after twenty-five years and becomes involved with the sister of his murdered high school girlfriend as he tries to put back t
Twenty-five years after high school, David Halpert returns home to Detroit to escape personal tragedy and learns about the double shooting of his high school girlfriend, Natalie, and her black half-br
"Twenty-five years after his high school graduation, David Halpert returns to a place that most people flee. But David is making his own escape--from his divorce and the death of his son. In Detroit,