'An astonishing science fiction phenomenon' WASHINGTON POST'I know nothing comparable to it except The Lord of the Rings' Arthur C Clarke'It is possible that Dune is even more relevant now than when i
From the deepest, widest ocean to the tiniest puddle, this beautiful compendium takes young readers on an enthralling journey through the aquatic world, meeting amazing animals, ingenious plants, and much more along the way. Stunning photography and gorgeous illustrations complement storybook descriptions about each lifeform, and children can uncover hundreds of fascinating facts as they read. Did you know that elephant seals that can hold their breath underwater for more than an hour, or that the Victoria Amazonica water lily can support the weight of an adult, or that the brown basilisk reptile can run across water?Discover the science of how plants have learnt to live, feed, and breathe in water, and take a look at the unique challenges of distinct ecosystems on feature spreads about rivers, lakes, wetlands, and more.From sharks and sailfish, to bulrushes and beetles, there's something for everyone in this celebration of all things aquatic.
本套書組合:《冥想:認識內在自我,與外在世界和諧共處,獲得真正的滿足》+《調息‧呼吸的科學:想要調控自己的身心,先從控制呼吸開始(二版)》+《業力:掙脫心的束縛》+《神聖旅程:揭開生命與死亡的奧祕》+《王道瑜伽:身心靈全方位實修的八肢瑜伽法》印度瑜伽大師──斯瓦米‧拉瑪 親自講授揭開身心靈全方位實修之道,以及帶領我們了解生命的真相,擺脫對死亡的恐懼!《冥想:認識內在自我,與外在世界和諧共處,獲得真正的滿足》《Meditation and Its Practice》暢銷歐美近30年印度瑜伽大師──斯瓦米‧拉瑪專為冥想入門者撰寫的指南冥想能讓心念轉向內在,進入到自我更深層次的存在,達到意識的最高境界,使人獲得智慧、力量、平靜與滿足。‧除了練習冥想,沒有其他能夠真正控制全部意識的方法。‧只有練習冥想,才能獲得真正的滿足感,因為它會產生最高級的愉悅,並帶來無畏。‧只有冥想能讓我們充分體驗當下並連接永恆。斯瓦米‧拉瑪為二十世紀最具影響力的瑜伽大師之一,曾於喜馬拉雅山區修行前後達四十餘載,融合東方修行及西方現代瑜伽理念,傳授任何人都可以練習的冥想方法。◎本書特色這是一本介紹如何進行內在修習的指南書,提供了相關練習的系統性指導,也回答了入門階段最常見的問題,將幫助你度過最重要的基礎階段。斯瓦米•拉瑪大師從冥想概念入手,談及呼吸、體位、飲食、睡眠、精神等各方面在冥想練習中的表現,也詳細說明放鬆及呼吸等練習方法,既有心靈的指引,也是一套切實可行的指南。有了這些技巧,你就能夠隨時開始練習了。冥想的基礎練習很容易掌握,而且越是堅持練習,效果就越顯著。在初始階段,冥想具有療癒作用。它能夠放鬆緊張的肌肉與自主神經系統,將我們從精神壓力中解放出來;使人獲得寧靜的情緒,降低對壓力的反應,增強免疫力。隨著練習的不斷進步,你會發現自己更深層次的變化。只要堅持不懈地規律練習,這將是一次非常愉悅的內在之旅。------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------《調息‧呼吸的科學:想要調控自己的身心,先從控制呼吸開始(二版)》《Science of breath》匯集東西方觀點──有關呼吸的鼻子與胸
Chapter I. Salaam 4Chapter II. Breath Is Life 7Chapter III. The Exoteric Theory of Breath 11Chapter IV. The Esoteric Theory of Breath 17Chapter V. The Nervous System 21Chapter VI. Nostril-Breathing vs
In 1903, Science of Breath introduced Americans to yoga. Throughout this work, Western biology is mixed with Indian spiritual practices to show readers how to breathe better and improve their lives. Y
This is a manual of the Oriental Breathing Philosophy for physical, mental, psychic and spiritual development. William Walker Atkinson (1862 - 1932) was an attorney and is also known to have been the