This blueprint for the Boy Scout movement not only provides energetic tips on camping, tracking, and woodcraft, but offers proper Victorian-era advice on manners, self-discipline, and good citizenship
"A scout must always be prepared at any moment to do his duty, and to face danger in order to help his fellow-men."A startling amalgam of Zulu war-cry and imperial and urban myth, of borrowed tips on
A startling amalgam of Zulu war-cry and Sherlock Holmes, of practical tips on health and hygiene and object lessons in woodcraft, Scouting for Boys (1908) is the original blueprint and inspiration fo
Scouting is presented as a solution to the challenges faced by African American boys in this insightful resource. Whether children are raised in single-parent homes or without strong male role models,
Over 431 million copies of the Official Handbook for Boys have been distributed since this first edition was published in 1911. The original Boy Scout Handbook standardized American scouting and emph
A photographic celebration of 100 years of Scouting! Boys have been drawn to the fun, fellowship, and adventure of Scouting for a hundred years. Now, as it embarks on its second century. Including th
Created for your “Scout Master Minute,” The Quotable Scouter communicates the values that have been upheld by the scouting movement ever since Robert Baden-Powell published Scouting for Boys in 1908.
The Scoutmaster Companion Tips and Stories Celebrating 100 Years of Scouting For the past 100 years, boys of all ages have explored the mountains, forests, streams, and seas in the quest of fun, expl