世紀之書《愛因斯坦的夢》作者艾倫.萊特曼ALAN LIGHTMAN再創顛峰之作動人如梵谷《星夜》、超驗如愛因斯坦《相對論》繼聖修伯里《風沙星辰》之後,最美麗的宇宙漂流「科學需要詩人,萊特曼正是科學家和人文學者的完美結合。」──《紐約時報》(The New York Times) 20篇散文勾勒出人類追求不朽的渴望伽利略、愛因斯坦、聖奧古斯丁、莎士比亞、梵谷相繼現身交織出科學和宗教的抒情冥
As a physicist, Alan Lightman has always held a purely scientific view of the world. Even as a teenager, experimenting in his own laboratory, he was impressed by the logic and materiality of the unive
From the acclaimed author of Einstein's Dreams, here is an inspires, lyrical meditation on religion and science that explores the tension between our yearning for permanence and certainty, and the mod