暢銷兩百年!上自英國國王、下至平民大眾都捧讀的好男好女追婚故事:「只想跟你在一起」這麼簡單的心願,為什麼這麼難達成?參照中外相關文獻,提供最新穎、全面、當代化的中文注解六冊全新繁體中譯:《理性與感性》《傲慢與偏見》《艾瑪》《諾桑格寺》《勸服》《曼斯菲爾德莊園》當代作家朱國珍、施舜翔、徐珮芬、陳栢青、鄭宜農專文推薦臺灣大學外文系教授高瑟濡;交通大學外文系講座教授、中研院歐美所合聘研究員馮品佳總導讀柯乃瑜、陳佩筠、葉佳怡精彩譯後記獨家珍愛書迷貼心小別冊,收錄珍‧奧斯汀小傳、作家年表、各冊登場人物及關係圖、奧斯汀珍情語錄、作品文字雲等「能夠為奧斯汀發聲的只有她親筆創造的角色們,她們在時代界線裡用自己的方式,盡最大的努力去衝撞出了自己,就像奧斯汀在社會所期待的婚姻關係與自己的內心之間做出選擇一樣。」鄭宜農「在欲望流竄的當代社會,奧斯汀筆下各種發乎情而又止乎禮的感情篇章或許更能引人入勝。」馮品佳「一切的愛情故事從珍‧奧斯汀的地平線上起跑,跑,不停跑,世界上所有嚮往愛情的女孩都在奔跑……」陳栢青「有些書能夠表達對生活的看法,而且說得非常清楚,比我們自己說得都清楚。生活中的尷尬、苦惱、嫉妒、罪惡感,這一切經過奧斯汀之手一一呈現在我們眼前,使我們以一種神奇的方式看清自己。」──艾倫.狄波頓(英國知名作家) 「奧斯汀採用反諷的手法,把莎士比亞那種對人性的刻畫提升到爐火純青的地步。她非凡的喜劇天賦,自莎士比亞以降無人能出其右。」──哈洛卜倫(《西方正典》作者) 「奧斯汀小姐描述了日常生活中的平凡事物,人們在日常生活中的活動和情感;故事中沒有什麼大事,但是你讀完一頁會趕緊翻到下一頁,希望知道接下來會發生什麼事;下頁讀完,依舊沒什麼大事,可是你會帶著同樣迫切的心情往下閱讀。」──威廉.薩默塞特.毛姆(英國小說大師)「我是珍迷,所以一提到她,我就會笨嘴笨舌的。」──E. M. 佛斯特(英國小說大師)★愛情可能有的面貌,戀人可能遭遇的真實,她都寫過了:認真評估彼此心意╳愛上了就義無反顧的追愛姊妹花《理性與感性》傲嬌少爺╳小聰明小姐的二見鍾情《傲慢與偏見》心高氣傲大小姐╳世故老練帥大叔的愛情假面劇場《艾瑪》認真好青年╳深情不悔小表妹的最後還是你最好《曼斯菲爾德莊園》冷面笑匠王子╳白日夢美少女的歌德冒險《諾桑格寺》國家英雄╳好好小姐的重返真愛旅程《勸服》★不是風花雪月的愛情,而是「自然
戴伍德太太和三個女兒的生活並不富裕,因此節儉度日。老二瑪麗安和老大伊利諾雙雙墜入愛河,但是好事多磨,有一天他們竟發現一些可怕的秘密...Level 3/ 1200 headwords/ Pre-Intermediate/ Classic/ British English/ Number of words(excluding activities): 7924
Introduction and Notes by Professor Stephen Arkin, San Francisco University. 'Young women who have no economic or political power must attend to the serious business of contriving material security'.
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.′Oh! Mama, how spiritless, how tame was Edward′s manner in reading to us last night! I felt for my sister most severel
經典名著不再令人呵欠連連!幽默文字搭配趣味十足的插圖,輕鬆將初識珍奧斯汀的小讀者們領進門,其筆下人物鮮明的價值觀與道德觀,更適合與孩子一同討論,在共享閱讀樂趣的同時融入品格教育。A fresh, funny and accessible retelling of Jane Austen’s classic story, with witty black and white illustrations throughout.When Elinor and Marianne Dashwood’s father dies, they are forced to leave their home behind and move far away to a tiny cottage. Their lives look set to change for ever, in ways neither had expected.Elinor must leave behind the man she loves, whereas Marianne falls for their charming – but entirely unsuitable – new neighbour.The sisters will need each other’s support if they are to find happiness, but will they ever find the right balance of sense and sensibility?Joanna Nadin is a winner of the Fantastic Book Award, the Surrey Book Award, Blue Peter ‘Book of the Month’ and Radio 4 Open Book ‘Book of the Year’. She has recently fallen head over heels for Austen’s books and wants new readers to feel the same.Eglantine Ceulemans captures all of Austen’s satire and wit, bringing h
Sense and Sensibility is a delightful comedy of manners in which the sisters Elinor and Marianne represent these two qualities. Elinor's character is one of Augustan detachment, while Marianne, a ferv
A fresh, funny and accessible retelling of Jane Austen’s best-known story, with witty black and white illustrations throughout.Elizabeth Bennet is the second eldest in a family of five daughters. Although their mother is very keen to see them all married to wealthy men, Elizabeth is determined that she will only ever marry for love.At a ball, Elizabeth meets Mr Darcy, who at first she believes is proud and haughty.But perhaps there is more to him than first meets the eye…Katherine Woodfine is best known for her historical series, The Sinclair Mysteries, which includes The Clockwork Sparrow. A huge fan of Jane Austen from a young age, she’s perfectly placed to bring the Bennet sisters to a new audience.Eglantine Ceulemans captures all of Austen’s satire and wit, bringing her colourful casts to life with warm and funny black and white illustrations.Illustrated and retold editions are also available for: Emma, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey. The per
Harry Potter and Sense and Sensibility actor Alan Rickman builds upon his legacy as a world-class actor, a tireless political activist, an avid traveler, and more through his diaries—a twenty-five-year passion project in which Rickman invites readers backstage and into his life.Alan Rickman remains the one of the most beloved actors of all time across almost every genre in the American and British markets, from his breakout role as Die Hard’s Hans Gruber to his heart-wrenching run as Professor Severus Snape, and beyond. His air of dignity, his sonorous voice, and the knowing wit he brought to each role have captivated viewers across nearly every generation alive today.But Rickman’s artistry wasn’t confined to just his performances. Fans of movies, theater, and memoirs at large will delight in the intimate experience of Rickman detailing the extraordinary and the ordinary in a way that is “anecdotal, indiscreet, witty, gossipy and utterly candid.” He grants us access to his thoughts and
經典名著不再令人呵欠連連!幽默文字搭配趣味十足的插圖,輕鬆將初識珍奧斯汀的小讀者們領進門,其筆下人物鮮明的價值觀與道德觀,更適合與孩子一同討論,在共享閱讀樂趣的同時融入品格教育。A fresh, funny and accessible retelling of Jane Austen’s classic story, with witty black and white illustrations throughout.9781444962680 Sense and SensibilityWhen Elinor and Marianne Dashwood’s father dies, they are forced to leave their home behind and move far away to a tiny cottage. Their lives look set to change for ever, in ways neither had expected.Elinor must leave behind the man she loves, whereas Marianne falls for their charming – but entirely unsuitable – new neighbour.The sisters will need each other’s support if they are to find happiness, but will they ever find the right balance of sense and sensibility?Joanna Nadin is a winner of the Fantastic Book Award, the Surrey Book Award, Blue Peter ‘Book of the Month’ and Radio 4 Open Book ‘Book of the Year’. She has recently fallen head over heels for Austen’s books and wants new readers to feel the same.Eglantine Ceulemans captures all of
An adaptation of Austen's famous novels, plus her rarely published novella Love and Friendship. A perfect introduction to the works of Jane Austen and classic literature for ages 7+.Includes QR codes for the FREE audiobooks!From the gardens of Pemberley to the spooky halls of Northanger Abbey, join some of literature’s most iconic heroines on their path to self-discovery and true love. An adaptation of Jane Austen’s famous stories, illustrated to introduce children aged 7+ to the classics.This beautifully illustrated eight-book collection includes Emma, Mansfield Park, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, Love & Friendship and a personal journal to inspire children to write their own stories.Sweet Cherry Easy Classics adapts classic literature into stories for children, introducing these timeless tales to a new generation.
Complete and UnabridgedUnfairly deprived of their family inheritance by the grasping Mrs John Dashwood and her husband, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood and their mother find themselves in greatly reduced
In "Sense and Sensibility" and "Persuasion", financial troubles and straitened circumstances herald the onslaught of relationship heartache and broken engagements for the heroines. Will true love and