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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:比爾‧卡特  出版社:采實文化  出版日:2023/04/13 裝訂:硬頁書
★最適合幼兒的歡樂 互動繪本,和寶貝一起笑著成長! ★ 系列作品熱銷突破 120 萬冊! ★ 厚頁、圓角的安全設計, 讓閱讀就像拆禮物一樣,充滿期待與驚喜 ★認識世界 節慶的第一步──建立儀式感,親子關係更緊密 ◎互動式閱讀,讓孩子笑容停不下來! 調皮的怪獸賴瑞有一個大大的禮物盒,裡面裝了什麼呢? 現在還不能打開,可是……真的好想知道喔! 賴瑞忍不住好奇心,小心翼翼的摸了盒子後, 禮物盒竟然變形了!而且禮物還會變小又拉長,這下子糟糕了! 賴瑞的禮物,最後到底會變成什麼樣子呢? 禮物代表著他人的心意與祝福,也是美好善意的傳遞。 每個人都喜歡收到禮物, 但是收到禮物的時候,你會怎麼做呢? 是馬上急著拆開?還是會想要猜猜看裡面是什麼東西呢? 拿在手中搖一搖,放在耳邊聽一聽, 說不定會發掘更多不一樣的驚喜! ? 以孩子最期待的「拆禮物」情境,激發好奇心 好奇心是孩子打開這個世界的鑰匙,在成長的過程中 ,孩子對於收到禮物是欣喜的、幸福的。每一本書也像是一份禮物般,等待著孩子打開,豐富而美好的內容,將帶給孩子大大的滿足及歡樂。 有趣的故事情節,連結想像力,並與孩子產生親子互動與提問。 將閱讀書本隱喻為拆開禮物的過程,聽一聽、搖一搖、拉一拉,猜猜看盒子裡面的禮物是什麼呢?透過書本的引導,孩子在閱讀過程中,也懷抱著興奮與期待的心情,親子感情更加增溫! ★ AMAZON 讀者五星好評! ◎非常適合一歲孩子 我女兒一歲,我買這本書給她,希望幫助她理解圖像,跟書本一起互動。讀完第一遍,她就愛上了! 每次我搖晃這本書,
庫存 > 10
定價:300 元, 優惠價:79 237
Can't Shake the Dust
作者:C.H. Hooks  出版社:Regal House Publishing LLC  出版日:2024/10/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:932 元, 優惠價:95 885
Ravensburger Play+ Infant & Toddler - Ready, Steady Shake: First Toys
作者:Dynamo Limited  出版社:Ravensburger Verlag GmbH  出版日:2024/10/03 裝訂:硬頁書
定價:384 元, 優惠價:95 364
Ravensburger Play+ Infant & Toddler - Ready, Steady Shake: First Animals
作者:Dynamo Limited  出版社:Ravensburger Verlag GmbH  出版日:2024/10/03 裝訂:硬頁書
定價:384 元, 優惠價:95 364
作者:謝美美  出版社:翰英文化  出版日:2022/10/03 裝訂:平裝
本書內容包含以下章節PART1 茶飲的構成與原料茶飲的構成要素茶葉的種類特色茶飲使用的材料PART2 茶飲製作的必備機具製作茶飲的必備器具製作茶飲的基本機具設備 PART3 基底茶的種類與沖泡法3 大種類的基底茶沖泡茶的要素基底茶的沖泡法A 傳統沖泡法B 急速冷卻沖泡法C 濾茶機沖泡法D 泡沫茶機急速沖泡法 PART4 獨家熬製!讓茶飲風味升級的關鍵美味手工炒糖濃縮新鮮汁‧果糖濃縮冬瓜液 PART5 手工配料!讓茶飲更富變化的完美配角珍珠粉圓粉條‧粉角‧粉粿愛玉凍芋圓‧地瓜圓仙草其他凝凍類其他配料奶蓋 How to use客製化茶飲的選項茶飲的基本調製法 PART6 達人級,黃金比例的手搖飲原萃.特調茗茶飲BASIC 熟成紅茶原萃四季春青碧翠玉金澄金萱茉香綠茶鐵觀音烏龍蜂蜜綠茶 VARIOUS蜜香紅茶漂浮冰淇淋紅茶梅子綠茶 輕果飲.鮮果茶BASIC 熱帶百香果QQ 綠奇異果青茶 VARIOUS百香果綠茶葡萄柚綠茶 VARIOUS檸檬紅茶 VARIOUS一顆檸檬紅茶鳳梨綠茶鮮桔綠茶 VARIOUS柳橙綠茶甘蔗綠茶 多果飲.鮮果茶BASIC 百香奇異果綠茶香橙葡萄柚綠茶奇異果葡萄柚綠茶百香柚香綠茶百香香橙綠茶百香柳橙葡萄柚綠茶芭樂檸檬綠茶 風味.多多飲C BASIC 葡萄柚多多綠茶 多多綠茶 VARIOUS檸檬多多葡萄柚多多百香多多百香多多綠茶 100% 鮮榨.鮮果汁BASIC 脆梅鮮桔汁金桔檸檬汁 VARIOUS冰萃檸檬汁 VARIOUS檸檬梅汁 經典.醇奶茶BASIC 珍珠奶茶香蔗奶茶鐵觀音奶茶玫瑰奶茶 VARIOUS茉香奶綠熊貓奶茶蜂蜜奶茶燕麥奶茶布丁奶茶台式愛爾蘭鴛鴦奶茶爆米花奶茶黑山仙草奶茶咖啡黑磚奶茶 醇厚.鮮奶茶BASIC 芋香鮮奶茶黑糖珍珠鮮奶茶 VARIOUS黑糖鮮奶茶布丁烏龍鮮奶茶香蔗鮮奶茶玫瑰鮮奶茶芋圓地瓜圓鮮奶茶紅豆鮮奶茶BASIC 抹茶紅豆拿鐵珍珠紅茶拿鐵VARIOUS阿華田紅茶拿鐵草莓拿鐵 奶霜.綿綿奶蓋BASIC 起司海鹽奶蓋紅茶玄米奶蓋紅茶爆米花奶茶提拉米蘇奶茶芝士烤焦糖花生奶茶芝士白摩卡焦糖奶茶芝士盆栽奶茶髒髒奶茶 VARIOUS玫瑰岩鹽奶蓋青茶 古釀.冬瓜茶飲BASIC 黑木耳冬瓜露冬瓜檸檬 VARIOUS
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
Baby Shake It!寶貝的英語童謠:貓咪手搖鈴律動有聲書
作者:Chaekmajung  出版社:華碩文化  裝訂:平裝
定價:660 元, 優惠價:9 594
China Shakes the World: A Titan's Rise and Troubled Future-and the Challenge for America
作者:James Kynge  出版社:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt  出版日:2007/09/05 裝訂:平裝
?Let China sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.” Napoleon’s words seem eerily prescient today, as the shock waves from China’s awakening reverberate around the globe. Award-winning jou
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
作者:卓錦炎  出版社:卓著  出版日:2007/03/01 裝訂:平裝
最新排行第92冊【台語歌曲】知 己 (江 蕙)海平線 (江 蕙)若不是你 (江 蕙)愛情藥單 (詹雅雯)夢中情網 (秀蘭瑪雅.施文彬)返來阮的夢 (江 蕙.陳隨意)等愛的女人 (江 蕙)阿公的眠床腳 (江 蕙)是你對不起我 (詹雅雯)無情不是阮的名 (張蓉蓉)【國語歌曲】Ring Ring Ring(S.H.E)Shake it Baby (黑澀會美眉)Shining kiss (黑澀會美眉)不
定價:250 元, 優惠價:77 192
Cocktails: The Art of Mixing Perfect Drinks
作者:Klaus St. Rainer  出版社:DK UK (Dorling Kindersley)  出版日:2016/11/01 裝訂:精裝
Cocktails is your award-winning guide to the art of mixing perfect drinks. Should a martini be shaken or stirred? How do you muddle an impeccable mojito? Find the answers to all your cocktail questions and learn the secrets behind classic drinks with award-winning mixologist Klaus St Rainer as your guide, using ingredients including juices, sugar, syrup, rum, champagne, and even that bottle of Chartreuse left over from Christmas. Try new twists on classic cocktail recipes, and create your own extraordinary mixes.From sophisticated champagne cocktails to spectacular concoctions such as hot buttered coconut rum, you'll find delicious drinks for every occasion. Impress your friends, shake things up, and mix creative twists on your favourite cocktails with this stunning book. Perfect for every aspiring mixologist or cocktail enthusiast, Cocktails is a truly indispensable and stylish guide to the art of mixing great drinks.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
Mood Science (Franny K. Stein, Mad Scientist 10)
作者:Jim Benton  出版社:Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers  出版日:2022/08/30 裝訂:平裝
Fans of Goosebumps and Bill Nye the Science Guy will fall head over heels for Franny K. Stein, who is back with another laugh-out-loud experimental adventure in the tenth book in the Mad Scientist series.Franny K. Stein has had quite enough of her feelings getting in the way. So she physically removes them with the help of one of her machines. But it turns out that not having feelings can make things even worse, especially when you've accidentally released a virus that's turning everybody into toads. Good thing she has the help of her grandma, Granny Fran, and her Sense of Duty to help her shake the apathy.
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
Princess Truly's Easter Egg Hunt
作者:Kelly Greenawalt; Amariah Rauscher  出版社:Cartwheel Books  出版日:2024/01/02 裝訂:平裝
Join Princess Truly on a magical Easter egg hunt -- featuring a page full of stickers!It's time for an Easter party! Princess Truly and her dog, Sir Noodles, are on the hunt for eggs and treats. There's a special guest at the party -- the Easter Bunny! But when it's the Easter Bunny's time to go, his wagon gets stuck! Princess Truly knows exactly what to do. With a shake of her magical, sparkling curls, she helps the Easter Bunny get on his way and saves the day!With its sweet rhyming text, adorable illustrations, and a full page of stickers, Princess Truly's Easter Egg Hunt is the perfect Easter basket gift and springtime read!
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
Fallen (film tie-in)
作者:Lauren Kate  出版社:Corgi UK  出版日:2017/11/10 裝訂:平裝
SOME ANGELS ARE DESTINED TO FALL. Instant. Intense. Weirdly familiar . . . The moment Luce looks at Daniel she knows she has never felt like this before. Except she can't shake the feeling that she ha
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
The Big Sticker Book of Birds
作者:Yuval Zommer  出版社:Thames & Hudsons UK  出版日:2019/07/18 裝訂:平裝
This book is jam-packed with more stickers than a peacock can shake its feathers at. You’ll discover birds that soar, hunt, waddle and show off and have all sorts of fun sticking them throughout the b
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Where Is Niagara Falls?
作者:Megan Stine  出版社:Penguin Young Readers  出版日:2015/09/15 裝訂:平裝
While traveling through Canada in 1678, a French priest came across the most gigantic waterfalls he'd ever seen. Stricken with both awe and fear, he began to shake, fell to his knees, and prayed. Ever
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
作者:上田和男  出版社:積木文化  出版日:2024/08/29 裝訂:平裝
硬搖盪創始人.日本調酒界教父上田和男親身傳授,雞尾酒技法教科書從入門到創造自我風格的必讀經典之作 .雞尾酒的基礎知識.雞尾酒3大調製手法.雞尾酒道及調酒師之道.傳奇硬搖盪的發明緣起及技巧解析.30道經典酒譜及30道上田原創酒譜 雞尾酒作為西洋文化的一環,在二次世界大戰後傳入日本,並在舉辦東京奧運的1964 年到達高峰。隨著雞尾酒在日本落地生根,味覺細膩、個性一絲不茍的日本人不但以自身文化包容了這項源自西方的品飲文化,還進一步衍生出日本特有的風格,無論是風味層次和技術層面都更加精進,並發展出與眾不同的調味和調配手法,並屢屢在全球雞尾酒大賽中有出類拔萃的表現。有日本調酒教父美譽的上田和男,在經年累月鑽研雞尾酒道中,開發出硬搖盪(hard shake)調製法,此後來自世界各地調酒師的矚目紛至沓來,甚至獲得紐約時報報導。大約於2000年出版的本書的前身《カクテルテクニック》也被翻譯成英文。原本以西洋文化之姿傳入日本的雞尾酒技術,反而從日本推廣至海外。多年下來,基於將雞尾酒技術廣泛傳授予新世代的理念,上田先生將前作原有內容重新編修,更深入地探討硬搖盪的真意,並增加原創雞尾酒Tender 系列的酒譜,讓所有雞尾酒愛好者能體悟到心靈之於雞尾酒調製的奧妙。 ★日本亞馬遜讀者五星好評★「喜歡雞尾酒的人會迷上的一本書。」「讀完之後,很想遇上這樣的店/調酒師。」「完全改變對雞尾酒的想法。是一本從外行人到專業人士都能讀的好書。」
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
The End of the World Is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization
作者:Peter Zeihan  出版社:Harper Business  出版日:2022/06/14 裝訂:精裝
In this eye-opening, counterintutitive book, economics guru and geopolitical strategist Peter Zeihan predicts the coming breakdown of globalization and identifies who will benefit and who will lose.The Covid pandemic has been an eye-opening wake-up call for American business and consumers. Shutdowns worldwide disrupted production chains, leading to shortages across industries and higher costs. Now, America is withdrawing from the world. The old agreements and status quos are crumbling. The breakdown of globalization has accelerated, and it's never coming back. In The End of the World is Just the Beginning, Peter Zeihan offers provocative and surprising arguments about this new reality and how it will shake up world trade.Isolationism and realism are becoming the dominant values of a previously interconnected world, Zeihan contends, forcing us to reevaluate the logic that has motivated international relations and global trade for more than a generation. Drawing on deep geographical know
定價:1425 元, 優惠價:71 999
搭配詞的力量Collocations:形容詞篇(隨書附美籍專業錄音員親錄標準美式英語音檔QR Code)
作者:王梓沅  出版社:瑞蘭國際  出版日:2018/07/23 裝訂:平裝
繼佳評如潮的《搭配詞的力量Collocations:名詞篇》後,托福、雅思口說雙料滿分的王梓沅老師,又為你統整了形容詞相關的搭配詞,讓你擺脫台式英文、活用英文,改變一生的學習觀念,不再年年學英文,年年從頭學!◆什麼是搭配詞?什麼時候會用到搭配詞? 你知道嗎?中文說「機率很大」時,英文用「chances are high」來表示;而中文的「治癒感冒」,英文母語人士常說「shake off a cold」;中文的牛排煎到「很硬」,英文使用「tough」。 上述這樣一個「單字」加上「慣用法」所形成的固定詞組,我們統稱為「搭配詞」,如果搭配詞太少,使用英文容易語塞或出現「台式英文」。◆搭配詞如何給你力量?為何搭配詞那麼重要呢? 在學習英文的道路上,你曾遇過以下困擾嗎?1. 想要講一句話,但是語塞講不出來,因為「不知道要用什麼字表達心中所想的東西」。2. 有時會覺得自己的英文看似「字字是英文」,但其實「句句不是英文」,不知如何道地、精準地使用英文。3. 知道的單字不少,但是真的用出來的總是那些。 如果以上問題你都感同身受,代表你非常需要這本書! 有了搭配詞,你不會再害怕開口說英文,說英文就像是呼吸一樣自然;出國在外,跟外國人交談再也不用支支吾吾,很順利地就能講出流利的句子。這,就是搭配詞的力量。 有別於一般搭配詞辭典過度厚重、資訊繁多、不適合學習者研讀,本書系統性地整理出台灣人最需要的搭配詞用法,從此擺脫「字字是英文,句句非英文」!◆台式英文OUT!搭配詞改變你學英文的習慣! 本書是搭配詞的形容詞篇,以詞彙的開頭字母分類,分成A~W,每個形容詞詞彙又囊括了以下架構:1. 搭配詞 當形容詞後加上了名詞及慣用法,就形成了一個固定詞組,也就是搭配詞。學會了搭配詞,英文自然脫口而出,不再東拼西湊出錯誤的句子。每個搭配詞,作者皆提供例句,以下線提示重點,並附上中文翻譯,教你快速活用。 例: Empty 空的、無人的;空虛的、空洞的、無意義的 empty gesture / promise / word 空話、空頭支票His repeated promises to pay me back were just empty words. 他再三保證會還我錢,結果都只是空話。 empty suit 虛有其表的政客、專業人士He acts like a big shot
定價:420 元, 優惠價:79 331
#19: Heidi Heckelbeck Tries Out for the Team (平裝本)
作者:Wanda Coven; Priscilla Burris (ILT)  出版社:Little Simon  出版日:2017/01/10 裝訂:平裝
In the nineteenth Heidi Heckelbeck adventure, Heidi looks for the perfect sport to play.It’s time to sign up for sports at school and Heidi is excited (and a little nervous) to find the perfect fit. Lucy is great at soccer. Bruce is great at baseball. Heidi, well, the only thing she’s great at is being awful at every sport she plays! Can Heidi shake off her slump with a little magic or will Melanie’s teasing make her throw in the towel for good?With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, the Heidi Heckelbeck chapter books are perfect for beginning readers.
定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
Bad Influence
作者:Tamsin Winter  出版社:Usborne UK  出版日:2023/06/08 裝訂:平裝
"So uplifting and powerful - so, so good." Cathy Cassidy"Brave, honest, and heart-breakingly funny." Ben Miller"A beautiful, relevant story of courage, strength, and not letting other people decide who you are." Kate WestonAmelia Bright wants to be the best at everything. But when it comes to popularity, she is dead last. No matter what she tries, she can't shake her reputation as a maggoty nobody.When she meets cute new boy Evan, Amelia wonders if he can help her lose her loser status. And in a moment of hope, she agrees to something she quickly regrets - something that goes viral at school. Now she's not just called "maggot", she's a "bad influence" - and worse.But Amelia's determined not to let one mistake define her...she's so much more than the image everyone sees online. A powerfully real and funny new story from the rising queen of teen, about first kisses, learning to be true to yourself and how one click can last for ever...
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Heart Full of Love
作者:Jenny Cooper; Carrie Hennon (ILT)  出版社:Imagine That  出版日:2020/01/01 裝訂:硬頁書
定價:380 元, 優惠價:1 380
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