商務場合常用語句趣味大解析, 完整收錄商務人士必懂用語, 有些連Google翻譯都翻不出來。 以幽默解析與生動典故, 讓你除了聽得懂,還能靈活用, 跟老闆、同事、客戶溝通時準確回應, 不再滿頭問號、一臉尷尬,增進專業度與好感度。 什麼是FAQ、MO、KISS(絕對不是親親……)? 跟信封一點關係都沒有的「Push the envelope」是什麼意思? 老闆為什麼叫你「把海水煮沸」(boil the ocean)? 同事幹嘛請你「挪一下針頭」(move the needle)? 為什麼英文學了十幾年,進了商業世界什麼都聽不懂? 本書針對商業情境與職場最常使用的商業詞彙與片語, 提供明確定義,並介紹這些用語的來源、歷史與故事, 讓你在大笑中了解這些商務行話的真正含意, 無論是商務演講或是與同事分享重要訊息, 都能正確回應,提升溝通技巧與專業度。 ★精彩搶先看★ ducks in a row──每件事情都安排的有條不紊,準備完全。 商務行話定義:總之不能拿來形容鐵達尼號上負責確認救生艇數量是否足夠的那個人。 Hardball──用最強硬的方式積極地進行任何遊戲,包括真實人生。 商務行話定義:在紐約市上下班尖峰時間,擁擠的地鐵車廂靠站時你必須要採取的態度。 hump day──禮拜三 商務行話定義:黑洞漩渦般的工作日中,一絲絲微弱的希望之光。 left holding the bag──擔起被強加在自己身上的責難或重擔 商務行話定義:預定要跟老闆報告案子失敗的當天,其他同事全因為流感倒下。 ★特別收錄★ 來自經典電影、貓狗、軍事、賽馬等領域的商務行話 「給我錢!」(Show me the money﹗)――《征服情海》(Jerry Maguire) 這句台詞告訴各位商業合作夥伴,他們最能夠表達重視你或你的貢獻的最佳方式,就是付錢給你。 「我要給他一個無法拒絕的條件。」(I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.)――《教父》(The Godfather) 沒有什麼比引用黑手黨的話,更能說明你對進行中的商業交易的認真程度。 Cat got your tongue 一時語塞 barking up the wrong tree 採取錯誤的行動或選錯人說話 【好評推薦】 「這本好書不只清楚定義許多企業界使用的商業詞彙與片語,而且也將片
A title filled with games, puzzles, brain teasers, and fun facts exposes young readers to basic concepts of currency and finance, including the barter system, supply and demand, and how money works di
In today's organizations, project sponsors and those who have responsibility for project success are held more accountable than ever for the financial impact of their programs. Show Me the Money provi
Money makes the world go round, but how well do children understand finances? Show Me the Money breaks the mold of the school textbook and introduces young readers to the world of economics — from the
* FIFA grossed over £2.3 billion from the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.* The Champions League generates UEFA more than £1 billion in annual revenue.* Sixty-five per cent of all the money spent on pl
What does 'the market' look like? What does money really stand for? How can the abstractions of high finance be made visible? Show Me the Money: The Image of Finance, 1700 to the Present documents how
Show Me the Money is the definitive business journalism textbook that offers hands-on advice and insights into the job of a business journalist. Chris Roush draws on his experience as both a business
Show Me the Money is the definitive business journalism textbook that offers hands-on advice and insights into the job of a business journalist. Chris Roush draws on his experience as both a business
Show Me the Money is the definitive business journalism textbook that offers hands-on advice and examples on doing the job of a business journalist. Author Chris Roush draws on his experience as a bus