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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:沈文才; 西蒙.莫特洛克-著  出版社:大是文化  出版日:2023/12/01 裝訂:平裝
★新加坡發行,銷售破萬本◎怎麼跟陌生人破冰?聊聊他的故鄉小吃。人的舌頭,充滿了記憶。◎「等我有把握就做!」等環境轉好再行動,機會早被人搶走了。◎別當MVP(最有價值球員),要當MIP(進步最快球員),別人會更想認識你。作者沈文才,在LinkedIn上擁有超過200萬粉絲,新加坡國立大學工程學系畢業後,卻想進入「非所學」的金融業上班,因缺乏相關學經歷,當然沒有金融機構願意雇用他。他沒有就此放棄,反而親筆寫申請信到各家銀行, 這個不起眼的小行動,讓他就此打開金融業大門。幾年之後,他成為瑞銀(UBS)投資銀行的董事總經理。現在他是新加坡國立大學、加拿大女王大學的客座講師,在大學教授金融和職場技能,也在全球各地演講。他的「樹立個人品牌,抓住就業機會」課程,是新加坡國立大學商學院的必修課。沈文才說,他的出身很平凡,職業生涯中也沒做過什麼冒險事,但是,他採取過很多小行動,就是這些小步驟的累積疊加,把他的人生編成了一個循序漸進、向上發展的好故事。◎保持一致,別人就會記住你 作者出門開會,永遠穿白襯衫、藍外套,襯衫左胸口袋插一條橘色方巾, 連公司LOGO、名片都用橘色。履歷和社群媒體大頭貼,也用同張照片。他還訂製橘色圓珠筆,如果客戶忘記帶筆,就馬上送他們一支。因為這些保持一致的小步驟,對方總是很快記住他。◎有了社會資本,再也不用上求職網站投履歷 平常,你都去哪裡吃飯?作者專挑有特色的小餐館宴請客戶, 並和那邊的壽司師傅熟識,之後再帶同事、客戶去。 一進門,師傅立刻說:「您是沈先生的朋友,我給您推薦更好的生魚片。」 他的客戶就此記住這美好的用餐體驗。因為這個小步驟,作者再也沒透過求職廣告找工作,所有職位都是別人推薦的。◎聽懂對方的弦外之音 作者曾為了競標一個衍生性商品方案拜訪一家地產商,對方卻開玩笑告知:「你們來太晚,其他銀行的月餅我都吃下肚了。」(當時中秋節剛過)作者回公司後,馬上請同事買一盒巧克力送達。最後竟因這個小步驟改變了客戶的決定,拿到這筆交易。送巧克力的意思就是:我重視你所說的每一句話,絕不當成開玩笑。成功的關鍵,就是大膽想、小處做、趁現在,前瑞銀董事總經理的小步驟累積故事成功法,學非所用,也能走出事業高成就。
定價:399 元, 優惠價:79 315
作者:查理.吉爾基  出版社:啟動文化  出版日:2024/05/20 裝訂:平裝
定價:580 元, 優惠價:9 522
Small Actions, Big Results:31 Habits to a Supercharged Life
作者:Ashdin Doctor  出版社:Westland Publications Limited  出版日:2024/11/25 裝訂:平裝
定價:779 元, 優惠價:95 740
Mental Health Micro-gains:50 Small Actions That Will Make a Big Difference to Your Wellbeing
作者:Emma Cotterill; Tara Quinn-Cirillo  出版社:Trigger Publishing  出版日:2024/10/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:899 元, 優惠價:95 854
Every Little Kindness (精裝本)
作者:Marta Bartolj  出版社:Chronicle Books Llc  出版日:2021/10/01 裝訂:精裝
透過細膩的插畫觀察書中情節,發現助人所帶來的快樂也能傳染給別人,讓善意的溫暖傳遞下去,教導小朋友即便一個小舉動,也能讓整個社會變得更美好!Follow the trail of good deeds in this beautiful wordless picture book to learn how small acts of kindness can make all the difference! When one act of kindness sparks another, anything is possible! As a girl searches for her lost dog, a simple act of generosity ripples into a wave of good deeds. In the course of a single day, each considerate action weaves lives together and transforms a neighborhood for the better. This wordless story, told in beautiful illustrations reminiscent of a graphic novel, demonstrates how every little kindness, shared from person to person, can turn a collection of strangers into a community, and--even though we might not always see it--make the world a more vibrant and compassionate place to be. SHOWS CHILDREN WHY KINDNESS MATTERS: By demonstrating how each kind act leads to another, this heartfelt book shares an important message with children that even small actions can have a big effec
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
I Am Kind: A Positive Power Story
作者:Suzy Capozzi; Eren Unten  出版社:Random Young  出版日:2022/03/08 裝訂:平裝
The Positive Power series introduces self esteem and empathy to budding young readers. I Am Kind is a fun and encouraging story about the power of kindness! Now a part of the premier early reading line, Step into Reading!A little girl sees kindness all around her. Her mother is kind when she volunteers in the community, and her neighbor is kind when he gives her strawberries from his garden. The little girl realizes that she, too, has the power to be kind. Even small actions can have a big impact! In this installment of the Positive Power early reader series, children will learn the affirmation "I am kind" through an encouraging story of community and everyday kindness. Step 2 Readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories, for children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help. Rhyme and rhythmic text paired with picture clues help children decode the story.Series Overview: Since 1984, Step into Reading has set the standard. Random Hou
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
I Love My Mommy Because
作者:Laurel Porter-Gaylord; Ashley Wolff (ILT)  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2004/03/01 裝訂:硬頁書
"I love my mommy because she gives me great big hugs.""I love my daddy because he takes naps with me."These two beloved, best-selling concept books, richly illustrated by Ashley Wolff, are now available as board books for small hands. The youngest nursery tots will appreciate how phrases and actions from their own experiences also apply to animal babies. Each book begins with an affectionate scene between a human parent and child, but moves on to care giving in animal families. "She listens when I talk" shows a mamma cat and her mewing kitten. "She tucks me in features a kangaroo with her joey peeking out of her pouch. "He sings me songs" shows a gray wolf and his cub. In concept, text, and art, these are among the most warm and reassuring lap books ever.
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
Irena 2 ― Children of the Ghetto (graphic novel)
作者:Jean-david Morvan  出版社:Magnetic Pr  出版日:2020/09/15 裝訂:精裝
The true tale of Irena Sendlerowa, a social worker in the Warsaw ghetto in the early 1940s, during the early days of German occupation. She is credited for saving the lives of 2500 Jewish children by gradually and quietly smuggling them to safety in small groups. While she is eventually arrested by Gestapo, imprisoned, and tortured for her actions, she refuses to reveal her network and is condemned to death. She is ultimately saved from death by other members of her organization.This second volume focuses on Irena's activities following her incarceration, and her years long mission to locate and reunite the rescued children with their families, which led decades later to her ultimate recognition. Her attempts to locate each of their natural parents for reunion were as often heartbreaking as fulfilling. And while most of the parents had been gassed in the Holocaust, she made it her mission to help those orphaned find new homes.
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Water!: Why Every Drop Counts and How You Can Start Making Waves to Protect It
作者:Lisa Gerry  出版社:DISNEY HYPERION  出版日:2023/03/07 裝訂:平裝
Did you know the water in your glass could be the same water the dinosaurs drank? Discover more incredible facts about Earth's water, the challenges facing it, and how your actions can help defend this precious resource. Dive in! No doubt about it, water is fascinating! It's also essential. Every living thing on Earth needs it, from big blue whales to teeny, tiny bacteria. But our planet is facing some serious water problems: Drinkable water isn't easily accessible to everyone, the demands for water around the globe are increasing while the supply is limited, and some human actions are causing disastrous ripple effects downstream for ecosystems and the animals that live in them. Fortunately, there is hope! And that's where this book comes in. By learning the ins and outs of important water issues and making small but powerful changes in our daily life, we can help protect the water that connects us all on our beautiful blue planet. Features include: - What kids can do right now to comb
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
作者:Yelena Kalinsky (EDT)  出版社:Small Pr Distribution  出版日:2012/10/15 裝訂:平裝
Literary Nonfiction. Art. Performance. Translated from the Russian by Yelena Kalinsky. Active in Moscow since 1976, the Collective Actions group played a key role in the development of performance art
定價:1200 元, 優惠價:1 1200
Small Actions Yield Big Effects
作者:Bill Shaw  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2022/08/22 裝訂:平裝
定價:1056 元, 優惠價:1 1056
Microskills: Small Actions, Big Impact
作者:Adaira Landry  出版社:HANOVER SQUARE  出版日:2024/04/16 裝訂:精裝
定價:1102 元, 優惠價:1 1102
作者:Eric Sim  出版社:WS PROFESSIONAL  出版日:2021/12/23 裝訂:精裝
定價:3480 元, 優惠價:1 3480
作者:Eric Sim  出版社:WS PROFESSIONAL  出版日:2021/12/23 裝訂:平裝
定價:1680 元, 優惠價:1 1680
作者:Hank Dittmar  出版社:Island Pr  出版日:2020/06/02 裝訂:平裝
定價:1860 元, 優惠價:1 1860
Confidence Hacks ― 99 Small Actions to Massively Boost Your Confidence
作者:Barrie Davenport  出版社:Createspace Independent Pub  出版日:2014/10/27 裝訂:平裝
Boost Your Confidence DailyWant to feel more self-assured and motivated in your career? Have you had difficulty speaking up for yourself or saying what you feel? Ready to feel good about who you are,
定價:579 元, 優惠價:1 579
How to Be a Positive Leader ─ Small Actions, Big Impact
作者:Jane E. Dutton; Gretchen Spreitzer; Adam Grant (FRW)  出版社:Ingram Pub Services  出版日:2014/06/02 裝訂:平裝
This is a book about how to lead people and organizations in ways that unlock their greatness. It offers a potent assembly of ideas about how small actions leaders take can make a difference in changi
定價:1176 元, 優惠價:79 929
Team Habits:How Small Actions Lead to Extraordinary Results
作者:Charlie Gilkey  出版社:Profile Books Ltd  出版日:2023/08/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
100 Little Changes: 100 small actions create big changes.
作者:Julie Bacon  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/08/11 裝訂:平裝
定價:384 元, 優惠價:1 384
Team Habits:How Small Actions Lead to Extraordinary Results
作者:Charlie Gilkey  出版社:Profile Books Ltd  出版日:2024/09/05 裝訂:平裝
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
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