★暢銷作家草子信 全新詭譎又色氣滿滿的異空間逃殺BL!★腦性陽光男 ╳ 顏控厭世陰角,想逃離危險就先用愛鼓掌――!限定獨享【啟動】燙金明信片【陣營】5入貼紙組【流轉】2入透卡組閃爍著奇怪文字的樹幹、身穿可愛洋裝的巨大怪物、被當成怪物餌食的人們……想發動能力抵抗危機,就要先肌膚相親才有力量――----------------Run bunny run.While you can still run…一跤摔入奇怪山林的賴文善,被有著自我意識的植物攻擊與詭異怪物追逐之下,意外被溫柔又可靠的楊光拯救才得以脫困。但只是萍水相逢的陽光卻展現出盲目的保護欲與獨占欲,將他保護得天衣無縫。雖然覺得詭異,卻不知道該怎麼說服對方放手,直到賴文善意外撞見楊光雙眼閃著金色光芒的詭異狀態,才知道原來他們有「能力」可以對抗這個詭譎世界。只是……要獲得力量的方式倒是讓他嚇得不輕,――身體必須要體驗到高潮才能啟動能力……
★暢銷作家草子信 全新詭譎又色氣滿滿的異空間逃殺BL!★腦性陽光男 ╳ 顏控厭世陰角,想逃離危險就先用愛鼓掌――!首刷附錄【啟動】燙金明信片閃爍著奇怪文字的樹幹、身穿可愛洋裝的巨大怪物、被當成怪物餌食的人們……想發動能力抵抗危機,就要先肌膚相親才有力量――----------------Run bunny run.While you can still run…一跤摔入奇怪山林的賴文善,被有著自我意識的植物攻擊與詭異怪物追逐之下,意外被溫柔又可靠的楊光拯救才得以脫困。但只是萍水相逢的陽光卻展現出盲目的保護欲與獨占欲,將他保護得天衣無縫。雖然覺得詭異,卻不知道該怎麼說服對方放手,直到賴文善意外撞見楊光雙眼閃著金色光芒的詭異狀態,才知道原來他們有「能力」可以對抗這個詭譎世界。只是……要獲得力量的方式倒是讓他嚇得不輕,――身體必須要體驗到高潮才能啟動能力……
It started as a book club. It became a way to build a better life together.Karissa Newcomb is ready for a new start in a new neighborhood, as far away as she can get from Seattle, where her husband cheated on her with the neighbor who was supposed to be her best friend. She and her nine-year-old daughter are moving on to the city of Gig Harbor on the bay in Puget Sound. She even has a new job as an assistant at a small publishing company right in Gig Harbor. Her new boss seems like a bit of a curmudgeon, but a job is a job, she loves to read, and the idea of possibly meeting writers sounds fabulous.Soon she finds she’s not the only one in need of a refresh. Her new neighbors, Alice and Margot, are dealing with their own crises. Alice is still grieving her late husband and hasn’t been able to get behind the wheel of a car since a close call after his death. Margot is floundering after getting divorced and laid off in quick succession. They could all use a distraction, and a book club se
Still Alice is a compelling debut novel about a 50-year-old woman's sudden descent into early onset Alzheimer's disease, written by Lisa Genova, who holds a Ph. D in neuroscience from Harvard Universi
What if every memory you've ever had will be erased from your mind, and you have no choice but to carry on...powerless to stop it?Alice Howland is proud of the life she worked so hard to build. At fi
When Alice finds herself in the rapidly downward spiral of Alzheimer's Disease she is just fifty years old. A university professor, wife, and mother of three, she still has so much more to do - books
An extraordinary debut novel about an accomplished woman who slowly loses her thoughts and memories to a harrowing disease -- only to discover that each day brings a new way of living and loving Alice
In Lisa Genova’s extraordinary New York Times bestselling novel, an accomplished professor diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease learns that her worth is comprised of more than her ability to remember. N
Alice Howland is proud of the life she worked so hard to build. At fifty years old, she’s a cognitive psychology professor at Harvard and a world-renowned expert in linguistics with a successful husba
Feeling at the top of her game when she is suddenly diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease, Harvard psychologist Alice Howland struggles to find meaning and purpose in her life as her concept
Feeling at the top of her game when she is suddenly diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease, Harvard psychologist Alice Howland struggles to find meaning and purpose in her life as her concept
Lisa Genova’s New York Times bestselling debut novel is now available, unabridged, at a new low price. Fifty-year-old Alice Howland, a Harvard professor of cognitive psychology, is at the top of her
A moving story of a woman with early onset Alzheimer's disease, now a major Academy Award-winning film starring Julianne Moore and Kristen Stewart. Alice Howland is proud of the life she worked so har
Alice has known, loved, and lost many people throughout her life. Here she talks about her special people, her memory of what meant so much to her about them. This book is a sharing - it lets the read
Cheryl Strayed’s Wild meets The Revenant in this heart-pounding story of survival and revenge in the unforgiving wilderness. Build shelter. Find water. Make fire. Seek revenge. After Jess is alone. He