本書希望提供經營管理者一套可以系統性分析行銷問題的架構工具,因為面對日趨複雜的行銷環境,無論是B to B或B to C市場,行銷的形式皆起了相當大的變化,值此之際,新的行銷名詞與觀念不斷地在市場上出現,經營管理者不只越來越不容易釐清行銷問題的真相,也經常會掉入銷售惡性競爭的陷阱,因此需要一個更宏觀、更具系統的行銷架構來幫助他們制定具市場長期競爭力的行銷策略。相對於以管理程序為主要論述的其他行銷教
Strategic Marketing second edition deals with the theories and formulation of strategic marketing, discusses the analysis of the environment, and applies and evaluates marketing concepts through south
Strategic Marketing introduces the theories and formulation of strategic marketing, discusses the analysis of the environment, and how to apply and evaluate the concepts (to satisfy customer wants or
Marketing professionals need to be able to adapt new strategies in order to keep their companies relevant. Aaker walks them through the strategic challenges created by the dynamic nature of today's ma
Marketing Planning and Strategy is designed for courses at the junior/senior-level in marketing strategy, business unit strategy analysis, strategic market planning, marketing planning, strategic mark
Strategic planning in business, and case history analysis in an academic setting, both use a number of management models to identify the risks and opportunities, which are available to an organization
This book was first published in 2004. Developments in strategic thinking and econometric methods, alongside fundamental changes in technology and in the nature of competition, argue the need for an in-depth but accessible assessment of the Profit Impact of Marketing Strategy's project. Here, Paul Farris and Michael Moore gather together contributions from experts across the US and Europe to offer a retrospective analysis alongside innovative perspectives on future marketing strategy and performance assessment methods. Appealing to scholars and reflective practitioners interested in fostering practical knowledge about business innovation and changes, this book not only explores ways of thinking about and working with PIMS but also explores the unresolved issues arising from the original data. As the business community renews its attempts to recreate the kind of inter-firm cooperation that produced the PIMS project, sharing many of the ideals, this volume will broadly appeal.
Table of Contents Introduction Structure of the business plan Company and financing Company overview Strategic and market analysis Industry analysis Competition Pricing Marketing plan Financial projec