約翰彌爾(John Stuart Mill, 1806-1873),是十九世紀中葉英國偉大的哲學家,從他的思想,可以看到一個國家,乃至一個時代的演進。本書針對約翰彌爾的民主思想,從其思想的形成、理論基礎、具體主張,乃至思想特性 與歷史地位,作一深入的剖析、辨清與評估,以增進吾人對這位矢志做為人類事務改革者與哲學家教師思想的了解,從而也對民主有更進一步的深刻認識。究其實,約翰彌爾是個崇理尚智務實而又
約翰彌爾(John Stuart Mill, 1806-1873),是十九世紀中葉英國偉大的哲學家,從他的思想,可以看到一個國家,乃至一個時代的演進。本書針對約翰彌爾的民主思想,從其思想的形成、理論基礎、具體主張,乃至思想特性 與歷史地位,作一深入的剖析、辨清與評估,以增進吾人對這位矢志做為人類事務改革者與哲學家教師思想的了解,從而也對民主有更進一步的深刻認識。究其實,約翰彌爾是個崇理尚智務實而又
A paperback edition of E.B. White's classic novel about one small mouse on a very big adventure! With black and white illustrations. Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans, he
Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans he lives in New York City with his parents, his older brother George and Snowball the cat. He's an adventurous and heroic little mouse. W
The smell of a pie baking in the kitchen immediately conjures up feelings of comfort, nostalgia, and love. Michele Stuart vividly remembers standing at her grandmother’s apron hem as a child, as she f