Marvel Level 5 (Upper Intermediate ) - Avengers: Infinity War漫威中高級讀本-復仇者聯盟3:無限之戰由初到高級,書內附音檔和電子書,熱門的漫威電影搭配純正美式發音,無論自學或教用皆合適,也適合圖書館館藏不分年齡和時間,想聽就聽,隨時隨地學英語。內容介紹: 薩諾斯,一個殘酷、暴力的軍閥,正在宇宙中尋找無限寶石,這將賦予他難以置信的力量,並讓他實現難以言喻的邪惡目標。 銀河系中最偉大的超級英雄聯合起來試圖阻止他,但他們能成功嗎?或者薩諾斯對他們來說太強大了嗎?This reader is accompanied by an audiobook and eBook.Thanos, a cruel, violent warlord, is searching the universe for the Infinity Stones, which will give him unbelievable power and allow him to achieve an unspeakably evil goal. The greatest super heroes in the galaxy unite in an attempt to stop him, but can they succeed - or is Thanos too powerful even for them?