Microeconomics: An Asian Perspective, is written to show students how microeconomics can be used as a practical tool for decision-making in various aspects of life. The book provides a treatment of mi
Lesson Planner forms enable teachers to plan and time instruction at two different levels: Low-Beginning/Literacy and Beginning. These forms offer a convenient framework for step-by-step planning of c
This package contains color transparencies for every lesson in the Word by Word Picture Dictionary. Use these picture resources to focus students' attention during various stages of a lesson.* Preview
Stephen P. Robbins為全球最暢銷的「管理學」與「組織行為」教科書作者,其著作至今除廣受超過1,000所美國大專院校採用,亦被翻譯成16國語文暢行世界。《組織行為學》(Organizational Behavior)自出版伊始,轉眼間更新至第17版,第17版中另位作者Timothy A. Judge亦為組織行為界的頂尖學者,已在如Journal of Organizational B