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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:管家琪-作; 劉婷-繪  出版社:大石文化  出版日:2022/03/24 裝訂:精裝
DK《超能力百科》系列新作,亞馬遜讀者全體五星評價!全球百科權威DK編輯團隊帶領小讀者進入驚奇的科學世代,激發孩子探索科學的興趣。․百科形式的參考書,生動、豐富、平易近人的文字內容,介紹最新的發現與科學研究․高品質的照片與電腦繪圖,搭配一目了然的資訊、簡明清晰的圖表,精準解析最新科學․科展靈感必備,世界最新科學研究:新冠肺炎的治療、無人機的應用、海洋廢棄物的處理、新能源(New Energy)的開發、人工智慧的進階運用。科學如何改變我們的生活!親眼目睹科學的驚人力量,發現各種隱藏的科技與創新,了解人類如何運用科學來塑造我們的世界。本書跳脫基礎生物與基礎理化等純理論的範疇,介紹最先進、最前瞻性的應用科技,從生物辨識、超級疫苗、無人機、綠建築,到海廢處理、新能源、人工智慧等等,探討科學如何協助我們讓今日生活變得更加輕鬆便利,並改善從氣候變遷到全球流行病等21世紀面臨的新問題。
定價:750 元, 優惠價:9 675
作者:Michael A. Putlack& e-Creative Contents  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2021/10/20 裝訂:平裝
不用出國留學,也可以像在美國上課一樣! 108課綱跨學科領域最佳素養教材! 以英文跨領域學科多元學習,扎根培育素養! 用美國教科書學英文是最道地的學習方式,有越來越多學校選擇以美國教科書作為教材,用全英語授課的方式教學,讓學生把英語當成母語學習。108課綱強調跨領域學習,本套書以STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) 元素的學習內容,讓學生能把英語當作工具學習數學、科學、藝術等別的學科,實踐跨領域學習。 本套書共2本,完整收錄美國一年級到六年級的各學科核心內容,也非常符合108課綱的素養培植教材。內容擷取美國最多人使用的四大教科書,程度由淺入深,每冊收錄90篇精心設計的美國教科書課文,並依學科及主題分類,包括社會、歷史、地理、科學、數學、語言、美術和音樂,涵蓋學校社區生活、各國文化節慶、動植物生態、繪畫與音樂等生活化主題。 每本依文章長度與難易度,共分為兩大部分:「課本」(Main Book)和「訓練書」(Training Book): 課本 精選各學科範疇的菁華,全書以全英文呈現。 訓練書 針對字彙、閱讀和聽力做設計,並特別標示出英語的句子結構,幫助理解句意與文法結構。 本書特色 1 精選各學科核心文章:精選《FUN學美國英語課本》90篇實用課文,主題跨領域學科,涵蓋美國學校各科目,囊括語文、歷史、地理、數學、社會、科學、美術、音樂八大學科,透過教科書中的知識來奠定英語基礎,培植素養。 2 活用的題目練習:課文後有文章的「主旨」(main idea)、細節(details)和字彙(vocabulary)測驗,文章重點一次掌握。 3 關鍵的單字與片語:訓練書彙整了每篇課文的必備單字與片語,有助於增進英語字彙能力。 4 透過「斷句」掌握即讀即解的竅門:透過訓練書中英語句子的解構與翻譯,充分理解句意與文法結構。 5 道地的美式發音課文朗讀:由專業母語人士所錄製的課文MP3,幫助您熟悉最正確的發音和音調,反覆聆聽朗讀、練習聽說最easy。 本書是一套實用的英語學習工具,無論是求學、參加英文檢定或是在職場工作,亦或是想參加多益、托福等各種英文考試,或者想到國外留學、在國際企業或跨國公司工作,本書都是您最實用的基礎訓練書!
定價:460 元, 優惠價:9 414
作者:Michael A. Putlack; e-Creative Contents  出版社:寂天文化  出版日:2022/05/18 裝訂:平裝
不用出國留學,也可以像在美國上課一樣!108課綱跨學科領域最佳素養教材!以英文跨領域學科多元學習,扎根培育素養!用美國教科書學英文是最道地的學習方式,有越來越多學校選擇以美國教科書作為教材,用全英語授課的方式教學,讓學生把英語當成母語學習。108課綱強調跨領域學習,本套書以STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) 元素的學習內容,讓學生能把英語當作工具學習數學、科學、藝術等別的學科,實踐跨領域學習。本套書共2本,完整收錄美國一年級到六年級的各學科核心內容,也非常符合108課綱的素養培植教材。內容擷取美國最多人使用的四大教科書,程度由淺入深,每冊收錄90篇精心設計的美國教科書課文,並依學科及主題分類,包括社會、歷史、地理、科學、數學、語言、美術和音樂,涵蓋學校社區生活、各國文化節慶、動植物生態、繪畫與音樂等生活化主題。每本依文章長度與難易度,共分為兩大部分:「課本」(Main Book)和「訓練書」(Training Book):▶課本:精選各學科範疇的菁華,全書以全英文呈現。▶訓練書:針對字彙、閱讀和聽力做設計,並特別標示出英語的句子結構,幫助理解句意與文法結構。本書特色1 精選各學科核心文章:精選《FUN學美國英語課本》90篇實用課文,主題跨領域學科,涵蓋美國學校各科目,囊括語文、歷史、地理、數學、社會、科學、美術、音樂八大學科,透過教科書中的知識來奠定英語基礎,培植素養。2 活用的題目練習:課文後有文章的「主旨」(main idea)、細節(details)和字彙(vocabulary)測驗,文章重點一次掌握。3 關鍵的單字與片語:訓練書彙整了每篇課文的必備單字與片語,有助於增進英語字彙能力。4 透過「斷句」掌握即讀即解的竅門:透過訓練書中英語句子的解構與翻譯,充分理解句意與文法結構。5 道地的美式發音課文朗讀:由專業母語人士所錄製的課文MP3,幫助您熟悉最正確的發音和音調,反覆聆聽朗讀、練習聽說最easy。本套書各種領域主題,能幫助讀者熟悉各學科和領域的知識和用語,契合108課綱跨領域學習,適合輔助雙語教學,也有助參加參加多益、托福等英文檢定,或想到國外留學、在國際企業或跨國公司工作,本書都是最實用的基礎訓練書!
定價:460 元, 優惠價:9 414
作者:艾瑪.楊恩  出版社:天下文化  出版日:2023/03/30 裝訂:軟精裝
你如何「嗅」出危險?什麼叫方向感?直覺又是什麼?我們的感官不只有「視、聽、嗅、味、觸」這五感。還有癢覺、痛覺、冷熱覺、本體感覺(肢體位置)、前庭感覺(平衡、導航)、胃腸道感覺(飢餓感、渴感 ……)、內感受(心跳、血壓、呼吸 ……),甚至難以具體捉摸的直覺、敏感等等,我們共有32種感官!這本書充滿豐富有趣的研究成果,譜出了美妙的感官交響曲,揭示了「使我們成為人類的種種能力」背後的科學。32種感官知識都是非常實用的,可運用在身心保健、育兒、人際關係、決策判斷、文化觀察上,令我們更健康、更機敏、更快樂、更富足,讓我們超級有感!不同凡響……每個有身體的人,都應該讀一讀。―― 文斯(Gaia Vince),《自然》期刊、《新科學家》編輯《超級感官》改變了我感知這個世界的方式,真是令我大開眼界!但「眼界」這種說法太狹隘了,應當是說:令我大開所有感官的界限!―― 胡柏(Rowan Hooper),《超人類》作者令人著迷……你再也不會以老舊方式,思考你的感官了。―― 哈蒙德(Claudia Hammond),英國作家,電視節目主持人《超級感官》告訴我們,如何以更好的方式訓練我們的感官能力,從平衡感到同理心,從直覺到自我意識……閱讀《超級感官》是一種感官上的愉悅。―― 墨黔(Jo Marchant),暢銷書《治癒力》作者令人讚嘆的感官世界指南,會讓您驚訝於自己驚人的感知能力。艾瑪.楊恩透過尖端科學和非凡的個人故事,提供了以實證為基礎的策略,打破一些流傳已久的迷思,可讓我們保護和調整自身的感知能力,在生活中做出改變。―― 羅伯森(David Robson),《智力陷阱》作者
定價:600 元, 優惠價:9 540
作者:強‧理查茲  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2022/06/04 裝訂:軟精裝
1分鐘掌握知識重點!好讀的文字說明與細緻的視覺化圖解,帶領孩子一窺科學的奧秘,豐富孩子的科學素養!科學能幫助我們了解小至微生物,大至宇宙的奧妙。你知道── 易碎的玻璃卻能拿來製成超級堅固的纖維? 用手機相機對準按下按鈕的電視遙控器就能看到紅外線? 地球一小時內從太陽接收到的能量,就超過全人類一整年使用的能源? 從相同高度丟下等重的物體,在北極會比較快掉到地面? 金星表面的大氣壓力足以把你壓扁? 你身上的細菌數量可能比細胞還要多?……翻開本書,你將讀到物理、化學、天文學、地球科學、生物等科菁華知識,還有試試看小專欄帶你一同探索在家就能實驗的科學現象!【108課綱閱讀重點】?學習領域:物理、化學、天文學、地球科學、生物。?核心素養:系統思考與解決問題、道德實踐與公民意識、科技資訊與媒體素養。?適讀年齡:適合學齡前、國小低年級親子共讀、國小中高年級自己讀。吳念祺|每天都要一起玩STEAM x play親子社群創辦人許兆芳|大愛TRY科學節目顧問、魅科坊科學原型工坊創辦人許琳翊|三沃創意有限公司暨小創客平台(創辦人曾明騰|台中市爽文國中理化老師、2013年SUPER教師全國首獎潘憶玲(滾媽)|FB「滾妹.這一家」粉絲頁版主、《滾媽的創意手作百寶箱》作者盧俊良|FB「阿魯米玩科學」粉絲頁版主、宜蘭縣岳明國小老師親子部落客「Fairykids x 親子玩學趣」──聯合推薦好評推薦:簡單易懂的文字,加上大量詳細的圖片說明,是個知識滿滿、一看就能懂的小百科系列,培養孩子的相關素養,這系列肯定要「+1」的啊!──潘憶玲(滾媽)|FB「滾妹.這一家」粉絲頁版主、《滾媽的創意手作百寶箱》作者60秒變身系列涵蓋「科學」、「科技」、「地球」、「歷史」四大主軸,森羅萬象,搭配精緻詳盡的圖文介紹,讓你綜觀古今、博覽多聞,變身小天才。遇有問題,隨時翻閱,不僅是課堂外自學的好幫手,也是探求新知的最佳兒童讀物。──盧俊良|FB「阿魯米玩科學」粉絲頁版主、宜蘭縣岳明國小老師讓孩子一分鐘就能讀懂的視覺圖解知識百科!精彩豐富的大版面圖解,搭配清楚的邏輯架構,帶領讀者們有系統性
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
Olivia's Secret Scribbles #4: Super Science Stars
作者:Meredith Costain  出版社:Scholastic Inc.  出版日:2021/04/01 裝訂:平裝
Our school is having a super-awesome science fair! The best group will win the TOP PRIZE. But there's a new girl. Bethany. She doesn't think that my ideas are any good. And what is that TERRIBLE smell
定價:190 元, 優惠價:79 150
Advancing Technology (Super SHEroes of Science): Women Who Led the Way
作者:Supriya Sahai  出版社:Childrens Pr  出版日:2022/04/05 裝訂:平裝
This brand-new series highlights some of the major contributions women have made in the world of science.Did you know that the technology behind cell phones was based on an idea developed during World War II by the Hollywood star Heddy Lamar to prevent the enemy intercepting radio messages? The computer and other electronic devices have changed life dramatically over the last 70 years―and many of the key breakthroughs in technology were made by women. These women’s achievements were often highly specialized and have been widely overlooked. This book tells their stories and describes their vital contributions.
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
We Use Science
作者:Kim Hankinson  出版社:b small publishing UK  出版日:2022/04/01 裝訂:平裝
Reveal the hidden science all around us! People use science every single day in their jobs, sometimes without realising! From a smoothie maker creating a vortex to blend fruit and vegetables to firefighters extinguishing a blaze by breaking the fire triangle, the jobs and occupations at the heart of this super-creative non-fiction read will inspire all children to seek out the everyday science in the world around us.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers
作者:Megan McDonald; Peter H. Reynolds  出版社:Scholastic Paperbacks  裝訂:平裝
Follow your nose to a hilarious Stink-fest no kid will want to miss! Stink Moody's class is going on a field trip to the Gross-Me-Out exhibit at the science museum, and he can't wait to see the Vomit
定價:226 元, 優惠價:55 124
The Super Volcano: A Hidden Hero Below Yellowstone National Park
作者:Suzanne Jacobs Lipshaw  出版社:Science Naturally  出版日:2024/11/01 裝訂:精裝
定價:834 元, 優惠價:1 834
World of Our Body, The: Super Mi Discovery
作者:Cee Mia Cee  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2023/09/12 裝訂:平裝
Come discover with me, Super Mi!In what ways are our bodies like racing cars? What do our bodies need to survive?My name is Mi and though I''m still small, the world has no more secrets from me anymore! That''s because of my superpowers. As Super Mi, I can discover everything I want to know!Discover, experiment and learn with the little scientists! Each little scientist has something new to teach readers. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, I''m a Little Scientist! introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world of science. Everyone can be a little scientist!Series features:快來和我一起探索超米(Super Mi)吧!我們的身體在哪些方面像賽車? 我們的身體需要什麼才能生存?我叫米,雖然我還小,但世界對我來說已經沒有秘密了! 那是因為我的超能力。 作為超米(Super Mi),我可以發現我想知道的一切!與小科學家一起發現、實驗和學習! 每個小科學家都有新的東西可以教導讀者。 透過引人入勝的敘述和全彩插圖,我是一名小科學家! 向孩子介紹令人興奮且不斷進步的科學世界。每個人都可以成為小科學家!系列特點:踏上科學冒險之旅:該系列揭開了科學的奇蹟,吸引了年輕讀者,並激勵他們探索、質疑和理解周圍的世界。 它簡化了複雜的 STEM 概念,透過適合年齡的解釋使兒童易於理解,確保對科學原理有清晰且相關的理解。互動學習:超越故事,透過有趣的活動和簡單的實驗來鼓勵互動學習! 每本書都配有科學實驗,讓孩子們將所學到的知識付諸實踐。
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
Colossal Fossil (A to Z Mysteries Super Edition #10)
作者:Ron Roy; John Steven Gurney (ILT)  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2018/02/27 裝訂:平裝
In the tenth A to Z Mysteries Super Edition, Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose have a sleepover . . . with a Spinosaurus!It's sleepover night at a science museum in Boston. Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose can't wai
定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
Stink: The Stupendously Super-Sonic Collection (Box Set)(共6本)
作者:Megan McDonald  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2021/10/12 裝訂:平裝
This marvelous boxed set features not just two, not just three, but SIX of Stink's adventures--perfect as an introduction to the series or a gift for a committed fan. Stink Moody: fact freak, science
定價:1330 元, 優惠價:79 1051
How They Choked ─ Failures, Flops, and Flaws of the Awfully Famous
作者:Georgia Bragg; Kevin O'Malley (ILT)  出版社:Bloomsbury USA  出版日:2016/06/07 裝訂:平裝
Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes, epic failures even lead to super successes . . . sometimes they become deep dark secrets. But remember-to fail is human, to laugh about our shortcomings divine. From Montezuma II's mistaking a conqueror for a god to Isaac Newton turning from science to alchemy to J. Bruce Ismay's jumping the lifeboat line on theTitanic, How They Choked knocks fourteen famous achievers off their pedestals to reveal the human side of history.Successful “failures” include:Marco Polo Queen Isabella of Spain Montezuma II Ferdinand Magellan Anne Boleyn Isaac Newton Benedict Arnold Susan B. Anthony George Armstrong Custer Thomas Alva Edison Vincent Van Gogh J. Bruce Ismay “Shoeless Joe” Jackson Amelia M. Earhart
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Marie Curious, Girl Genius: Saves the World (平裝本)
作者:Chris Edison  出版社:Orchard UK  出版日:2020/08/06 裝訂:平裝
50% Girl power + 50% Genius = 100% Awesome! A brilliant new series with a heroine who uses her science smarts - and her girl squad - to save the world from evil, one invention at a time. Young inventor Marie can't believe her luck - she's spending her summer holidays in California, at the high-tech headquarters of Vance Corps! She and the other super-clever campers get to build robots, do super-cool science experiments and test out awesome gadgets. But not everyone is a happy camper .. . Someone is sabotaging their robots, so Marie and her new friends team up to catch the culprit.Can Marie outsmart an evil engineer intent on causing a global disaster?
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You (Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award 2021)
作者:Mike Barfield; Jess Bradley  出版社:Michael O'Mara Books  出版日:2020/09/03 裝訂:平裝
Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award 2021Short listed for Sainsbury's Children's Book Awards 2021If you've ever wanted to know what a panda does all day long, how your heart manages to shift all that blood around your body or what makes a rainbow shine, you've come to the right book. A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You features the answers to all of these questions and many more, all told in a super-fun comic book format in three awesome sections: Human Body, Animal Kingdom and Earth and Science. A Day in the Life... is packed with facts, laughs and amazing illustrations you can dive into all day long. Meet your grumpy liver that has to do practically EVERYTHING; your trusty hands that are very, well, handy; the spiky porcupines ready to charge; lonely Mars rovers abandoned on the Red Planet; raging tornadoes ready to rip through the pages of the book and bubbly volcanoes ready to blow. All entries are told in the fun, friendly and informative style of Mike Barfield, and are broug
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
Oliver's Great Big Universe
作者:Jorge Cham  出版社:Amulet Books  出版日:2023/09/26 裝訂:精裝
Cosmos meets Diary of a Wimpy Kid in this new illustrated middle-grade fiction series that blends science with narrative I know what you're thinking. What makes an average 11-year-old kid qualified to tell you anything about the universe? Am I famous scientist? No. Am I a super-genius at everything? Not really.Oliver has a lot going on starting his first year of middle school: new friends, new classes, new everything. But at least there's one thing that still makes sense: science! Determined to be an astrophysicist one day, Oliver explains everything he learns--like how the sun burps, how ghost particles fly through you, the uncanny similarities between Mercury and cafeteria meatballs, and most important, how the Big Bang is basically just like a fart in the school hallway. (Also, there are time-bending black holes, exploding supernova stars, and aliens! Well, there could be aliens.). Oliver finally feels like he's starting to figure things out . . . but can he stay out of the principa
定價:608 元, 優惠價:1 608
Narwhal's School of Awesomeness (Narwhal and Jelly 6)(graphic novel)
作者:Ben Clanton  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2021/09/02 裝訂:平裝
Funniest children’s graphic novel of 2021 for readers aged 5+Narwhal is a happy-go-lucky narwhal. Jelly is a no-nonsense jellyfish. The two might not have a lot in common, but they do love waffles, parties and adventures.Join Narwhal and Jelly as they become the coolest teachers in the world wide waters in the hilarious sixth book of this blockbuster graphic novel series!Dive into four new stories about Narwhal and Jelly becoming SUBstitute teachers!The two best friends come across an enthusiastic school of fish one morning. Unfortunately, Mr. Blowfish, their teacher, has come down with a cold, and class will have to be cancelled . . . until Professor Knowell (Narwhal) and Super Teacher (Jelly) volunteer to help out!From Wafflematics, in which Narwhal and Jelly calculate the number of waffles needed to feed the class to a super-fun science scavenger hunt, followed by a game of "Tag! You're Awesome!" at breaktime. Narwhal's teaching methods may be unconventional, but with Jelly's help,
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
作者:Time for Kids Magazine  出版社:Little Brown & Co  出版日:2012/11/06 裝訂:精裝
Time For Kids' successful Big Book of Science Experiments just got a lot more hands on with the TIME For Kids Super Science Kit. The kit includes everything kids 8 to 12 will need to wrap their heads
Lessons in Science Safety With Max Axiom, Super Scientist
作者:Donald B. Lemke; Thomas K. Adamson; Todd Smith (ILT); Bill Anderson (ILT)  出版社:Capstone Pr Inc  出版日:2007/03/01 裝訂:平裝
In graphic novel format, super scientist Max Axiom explains how to do science experiments safely.
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
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