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DK (2)
F. Iachello (2)
Bryce DeWitt (1)
DK出版社編輯群 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (3)
DK UK (Dorling Kindersley) (1)
Dk Pub (1)
大石文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:DK出版社編輯群  出版社:大石文化  出版日:2022/07/25 裝訂:平裝
●全球百科權威DK理工編輯團隊第一套專為學校課程而設計的物理參考書。●章節規畫完整,涵蓋「物理課」所有內容與跨科主題:原子、力學、光學、電磁學。●高品質的照片與繪圖,搭配一目瞭然的圖解式教學架構,精準解析基礎物理核心概念。●視覺化的物理概念說明,快速查找內容綱要、釐清重點,提升遠距教學與居家自習效率。從最基本的能量轉換到力與運動的關係,從到波的各種形式到光學原理,從電路的基本法則到磁場與電磁學──物理這門科學的牽涉範圍之廣、資訊量之龐大,時常讓人難以招架。學生為了應付考試只能強記,物理學也因此成為許多人學生時代的夢魘。這套最新的基礎科學學習指南系列,就是從輔助學生課堂理解出發,針對自然科琳瑯滿目的重點逐一突破,快速解除學習挫折感。《超簡單物理課》把物理的內容分成超過250 個環環相扣的觀念全面講解,透過精細的繪圖與照片,配上條理清晰的文字說明,從物理的科學方法與思考要領開始,依序進入能量、運動、力學、波動、光學、電路、磁場、電磁學、物質、壓力、原子與放射性以及太空等主題,幾乎每一頁都附有容易消化與加深印象的重點提示與補充說明,幫助融會貫通。DK 發揮一貫強大的博物館式圖文整合能力,讓讀者在研讀每個觀念時,就宛如進入一座迷你主題博物館,得到不同於教科書的學習體驗。本書的內容架構不但有利於學生參照課堂進度來學習,也便於初次接觸物理的成人讀者尋找延伸閱讀方向,因此除了適合作為小學高年級到國中程度的補充讀物,也是其他年齡層讀者認識物理的最佳入門參考書。
定價:750 元, 優惠價:9 675
作者:DK  出版社:Dk Pub  出版日:2022/03/01 裝訂:精裝
A fantastic aid for coursework, homework, and test revision, these revision cards make Physics crystal clear and will have you exam-ready in no time.Making super simple sciences even simpler! With images, graphics, equations and definitions, learning has never been easier. Super Simple Revision Cards condense the sciences into a manageable, visually appealing format that is easy to digest and revise from. With each of the 250 cards containing definitions and key facts on one side, and a detailed graphic on the other, memorizing science facts is made easy and enjoyable. Difficult concepts are presented clearly and the full-color illustrations and photographs make the process of absorbing the information fun and simple. You’ll learn everything you need to know to ace that test!
作者:F. Iachello  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1991/10/24 裝訂:精裝
The interacting boson-fermion model has become in recent years the standard model for the description of atomic nuclei with an odd number of protons and/or neutrons. This book describes the mathematical framework on which the interacting boson-fermion model is built and presents applications to a variety of situations encountered in nuclei. The book addresses both the analytical and the numerical aspects of the problem. The analytical aspect requires the introduction of rather complex group theoretic methods, including the use of graded (or super) Lie algebras. The first (and so far only) example of supersymmetry occurring in nature is also discussed. The book is the first comprehensive treatment of the subject and will appeal to both theoretical and experimental physicists. The large number of explicit formulas for level energies, electromagnetic transition rates and intensities of transfer reactions presented in the book provide a simple but detailed way to analyse experimental data.
SuperSimple Physics:The Ultimate Bitesize Study Guide
作者:DK  出版社:DK UK (Dorling Kindersley)  出版日:2021/02/04 裝訂:平裝
Packed with all the core curriculum topics, this physics book for kids 12+ is the perfect support for home and school learning. Breaking down the information into easy, manageable chunks, Super Simple
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
作者:Bryce DeWitt  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1992/05/28 裝訂:平裝
This is an updated and expanded second edition of a successful and well-reviewed text presenting a detailed exposition of the modern theory of supermanifolds, including a rigorous account of the super-analogs of all the basic structures of ordinary manifold theory. The exposition opens with the theory of analysis over supernumbers (Grassman variables), Berezin integration, supervector spaces and the superdeterminant. This basic material is then applied to the theory of supermanifolds, with an account of super-analogs of Lie derivatives, connections, metric, curvature, geodesics, Killing flows, conformal groups, etc. The book goes on to discuss the theory of super Lie groups, super Lie algebras, and invariant geometrical structures on coset spaces. Complete descriptions are given of all the simple super Lie groups. The book then turns to applications. Chapter 5 contains an account of the Peierals bracket for superclassical dynamical systems, super Hilbert spaces, path integration for fe
The Interacting Boson-Fermion Model
作者:F. Iachello  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2005/11/03 裝訂:平裝
The interacting boson-fermion model has become in recent years the standard model for the description of atomic nuclei with an odd number of protons and/or neutrons. This book describes the mathematical framework on which the interacting boson-fermion model is built and presents applications to a variety of situations encountered in nuclei. The book addresses both the analytical and the numerical aspects of the problem. The analytical aspect requires the introduction of rather complex group theoretic methods, including the use of graded (or super) Lie algebras. The first (and so far only) example of supersymmetry occurring in nature is also discussed. The book is the first comprehensive treatment of the subject and will appeal to both theoretical and experimental physicists. The large number of explicit formulas for level energies, electromagnetic transition rates and intensities of transfer reactions presented in the book provide a simple but detailed way to analyse experimental data.
定價:2794 元, 優惠價:9 2515



