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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:凱瑟琳‧艾波蓋特-作; 派翠夏‧卡思特勞-繪  出版社:小天下  出版日:2021/10/22 裝訂:平裝
美國紐伯瑞文學獎金獎作家 x《八號出口的猩猩》動人心弦的續作2013年,紐伯瑞金獎作家凱瑟琳.艾波蓋特筆下的《八號出口的猩猩》感動無數讀者,多年來大小粉絲不斷敲碗續集,想知道更多伊凡、包柏,和露比的故事……2021年,小狗包柏一躍而為主角,他那機智又厭世的狗狗視角和感人至深的真實告白,為擬人化動物小說文類再添經典。我跑進荒野──這個世界風雨交加,有著野狼和鱷魚,還有一種能撕裂我心肺的聲音。當了一輩子的流浪狗,包柏現在安逸的棲身在茱莉亞家的屋簷下,生活中最刺激的事情是和門外樹上的松鼠鬥嘴。他三餐無虞,偶爾茱莉亞還會帶他去動物園探望最親愛的朋友──大猩猩伊凡和小象露比。他不能再奢求更多了,但內心卻有一小塊失落的感受,也時常在夢裡聽見那聲吠叫……氣象預報傳來令人不安的消息,颶風迫近,可怕的龍捲風摧毀了動物園,嬌小的包柏無法再失去任何人,他克服恐懼,鼓起勇氣在斷垣殘壁中穿梭,焦急的尋找他的動物好友。這時,從一片嘈雜的人獸叫喊中,傳來了那聲吠叫,包柏不再逃避了,他下定決心前往聲音的來源,面對多年來深埋心中的愧疚。誠摯推薦(依姓氏筆畫排序)王淑芬(兒童文學作家)黃宗慧(國立臺灣大學外文系教授)黃宗潔(國立東華大學華文系教授)蔡明灑(朗朗小書房創辦人)?本書關鍵字:成長小說、動物保育在前傳《八號出口的猩猩》結尾,大猩猩伊凡成功的以繪畫引起人類注意,進而解救了自己和動物朋友們的命運,可說是從人類手中奪回了(部分)生存權利;而到了續集《小狗包柏的真實告白》,主角從伊凡變成小狗包柏,同樣是擬人化的第一人稱視角,讓讀者將包柏的內心世界一覽無遺。 故事以溫暖平靜的筆調開場,包柏在茱莉亞家過得安全無虞,即使他不改善於自嘲、憤世嫉俗的本性,且仍時時提醒自己不能過分相信人類。前半部舒緩的寫作節奏,就如同暴風雨前的寧靜,其實遠方的駭人風暴正悄悄迫近。當包柏和茱莉亞來到動物園探望好友伊凡和露比,龍捲風突襲,人獸驚惶,小說後半部敘事口吻驟變,讀來緊張刺激。 天災降臨時,無論人類或猛獸都顯得脆弱無助,但作者艾波蓋特筆下的小狗包柏,卻顯露出和外表完全不符的驚人勇氣(即使他本狗並不承認),他出生入死,無懼灰狼的利爪威脅,誓死保護自己重要的事物。在續集中,作者彷彿賦予了動物更多的主導權,他們在災難中互相扶持,奮力拚搏。 而當暴風平息後,包柏回到了人類溫暖的屋簷下,身邊甚至多了一些新角色的陪伴,他終於領悟
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
The One and Only Ivan (Newbery Medal Winner)
作者:Katherine Applegate; Patricia Castelao (ILT)  出版社:Harpercollins Childrens USA  出版日:2015/01/06 裝訂:平裝
Newbery Award WinnerWinner of the 2013 Newbery Medal and a #1 New York Times bestseller, this stirring and unforgettable novel from renowned author Katherine Applegate celebrates the transformative power of unexpected friendships. Inspired by the true story of a captive gorilla known as Ivan, this illustrated novel is told from the point-of-view of Ivan himself.Having spent 27 years behind the glass walls of his enclosure in a shopping mall, Ivan has grown accustomed to humans watching him. He hardly ever thinks about his life in the jungle. Instead, Ivan occupies himself with television, his friends Stella and Bob, and painting. But when he meets Ruby, a baby elephant taken from the wild, he is forced to see their home, and his art, through new eyes.In the tradition of timeless stories like Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little, Katherine Applegate blends humor and poignancy to create Ivan's unforgettable first-person narration in a story of friendship, art, and hope. An author's note dep
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
Jigsaw: A Puzzle in the Post
作者:Bob Graham  出版社:Walker Books Ltd  出版日:2022/07/07 裝訂:精裝
Serendipity and positive thinking come into play as a family searches for a missing puzzle piece in Bob Graham's enchanting story with a sweet surprise ending. "Oh, let's do it!" say Kitty and Katy and Mum when a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle mysteriously arrives in the post. "I have time on my hands," agrees Dad.Starting in winter with the edges, by autumn they're almost done, only to discover that one piece is missing. Mum is sure that it must have accidentally gone out with the rubbish, so the Kellys pile into the car to comb through the local tip ("shouldn't take long"). There they uncover forgotten letters, train tickets, discarded newspapers, and old photos yellow with age, but finding the missing piece is starting to seem like wishful thinking."Let's wish, then," says Katy. As in all of Bob Graham's work, the beauty here is in the details, with visual perspectives that offer a bird's-eye view or take us underfoot, wordless sequences letting us in on a secret. Is it sheer luck - o
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
Endling #3: The Only
作者:Katherine Applegate  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2022/03/01 裝訂:平裝
The thrilling conclusion to the epic middle grade fantasy trilogy from Katherine Applegate, the New York Times bestselling and Newbery Award-winning author of The One and Only Ivan (now a major motion picture!), The One and Only Bob, Wishtree, and Crenshaw!In the beginning, Byx's original quest was to discover if there were more of her kind, or if she was destined to become an endling--the last dairne alive. She did indeed find more dairnes, and along the way she also created allies among other creatures in her world, including humans, felivets, raptidons, and wobbyks.But Byx and her new friends soon learned that it wasn't just dairnes in jeopardy of extinction, but that everyone was at risk. With the world in unprecedented danger, Byx must rally creatures of all kinds to lead a revolution.Katherine Applegate's Endling series has so far earned a collective five starred reviews, and each of the prior books has debuted on the New York Times bestseller list. She once again delivers an act
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
作者:Katherine Applegate  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2020/05/05 裝訂:平裝
Return to the unforgettable world of the Newbery Medal-winning and #1 New York Times bestselling novel The One and Only Ivan (soon to be a major motion picture!) in this incredible sequel, starring Iv
The One and Only Bob
作者:Katherine Applegate  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2020/05/05 裝訂:精裝
The powerful and poignant sequel to the Newbery Award winning and #1 New York Times bestselling modern classic, The One and Only Ivan, which is soon to be a major motion pictureBob sets out on a dange
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
作者:Katherine Applegate  出版社:Thorndike Striving Reader  出版日:2023/11/08 裝訂:平裝
定價:1079 元, 優惠價:1 1079
The One and Only Bob
作者:Katherine Applegate  出版社:HarperCollins Childrens UK  出版日:2020/05/05 裝訂:平裝
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
The One and Only Bob CD (1CD)
作者:Katherine Applegate; Patricia Castelao; Danny DeVito  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2020/05/05 裝訂:有聲書
The powerful and poignant sequel to the Newbery Medal-winning and #1 New York Times bestselling modern classic, The One and Only Ivan, which is soon to be a major motion picture!Return to the unforget
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
The One and Only Bob (美國版)
作者:Katherine Applegate  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2022/05/03 裝訂:平裝
A #1 New York Times bestseller!Return to the unforgettable world of the Newbery Medal-winning and #1 New York Times bestselling novel The One and Only Ivan (soon to be a major motion picture!) in this incredible sequel, starring Ivan's friend Bob!Bob sets out on a dangerous journey in search of his long-lost sister with the help of his two best friends, Ivan and Ruby. As a hurricane approaches and time is running out, Bob finds courage he never knew he had and learns the true meaning of friendship and family.Bob, Ivan, and Ruby have touched the hearts of millions of readers, and their story isn't over yet. Catch up with these beloved friends before the star-studded film adaptation of The One and Only Ivan hits theaters in August 2020!One and Only Bob is an instant #1 New York Times bestseller, embraced by new and old fans of Katherine Applegate's beloved One and Only Ivan. Great for summer reading or anytime! A Today show pick for "25 children's books your kids and teens won't be able
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
Ivan & Friends 2-Book Collection : The One and Only Ivan and The One and Only Bob
作者:Katherine Applegate  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2020/09/15 裝訂:精裝
Meet the unforgettable characters Ivan and Bob in this hardcover box set including the award-winning modern classic The One and Only Ivan, soon to be a major motion picture, and its heartwarming seque
定價:1443 元, 優惠價:79 1140
Ivan & Friends Paperback 2-Book Box Set: The One and Only Ivan, the One and Only Bob
作者:Katherine Applegate  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2022/09/06 裝訂:盒裝
Discover the unforgettable world of best friends Ivan and Bob in this gorgeous illustrated paperback box set, including the Newbery Medal-winning The One and Only Ivan and its bestselling sequel, The One and Only Bob!Ivan is an easy-going gorilla. Living at the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade, he has grown accustomed to humans watching him through the glass walls of his domain. He rarely misses his life in the jungle. Mostly, he thinks about art. Then he meets Ruby, a baby elephant taken from her family, and she makes Ivan see their home--and his own art--through new eyes. When Ruby arrives, change comes with her, and it's up to Ivan to make it a change for the better.Continuing the story of these friends in The One and Only Bob, Bob sets out on a dangerous journey in search of his long-lost sister with the help of Ivan and Ruby. As a hurricane approaches and time is running out, Bob finds courage he never knew he had and learns the true meaning of friendship and family.The One an
定價:683 元, 優惠價:79 540
作者:Katherine Applegate  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2023/05/02 裝訂:平裝
An instant #1 New York Times bestseller! From beloved powerhouse author Katherine Applegate comes The One and Only Ruby, starring the adorable baby elephant from the Newbery Medal–winning modern classic The One and Only Ivan and its bestselling sequel, The One and Only Bob.In the way that only Katherine Applegate could craft, this highly anticipated novel in verse is the perfect mix of heartfelt and humorous, poignant and sweet, with beautiful black-and-white interior illustrations from artist Patricia Castelao.Ruby’s story picks up a few months after the events of The One and Only Bob as her caretaker from the elephant orphanage in Africa where she grew up is visiting. Seeing him again brings back a flood of memories of her life before the circus, and she recounts the time she spent in the African savannah to Ivan and Bob.
The One and Only Family
作者:Katherine Applegate  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2024/05/09 裝訂:平裝
From beloved author Katherine Applegate comes The One and Only Family, the final instalment in the series that began with the Newbery Medal-winning, #1 New York Times bestselling modern classic The One and Only Ivan and its sequels, The One and Only Bob and The One and Only Ruby. Ivan has been happily living in a wildlife sanctuary, with his friend Ruby next door in the elephant enclosure, frequent visits from his canine friend Bob, and his mate Kinyani by his side. And in the happiest turn of all, Ivan and Kinyani have welcomed a set of twins to their family! Ivan loves being a papa, even though it can be hard sometimes.But as he navigates the joys and challenges of parenthood, he can’t help but recall his life before the glass walls of the mall circus, his own childhood in the jungle – and his own twin. In the tradition of timeless classics like Charlotte’s Web and Stuart Little, the one and only Katherine Applegate has crafted a poignant, delightful, heartbreaking, unforgettable fin
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
A Cat and Dog Look at the Cross
作者:Bob Sjogren; Kevin Kimbrough  出版社:Intervarsity Pr  出版日:2011/09/16 裝訂:平裝
Today in the church there is a conflicting, confusing message being communicated. That confusion is there because we only know one side of the cross—the fact that Christ died for us. Here Kevin Kimbro
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
Marley and Me ─ The Real Bob Marley Story
作者:Don Taylor; Mike Henry  出版社:Natl Book Network  出版日:1995/08/01 裝訂:平裝
Since Bob Marley died in 1981, the myths and legends which surround his life have continued to grow. Only one man knows the truth. Marley's confidante and manager Don Taylor, tells the real story behi
定價:763 元, 優惠價:1 763
作者:Bob Raczka  出版社:JY Books Kr  裝訂:有聲書
With a simple, rhyming text and beautifully reproduced paintings, No One Saw explores modern art. Each painting highlights the way in which the artist looked at the world in his or her own way. One lo
The Saucier's Apprentice ─ One Long Strange Trip Through the Great Cooking Schools of Europe
作者:Bob Spitz  出版社:W W Norton & Co Inc  出版日:2009/05/04 裝訂:平裝
In the blink of an eye, Bob Spitz turned fifty, finished an eight-year book project and a fourteen-year marriage, had his heart stolen and broken on the rebound, and sought salvation the only way
定價:958 元, 優惠價:79 757
Fear ― Trump in the White House (CD only)
作者:Bob Woodward; Robert Petkoff (NRT)  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2018/09/11 裝訂:有聲書
THE INSIDE STORY ON PRESIDENT TRUMP, AS ONLY BOB WOODWARD CAN TELL ITWith authoritative reporting honed through eight presidencies from Nixon to Obama, author Bob Woodward reveals in unprecedented detail the harrowing life inside President Donald Trump’s White House and precisely how he makes decisions on major foreign and domestic policies. Woodward draws from hundreds of hours of interviews with firsthand sources, meeting notes, personal diaries, files and documents. The focus is on the explosive debates and the decision-making in the Oval Office, the Situation Room, Air Force One and the White House residence.Fear is the most intimate portrait of a sitting president ever published during the president’s first years in office.
定價:1520 元, 優惠價:79 1201
Only One God? ― Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the Veneration of the Goddess Asherah
作者:Bob Becking; Meindert Dijkstra; Marjo C. A. Korpel; Karel J. H. Vriezen  出版社:Bloomsbury USA Academic  出版日:2002/02/01 裝訂:平裝
The view of ancient Israelite religion as monotheistic has long been traditional in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, religions that have elaborated in their own way the biblical image of a single male
定價:4180 元, 優惠價:9 3762
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