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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:艾倫.庫尼吉-文; 約翰.柯茲-繪  出版社:采實文化  出版日:2023/06/29 裝訂:平裝
「遊戲式教學」激發孩子的思考力、邏輯力,打造未來的FQ財商智慧,學習「金錢管理」的知識庫,輕鬆成為小小理財達人! ★培養理財素養:專為學齡前兒童及小學生量身打造,在家就能進行理財教育。★融入遊戲學習:結合貨幣計算、賺錢儲蓄、密碼挑戰等遊戲,學習各種金錢相關詞彙。★結合108課綱:培養理財素養,引導孩子獨立思考、培養善用金錢的良好習慣。★美國亞馬遜兒童理財暢銷書,獲4.5星好評! 關於金錢,孩子是不是常常會有這些疑問:「錢是從哪裡來的呢?」「為什麼不可以一直買東西?我們會一直有錢嗎?」「為什麼一定要存錢?」「怎麼樣才能讓錢變多呢?」 ★從小養成財商思維,擁有獨立思考及聰明規劃的能力 在瞬間萬變的世界,及早讓孩子了解金錢、並做出明智的金錢選擇十分重要。本書從十大主題切入,從遊戲中幫助孩子建立用錢、存錢、花錢、賺錢,以及分享錢等重要價值觀,學習金錢的相關知識,並從各種謎題與問答中獲得樂趣。期盼孩子在遊戲與圖文並茂的說明下,能夠認識、珍惜,以及善用金錢。 ★遊戲主題多元,理財教育最佳輔助教材從最基本的認識錢幣價值、貨幣計算,進階到賺錢概念、分享財富、借貸投資等,延伸到更深入的理財思考,例如:「我是否應該借別人錢?」「我是否能利用分享金錢來幫助他人?」「這些東西究竟是想要還是需要?」「我可以利用什麼方法把錢變多?」「買東西要不要比價?」等。 以前的人沒有「錢」可以使用,所以只好「以物易物」,相互交換來獲得需要的東西,一直到出現「錢」這樣的共通貨幣,才有了價值的標準。長期下來,金錢的使用也產生一些爭議,且利益的多寡分配,也逐漸動搖了人心,如何建立正確的理財與金錢觀念即成為非常重要的事。 【本書特色】1、深入淺出的帶入理財觀念,貼近生活情境的提問,讓理財教育更加容易理解。2、邊讀邊玩,邊玩邊想,親子互動及思考過程充滿樂趣。3、循序漸進讓孩子體會到金錢可貴之處,未來才能認真思考如何適當運用。 【適讀年齡】▲ 文字無注音▲ 5~7歲親子共讀;7歲以上自己閱讀。▲ 適合親子共讀,也適合孩子自己讀。 【專業審訂】洪進益(小益老師) /澎湖石泉國小教師、GHF教育創新學人獎得主【聰明推薦】劉輝龍(龍老)/麗湖國小資優班老師馬哈老師/親子理財專家張森凱(BRIAN)老師/布萊恩兒
定價:300 元, 優惠價:79 237
作者:馬修.埃德隆  出版社:遠流  出版日:2024/01/26 裝訂:平裝
一天嘗試一至數種「積極休息法」,提升能量;體驗「心流式休息」所帶來的內在放鬆感,壓力全消;為自己規劃最佳休息模式,自然能成就任何事! 〔簡單易行,數分鐘見效!囊括身心各層面的「休息與恢復方法」大全!〕 為何放假睡到自然醒、追劇、吃大餐,週一照樣覺得好累?那是因為這些只是「消極休息」,若要讓疲憊身心全面回復,需要培養「積極休息」的習慣,讓能量帶你「遠颺(going FAR)」! ▍ 為忙碌的現代人,訂定30天重新設定身心的休息計畫! 現代人與機器一起工作久了,便誤以為自己也是機器人,不需休息太久,不會累。但是,人不是機器,我們的身體本就是設計來在某些時候把事情做好,而在其他時候休息。醫學博士馬修.埃德隆說:每個人的身體都有自己的節律,學會利用身體的內在智慧去休息,身心才能真正得到修復。 第1天到第7天:你的睡眠大改造第8天到第11天:身體休息第12天到第15天:心理休息第16天到第20天:社交休息第21天到第23天:靈性休息第24天到第27天:在家休息第28天到第30天:工作休息 30天「積極休息」計畫,從改善睡眠開始重新連結你的身體,提高你的生產力、創造力、以及幸福感,並讓你體驗各種休息所帶來的驚人成效──顯著減輕壓力、提升能量! 只要在一天找出短短空檔,立刻能從「遲緩疲軟、無聊厭倦、缺乏專注力」的狀態,滿血回歸。 ★本書特色 .於第一部內容中提出30天重新設定身心的休息計畫。每天介紹一項強而有力的休息技巧,大多可以在數分鐘內完成! .除了提出改善睡眠品質的方法,並詳盡介紹四大「積極休息」領域:身體休息,心理休息,社交休息,靈性休息,以及家務與工作繁忙之時的快速休息法。 .以「百靈鳥.麻雀.貓頭鷹」來區分人的內在生理節律類型,並按照類型提出具體休息時間與方法建議。 .於第二部內容中提出人類能夠「遠颺(going FAR)」的適切生活模式: 食物(Food)→活動(Activity)→休息(Rest),三者缺一不可。 .除了提醒讀者「遠颺(going FAR)」,亦提出「心流」休息的重要性,並教導讀者以心流對治「一心多用與煩悶無聊」,而心流式休息能帶來內在的放鬆感,讓人無論處於何種境地,心智都能獲得愉快的體驗。
定價:460 元, 優惠價:9 414
Mastering Arabic 1 Activity Book, Second Edition
作者:Mahmoud Gaafar  出版社:Hippocrene Books  出版日:2015/02/01 裝訂:平裝
Reinforce your Arabic language studies with lively, fun activities!The Mastering Arabic 1 Activity Book provides a wealth of practice material for all beginners who want to understand, speak, and read Modern Standard Arabic confidently. This second edition of the Activity Book has been updated to match the changes in Mastering Arabic 1: 3rd Edition. The twenty practice units in this Activity Book mirror the twenty units in Mastering Arabic 1, but this workbook can be used with any beginning Arabic course.Ideal for classroom use or self-study, the Mastering Arabic 1 Activity Book includes:*Over 100 carefully-paced, engaging, and varied activities to reinforce vocabulary and basic concepts*User-friendly lessons filled with cartoons, graphics, games and lively exercises that cover everyday topics like family, jobs, school, eating and drinking, and more*Plenty of reading and handwriting practice*Answer key at the back of the book helps students measure their progress
定價:758 元, 優惠價:1 758
Ladybird Readers Level 1: BBC Earth: Animal Colors Activity book
作者:Ladybird  出版社:Ladybird UK  出版日:2019/01/31 裝訂:平裝
How does color help animals? Can you see the animals in their homes? Ladybird Readers is a graded reading series of traditional tales, popular characters, modern stories, and non-fiction, written for
定價:164 元, 優惠價:79 130
Phonics Kids Activity Book 5 (BK+2CDs)
出版社:敦煌  出版日:2015/08/17 裝訂:平裝
Activity Book 5 The Vowel Pairs & Digraph 母音組與特殊子音反覆練習見字讀音, 更多短母音、長母音組比較練習,例如:-at/ -ait、 -ed/ -ead 等。並導入句子閱讀練習。 1. 本書第一到五單元,介紹ai、ay、ee、ea、oa等五個出現頻率最高的母音組。Book 5中練習30個新的音組。2.  
定價:270 元, 優惠價:1 270
Phonics Kids Activity Book 6 (BK+2CDs)
出版社:敦煌  出版日:2015/08/17 裝訂:平裝
Activity Book 1 The Split Vowel Pairs & R-controlled Vowels 分離母音組及母音 + R 的發音反覆練習見字讀音,及長、短母音組比較練習,例如:-at/-ate、 -in/ ine 等。並導入句子閱讀練習。 1. 本書第一到五單元,介紹a-e、e-e、i-e、o-e、u-e等分離母音組。2. &nbs
定價:270 元, 優惠價:1 270
Brain Teasers 1 [AU/UK]
作者:Lonely Planet Kids; Sally Morgan  出版社:Lonely Planet  出版日:2018/04/01 裝訂:平裝
Who's the smarty pants in your family? Packed with number and logic puzzles, riddles, dingbats, codes and much more, this fun and challenging travel-themed activity book is perfect for car journeys, h
定價:439 元, 優惠價:55 241
Skill Sharpeners STEAM, Grade 1
作者:Evan Moor  出版社:Evan-Moor Corp  出版日:2021/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Skill Sharpeners: STEAM is where creativity meets academics! Each unit in this engaging full-color workbook includes a fun hands-on STEAM project that encourages children to enjoy the journey of creating and sharing his or her solution to help create a better world. Ideal for classroom and home use.Skill Sharpeners: STEAM is where creativity meets academics! Each unit in this full-color workbook includes activities that prompt children to think creatively, and a fun hands-on STEAM project that encourages children to enjoy the journey of creating and sharing his or her solution to help create a better world.Recipient of the 2021 Parents’ Picks Award for Best Products for Elementary Kids, the Skill Sharpeners: STEAM activity books are organized around 9 real-world topics related to the environment, the Earth, people and cultures, and social and emotional learning.Topics in the grade 1 edition include themes such as:Trash STEAM task: Design and make a machine that will gather litter and h
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
Smart Start: STEM, Grade 1
作者:Evan-Moor  出版社:Evan-Moor Corp  出版日:2018/01/01 裝訂:平裝
The Evan-Moor Smart Start STEM Grade 1 Activity Book introduces scientific concepts to first graders using a mixture of hands-on activities, stories and problem solving tasks that are sure to keep kid
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
Bear in Sunshine (1硬頁+1CD)
作者:Stella Blackstone; Debbie Harter  出版社:Two Ponds Korea  出版日:2009/05/25 裝訂:有聲書
Enjoy the seasons with Bear, as he partakes in a different activity for each kind of weather. The rhyme and humor of the text help to introduce the concepts, and a two-page spread of the four seasons
定價:494 元, 優惠價:9 445
Weekly Real-World Writing, Grades 1-2
作者:Evan-Moor Educational Publishers  出版社:Evan-Moor Corp  出版日:2022/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Real-world writing happens when there is a reason to write. Help students explore real-world purposes for writing with activities that demonstrate thoughtful and effective writing strategies.The real-world topics are designed to fit seamlessly into any writing program and include letters, journal entries, product opinions, advertisements, directions, interviews, and more!Units are designed to fit into a weekly lesson plan and include:A teacher overview page that describes the purpose of the format and how to introduce itA writing sample to model each skillA graphic organizer to organize and plan prewritingTwo writing tasks with a response pages to practice each formatAn extension activity that prompts students to relate the writing to their own livesEach unit includes four unique and scaffolded writing assignments for beginning writers and more experienced writers. The 24 writing units within each book focus on six common writing purposes:Self-expressionInformationEvaluationInquiryAnal
定價:874 元, 優惠價:79 690
Let's Explore... Desert 1 [AU/UK]
作者:Lonely Planet; Cristian Bonetto  出版社:Lonely Planet  出版日:2017/02/01 裝訂:平裝
Marco and Amelia are on a trip through the world's dry and dusty deserts. This sticker activity book is packed with puzzles to complete, stickers to add, pages to colour and loads of fascinating facts
定價:329 元, 優惠價:66 217
From Caterpillar to Butterfly (LEVEL 1)
作者:Deborah Heiligman; Bari Weissman (ILT)  出版社:Harpercollins Childrens Books  出版日:2015/08/04 裝訂:平裝
After a caterpillar comes to school in a jar, the children are captivated as it eats, grows, and eventually becomes a beautiful Painted Lady butterfly. This title features colorful illustrations from veteran illustrator Bari Weissman and lively text from National Book Award finalist and Michael L. Printz Honor winner Deborah Heiligman.Now rebranded with a new cover look, this NSTA/CBC Outstanding Science Trade Book includes web research prompts and an activity encouraging kids to identify the different types of butterflies all around them. Both text and artwork were vetted for accuracy by Dr. Louis Sorkin, Senior Scientific Assistant at the American Museum of Natural History.This is a Level 1 Let's-Read-and-Find-Out, which means the book explores introductory concepts for children in the primary grades and supports the Common Core Learning Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. Let's-Read-and-Find-Out is the winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science/Su
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
Social and Emotional Learning Activities, Grades 1-2
作者:Evan-Moor Educational Publishers  出版社:Evan-Moor Corp  出版日:2022/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Support students by helping them identify and practice positive behaviors and develop empathy with Social and Emotional Learning Activities. Research shows that SEL experiences improve student achievement, reduce stress, and increase positive behaviors such as kindness, gratitude, and empathy.Social and Emotional Learning Activities includes 100+ engaging activities that help you weave social and emotional learning activities into the busy school day! Activities include skill practice across the curriculum by incorporating writing, reading, math, social studies, and cultural diversity into SEL instruction.Each unit has a different SEL focus and includes a teacher page with an introduction and corresponding activity pages. Children will learn positive behaviors, develop self-love, and learn empathy through:Real-world scenariosMindfulness activitiesCommunication activitiesCreative writingMazes, puzzles, and gamesArt projectsCritical thinking and problem solvingActivities may be used for
定價:836 元, 優惠價:79 660
Bear in Sunshine (1平裝+1CD) 韓國Two Ponds版
作者:Stella Blackstone; Debbie Harter  出版社:Two Ponds Korea  出版日:2009/08/01 裝訂:有聲書
Enjoy the seasons with Bear, as he partakes in a different activity for each kind of weather. The rhyme and humor of the text help to introduce the concepts, and a two-page spread of the four seasons
定價:532 元, 優惠價:9 479
Be Careful What You Sniff for (Magic Bone #1)
作者:Nancy E. Krulik; Sebastien Braun (ILT)  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2013/05/16 裝訂:平裝
Sent to the backyard for breaking a tick-tock-ticking toy, Sparky (an adorable but clumsy sheepdog puppy) immediately begins his favorite activity: diggety-dig-digging. Little does he know, he's about
定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
Nintendo Collection: Super Sticker Book: Volume 1 (Nintendo)
作者:Random House (COR)  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2018/09/04 裝訂:平裝
Nintendo fans will love this awesome full-color activity book featuring characters from Super Mario(TM), The Legend of Zelda(TM), and Splatoon(TM)--plus stickers!Power up with Mario,&nb
庫存 > 10
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Layla and the Bot #1-4 (Branches Book)(共4本平裝本)
作者:Vicky Fang  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2022/02/01 裝訂:平裝
Layla and the Bots' newest invention is going to make a big SPLASH!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early chapter book line Branches, aimed at newly independent readers. With easy-to-read text, high-interest content, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina. Branches books help readers grow!Layla and the Bots are so excited to meet the animals at the Surfside Rescue Center! They meet a sea turtle, a sea lion, and a dolphin named Splash, who needs their help. Splash won’t eat unless there is music playing... but he likes to pick his own music! Can Layla and the Bots build a music machine that will do the job? With full-color artwork on every page, speech bubbles throughout, and a fun DIY activity that’s perfect for at-home learning, this early chapter book series brings kid-friendly STEAM topics to young readers!
定價:1026 元, 優惠價:79 811
Listen and Learn: Alphabet, Grade 1 Workbook (附音檔下載連結)
作者:Evan-Moor Corporation  出版社:EVAN MOOR EDUC PUBL  出版日:2023/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Build strong reading foundations for early learners with audio read-alouds and engaging alphabet stories and activities.Colorful theme-based phonics activities and stickers get children excited to practice and learn alphabet letters and sounds and read simple sentences. The audio option on every page helps to develop children's listening and comprehension skills as they hear directions and stories read aloud. The audio feature is ideal to support learning at home and in the classroom.Listen and Learn: Alphabet workbook for grade 1 is beautifully illustrated, representing children from many cultures around the world. This colorful grade 1 activity book includes: Alphabet stories with an optional audio read-aloud feature to develop literacy and comprehension skillsA variety of activities that help children learn to read and write upper- and lower-case letters and practice long and short vowel soundsFun stickers to motivate children to complete activitiesEach book is 144 full-color pages
庫存 > 10
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Smart Start: Beginning Coding Stories and Activities, Grade 1 (附QRCODE音檔)
作者:Evan-Moor Educational Publishers  出版社:Evan-Moor Corp  出版日:2022/01/01 裝訂:平裝
Give your first grader a strong computer science foundation with Smart Start: Beginning Coding Stories and Activities. Children will learn important coding concepts with engaging stories and practice activities. Based on the K-12 Computer Science Framework, this dynamic early learning series helps children understand coding concepts to develop a strong foundation in computer science, including computational thinking, problem solving, and critical thinking. Each full-color activity book is organized into eight themed units around one coding concept and includes: - Coding stories that demonstrate what coders do and include an audio read-aloud feature - Concept pages that connect coding concepts to real-world situations - Practice activities that reinforce important coding rules - Review pages for every coding concept practiced - Coding projects with print-based games and puzzles - Mini coding handbook with key terms Computer science concepts and skills help early learners become critical
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
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